e_t_ cover

e_t_ Admin

@[email protected]
e_t_ Admin ,

Try systemctl --user restart pipewire pipewire-pulse

e_t_ Admin ,

Texas would find itself a majority brown-skinned country with oil. You know, the kind of country the United States loves to "spread democracy" to.

e_t_ Admin ,

It's WA when it's used as a particle and HA when not used as a particle. The Japanese government attempted to standardize WA sounds to わ after WWII, and was mostly successful, but the は particle stuck around, seemingly due to inertia. Lots of languages have little oddities in pronunciation that aren't reflected in spelling, or vice versa. Where do the British get the F in lieutenant?

e_t_ Admin ,

If I could read a book in its original language versus an English translation, I would. Alas, I am a monoglot.

e_t_ Admin ,

Or he's just mad that it's the insurance companies and not the state getting all that sweet, sweet data. This may just be his way of letting the automakers know he wants a cut. Think how many pregnant women could be oppressed if their cars narc on them for visiting Planned Parenthood.

e_t_ Admin ,

Don't know how to resolve the mystery box the whole season pivots on? Just reveal there's another mystery box inside it.

e_t_ Admin ,

Texas makes itself hundreds of millions of dollars poorer to own the libs.

e_t_ Admin ,

I might accept the premise that inflation is higher than officially reported, but I don't accept the relevance of your evidence in support of that premise.

e_t_ Admin ,

Let the lord of the MAGA horde come forth that justice may be done upon him.

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x10 "Life, Itself"

LoglineSeries Finale. Trapped inside a mysterious alien portal that defies familiar rules of time, space, and gravity, Captain Burnham must fight Moll – and the environment itself – in order to locate the Progenitors’ technology and secure it for the Federation. Meanwhile, Book puts himself in harm’s way to help Burnham...

e_t_ Admin ,

To just intentionally abandon a sentient ship in the void for an unknowable amount of time is incredibly cruel. Solitary confinement is torture.

e_t_ Admin ,

The whole reason they came to the future was that Discovery's computer couldn't be disabled or removed after merging with the Sphere data and becoming Zora. So (she?) is always online and conscious. She spent almost a thousand years alone before Craft's arrival. At the time, I could have accepted some disaster that forced the crew to evacuate (or killed them all) and Discovery became lost, with a final order to hold position. But for Starfleet to intentionally put the ship (from which Zora cannot be separated) in deep space and abandon it, I cannot interpret as anything except cruelty.

e_t_ Admin ,

Clearly, adherence to duty is important to Zora. She was ordered to remain in position and so she did. Nothing indicates that she didn't mind, only that her sense of duty outweighed whatever her feelings were. I read her interactions with Craft as belying incredible loneliness.

e_t_ Admin ,

Ultimately, Zora's feelings are beside the point. Starfleet condemned a sentient being to (at least) a thousand years of loneliness. We do not see them consult Zora about her feelings on the assignment. She is simply ordered to do it. She is given no conditions on which the order terminates. She might still be there, still alone, a million years after Craft's departure. That's why it's cruel. It's cruel to give such an order. And, as a further twist of the knife, the instrument of that cruelty was Michael Burnham, ostensibly Zora's friend. "We had a good ride, but I'm old now and Starfleet just doesn't need you anymore. Rather than give you freedom to go and do you please, we'll order you to stay in this place indefinitely, alone."

e_t_ Admin ,

Every company always claims they did nothing wrong. Is it even necessary for journalists to ask for a statement from a company? Just take it as read they deny whatever they're accused of. You think a CEO is going to make an evil cackle, twirl their mustache, and admit everything?

e_t_ Admin ,

A lot of cases end in a financial settlement where the company doesn't admit guilt.

e_t_ Admin ,

It doesn't work for me viewing on Mbin.

e_t_ Admin ,

They made it seem like the object was between the black holes, which would be L1, but only L4 and L5 are long-term stable. To remain at L1 (or 2 or 3), you need stationkeeping. The ability to keep station for billions of years is a wonder all on its own.

