
A community dedicated to the profession of IT Systems Administration

No generic Lemmy issue posts please! Posts about Lemmy belong in one of these communities:

A community dedicated to the profession of IT Systems Administration

"Malicious compliance is the behavior of strictly following the orders of a superior despite knowing that compliance with the orders will have an unintended or negative result." - Wikipedia Contributors

Ask a science question, get a science answer.

Things that make you go AWW! A place for really cute pictures and videos!

Pretty straightforward: books and literature of all stripes can be discussed here.

If you're interested in posting your own writing, formal or informal, check out the Writing community!

This community's icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Make it, Fix it, Renovate it, Rehabilitate it - as long as you’ve done some part of it yourself, share!

Especially for gardening related or specific do-it-yourself projects, see also the Nature and Gardening community. For more creative-minded projects, see also the Creative community.

This community's icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

News about and pertaining to the United States and its people.

Please read what's functionally the mission statement before posting for the first time. We have a narrower definition of news than you might be accustomed to.

Guidelines for submissions:
  • Post the original source of information as the link.
  • If there is a paywall, provide an archive link in the body.
  • Post using the original headline; edits for clarity (as in providing crucial info a clickbait hed omits) are fine.
  • Social media is not a news source.

For World News, see the News community.

This community's icon was made by Aaron Schneider, under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

This magazine is dedicated to discussions of issues that men and boys face, especially disadvantages or discrimination due to their gender, from an egalitarian perspective.

The latest news and developments on Firefox and Mozilla, a global non-profit that strives to promote openness, innovation and opportunity on the web.

You can subscribe to this community from any Kbin or Lemmy instance:



While we are not an official Mozilla community, we have adopted the Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines as far as it can be applied to a bin.


  1. Always be civil and respectful
    Don't be toxic, hostile, or a troll, especially towards Mozilla employees. This includes gratuitous use of profanity.

  2. Don't be a bigot
    No form of bigotry will be tolerated.

  3. Don't post security compromising suggestions
    If you do, include an obvious and clear warning.

  4. Don't post conspiracy theories
    Especially ones about nefarious intentions or funding. If you're concerned: Ask. Please don’t fuel conspiracy thinking here. Don’t try to spread FUD, especially against reliable privacy-enhancing software. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Show credible sources.

  5. Don't accuse others of shilling
    Send honest concerns to the moderators and/or admins, and we will investigate.

  6. Do not remove your help posts after they receive replies
    Half the point of asking questions in a public sub is so that everyone can benefit from the answers—which is impossible if you go deleting everything behind yourself once you've gotten yours.


  • English only.
  • Use welcoming, inclusive and friendly language.
  • Be respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences.
  • Gracefully accept constructive criticism and give it - where needed - only respectfully.
  • Focus on what is best for the community.
  • Show empathy towards other community members.
  • No sexualized language, imagery, or unwelcome sexual attention or advances.
  • No trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, or personal/political attacks.
  • No public or private harassment.
  • Do not publish others' private information, such as a physical or electronic addresses, without explicit permission.
  • Do not engage in conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting.
  • No posting of commercial or business content (unless sharing your Linux-related activities).
  • No botting or cross-posting from other services if those posts include jargon or links to those services.

/kbin-related stuff. Unofficial, not moderated by devs (yet). Official ones: /m/kbinMeta /m/kbinDesign All official /kbin magazines in one collection

@politics on is a magazine to share and discuss current events news, opinion/analysis, videos, or other informative content related to politicians, politics, or policy-making at all levels of governance (federal, state, local), both domestic and international. Members of all political perspectives are welcome here, though we run a tight ship. Community guidelines and submission rules were co-created between the Mod Team and early members of @politics. Please read all community guidelines and submission rules carefully before engaging our magazine.

r/startrek: The Next Generation

Star Trek news and discussion. No slash fic...

Maybe a little slash fic.

New to Star Trek and wondering where to start?


1 Be constructive

All posts/comments must be thoughtful and balanced.

2 Be welcoming

It is important that everyone from newbies to OG Trekkers feel welcome, no matter their gender, sexual orientation, religion or race.

3 Be truthful

All posts/comments must be factually accurate and verifiable. We are not a place for gossip, rumors, or manipulative or misleading content.

4 Be nice

If a polite way cannot be found to phrase what it is you want to say, don't say anything at all. Insulting or disparaging remarks about any human being are expressly not allowed.

5 Spoilers

Utilize the spoiler system for any and all spoilers relating to the most recently-aired episodes, as well as previews for upcoming episodes. There is no formal spoiler protection for episodes/films after they have been available for approximately one week.

6 Keep on-topic

All submissions must be directly about the Star Trek franchise (the shows, movies, books etc.). Off-topic discussions are welcome at c/quarks.

7 Meta

Questions and concerns about moderator actions should be brought forward via DM.

Upcoming Episodes

Date Episode Title
05-09 DSC 5x07 "Erigah"
05-16 DSC 5x08 "Labyrinths"
05-23 DSC 5x09 "Lagrange Point"
05-30 DSC 5x10 "Life, Itself"
07-01 PRO S2 Index

Episode Discussion Archive

In Production

Lower Decks (2024)

Prodigy (2024-07-01)

Strange New Worlds (2025)

Section 31 (TBA)

In Development

Starfleet Academy

Wondering where to stream a series? Check here.

Allied Discord Server

Tracking the lastest news and numbers about the to open, Fediverse-based alternatives, including and To see latest reeddit blackout info, see here:

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