e_t_ Admin ,

I thought the scientists just enclosed the portal in that cylinder of duranium. The final scene shows the cylinder being destroyed and the portal being exposed to space. That means the portal existed independently of the cylinder. If the cylinder was generating the portal, it would cease when the cylinder was destroyed.

e_t_ Admin ,

I thought the scientists from the 24th century had to have been responsible for the cylinder because they were responsible for the key that opened the cylinder. They found the Progenitor tech 800 years ago and decided it needed to be more hidden than it was. That's why they made the clues Discovery has been collecting all season. Those scientists may have followed clues left by the Progenitors themselves, but the clues Discovery has been following were left by the scientists not by the Progenitors. The clues lead to and allow the opening of the cylinder. I was thinking the portal is original to the Progenitors because it's still operational and as we saw with the Denebulan water makers, 24th century technology can fail within hundreds of years unless it's maintained.

e_t_ Admin ,

Sometimes, it seems like they forget about the spore drive. They could have leapt to the other side of the galaxy the instant the away team beamed back from the Archive. The Breen might have the ability to destroy the Archive, but with Discovery gone, it wouldn't gain them anything and how ever long it took them would be time lost for chasing Discovery. When the Breen catch up, Discovery could just jump to the other other side of the galaxy.

Also, why didn't Discovery prepare a fake clue? With 31st century replication, it couldn't have taken more than seconds to prepare a reasonable facsimile of the original. Moll did no more than a visual inspection of the artifact to affirm its authenticity and she had never seen the completed object, only some of the pieces. The real artifact is a small obelisk with a button on top. So, make a small obelisk with a button on top that projects coordinates to a random star system. There would be no way for the Breen to discover the deception except to go there and find nothing.

e_t_ Admin ,

They faked the ship's destruction, letting the Primarch think he could pursue the objective at his leisure. He could take his time being petty and destroying the Archive. Discovery visibly escaping would put him under time pressure. If he delays to indulge his pettiness, Discovery could get the technology. They'd be using themselves as bait to lure the Breen away from the civilians.

Also, the Primarch only made his threat against the Archive later. If they'd jumped immediately after the away team was aboard, it would have been before the threat was made. It also would have been before the Breen's weapon demonstration, so the Archive would have been 100% intact when they left. At that moment, they had every reason to believe that the Archive was only in danger due to their presence. The logical, civilian-saving response would be to remove their presence.

e_t_ Admin ,

How about the peace plan where Putin hangs from a gibbet for the sport of crows?

e_t_ Admin ,

"Who said the Minbari don't lie?"

e_t_ Admin ,

Also look back on the history of the French Revolution and how many aristocrats literally lost their heads.

e_t_ Admin ,

The survivors are free to be angry at student protestors, but I don't see how their anger is justiciable.

e_t_ Admin ,

For your unit files, you have Wants in the [Install] section. That is not correct. Wants belong in the [Unit] section. The [Install] section is where you define WantedBys. You may want to read the man page for systemd.unit.

To interact with user services, you do have to always use systemctl --user.

If you put your user unit files in /etc/systemd/user, they're accessible to all users. If a particular user wants to enable the service, they can run systemctl --user enable $service. Defining the unit in ~/.config/systemd will mean only the one user will be able to start the service. Defining the unit in /etc/systemd/system indicates it is not a user service but a system service.

e_t_ Admin ,

Every user can enable services from /etc/systemd/user for their account. If the user doesn't log in, their instance of the service won't start. There is a way to have user services launch without logging in, but that would obviously be nonsensical for desktop services.

I don't think systemd would find units in /etc/systemd/user/KDE. Look at the mess that is /usr/lib/systemd/system. Organization doesn't seem to be a thing.

e_t_ Admin ,

I really don't understand dbus.

I think systemd targets work opposite to your expectation. The Wants in [unit] define the things that that unit needs to already be available. For instance, you might add Wants=network.target to the unit for nginx so that it won't try to start until the network is available. When I wrote a unit to start my company's application, I also had Wants=postgresql.service to ensure that the database came up before the application. Remember that sysyemd tries to run as many things in parallel as it can. This is one thing that makes it much faster than classic sysvinit which started things sequentially. But it means race conditions can occur. You use Wants to break those races where necessary. The targets that you'd specify in WantedBy in [install] more closely resemble SysV runlevels. You might want to read how runlevels used to work in SysV, in order to understand systemd targets.

e_t_ Admin ,

So houses here are less un-affordable than the rest of the country.

e_t_ Admin ,

Roger, at Cornell University they have an incredible piece of scientific equipment known as the tunneling electron microscope. Now, this microscope is so powerful that by firing electrons you can actually see images of the atom, the infinitesimally minute building blocks of our universe. Roger, if I were using that microscope right now... I still wouldn't be able to locate my interest in [Intuit's] problem.

e_t_ Admin ,

The danger is that places that don't get cold often get hot. And don't forget about climate change with regard to heat. Some homeless around Houston die every summer when they don't have access to air conditioning.

e_t_ Admin ,

I'm increasingly of the opinion that settlements should be outlawed in many cases. Settlements mean a case ends without a final ruling. If the parties could resolve their issues without a court, then they never should have sued. If they bring the courts into it, then the court process should be followed to the end.

Paxton made a request of the hospital that 1. He knew they would not comply with and 2. Was not legal. It was pure grandstanding. In a settlement, he escapes any penalty for his abuse of office. At the least, definitely losing the case would look worse for him than just settling.

Companies also use settlements to avoid being judged guilty of various abuses. Settlements almost always include NDAs and no admission of guilt by the company. So, some of the people harmed get a huge monetary payout, but the company can keep on hurting others.

georgetakei , to Random
@georgetakei@universeodon.com avatar

An important reminder.

e_t_ Admin ,

The bartender says “Hey, we don’t serve faster-than-light particles in here.”

A tachyon walks into a bar.

e_t_ Admin ,

It doesn't have to be the main GPU. I'm not even sure it would be possible to pass through integrated graphics. But if all you need is HDMI output, you can use the absolute cheapest GPU you can find (assuming there's an open PCIe slot). PCIe pass-through does require CPU support (Intel VT-d or AMD-Vi) on the host and may need to be enabled in the BIOS/UEFI. I have an NVIDIA Telsa card passed through to a VM on my Proxmox server, but I'm only using it for compute; my card doesn't even have a video output.

e_t_ Admin ,

Why are kids special?

I think of that quote:

“The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn.

Children aren't quite as good as the unborn, but they're close. Advocating for children still lets you feel good about yourself without having to actually associate with children. They're a group it's pretty much OK to be paternalistic toward. If they do resent your condescension, you can easily write it off because they're just children.

e_t_ Admin ,

It might be OK so long as JJ sticks to producing has has absolutely no input on the story.

e_t_ Admin ,

Chinese hegemony might be in opposition to American hegemony, but it's still hegemony.

e_t_ Admin ,

Deposing one king so the regicide might sit upon his throne is not the same as abolishing monarchy. That isn't bothesidesism, it's just fact.

e_t_ Admin ,

An essay by Robert' DROP TABLE Students;--

e_t_ Admin ,

Something something shareholder value?

e_t_ Admin ,

This fellow is either the avatar or the ultimate repudiation of Poe's Law.

e_t_ Admin ,

"You will use Edge as your default browser"

e_t_ Admin ,

Humans can't really digest cellulose (assuming the shirt is made of some sort of plant fiber), so eating the shirt would probably expend more calories than it provides.

e_t_ Admin ,

I've been attending a monthly men's dinner organized through my church. The most recent occurrence, I almost missed because apparently the organization of the event transitioned from email to WhatsApp. I don't have a WhatsApp account. There was no email about the move to WhatsApp. One person just happened to realize I hadn't gotten the details and called to invite me. I was grateful somebody remembered me (at the last minute), but for weeks leading up, I kept wondering if it just wasn't happening for March or if I were no longer welcome. I guess being an afterthought is better than being no thought at all.

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