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[Analysis] ‘I would do it all over again:’ State Rep. Armando Walle of Houston defends profanity-laced tirade about proposed immigration laws ( www.houstonpublicmedia.org )

Walle, a Democrat and Latino, called out a Republican state lawmaker for successfully ending debate about a proposed law that would allow any police officer in Texas to deport someone who is in the United States illegally.

hiddengoat ,

By "illegally" they mean "while being brown."

This will absolutely target every single Hispanic and Latino person in this state, no fucking exceptions.

hiddengoat ,

It's a fucking parody account.

Use brain more.

hiddengoat ,

It's a fucking parody account.

Feel shame.

hiddengoat ,

It's the same fucking people, you dolt. Learn how numbers work.

hiddengoat ,

"I'm going to shit on this group of workers by shitting even harder on this other group of workers."

Who's the privileged one here?

What a fucking cunt.

hiddengoat ,

Better idea: Just give us our goddamn money back since all we're doing is filing so you can match what we say you owe us with what you say you owe us. Skip the step and just cut a check. FFS.

hiddengoat ,

Then do the Swedish system. They send you a form with your information, you verify it, and if it's correct you just flippin' text them and they send you your money. If you have other deductions or additions you send them the information.

Whatever the case, the government already knows your regular earnings and for anyone that doesn't take extra deductions there's no reason not to simplify it to that extent.

hiddengoat ,

With IPFS and your proprietary hosting service built on the back of IPFS.

But let's be clear, Macula is not your main product. It's a hook for you to generate a user base that you can then take to some VC firms and say "Look, we have n users! We're a real company! Give us more money for these other technologies that we built this user base with!" Namely, your "Totally not a blockchain, bro" Anagolay.


"The first pilot was focused on the professional photography market and has proved the solution's viability. As Anagolay is designed to be as generic as possible, other workflows can be developed to verify and manage the rights associated with any type of digital asset. We suggest that Kelp's proof-based IP verification & protection empowered by Anagolay could be similarly used in the music industry, video production, streaming, graphic design, and much more." - https://kelp.notion.site/Anagolay-White-Paper-v_0-3-fd9ca46a2f524e83b46ed8a0242d618d#8e2661e5640742f7adea59eb68c4d8e6

The real product, as always, is the user's gullibility in paying for shiny versions of existing products while simultaneously handing over absolute fucktons of data.

Where are your terms of service located? I cannot find them on any of the kelp.digital websites. If they are publicly available they need to be more obvious.
If they are not publicly available, why are you deliberately obfuscating them and ensuring that nobody can make an informed decision on your product before signing up?
Do said terms of service cover YOUR usage of the customer's images (such as throwing everything uploaded to you into the AI bin for processing)?
Multiple times you mention hardware verification. What, you want the serial numbers from my gear or something? This is not clear, and it's a FUCKING MASSIVE red flag for anyone that's paying attention.
What's also a massive red flag is the fairly distressing amount of basic grammatical errors. Since you're hiring technical writers on an hourly contract basis I'd be more than happy to take your money if you can prove to me that Macula is not, in reality, just a data-scraping VC pitch device.

Because it seems you're here to pump up a minimum viable product. Something that offers little to no REAL value but appears to do so. The entire idea is, of course, to get some VC firm (and maybe a couple of gullible corporate clients whose logos you can slap on your website as some sort of proof of veracity) to bite and throw a bunch of money at you so you can IPO as quickly as possible and run away before anyone notices that they bought something that already existed.

Good for you.

hiddengoat ,
  1. I'm well fucking aware of what Exif data is. I'm also well fucking aware that it's stripped from my photos when they're uploaded. This doesn't matter and has no bearing on my concern, which is that some part of your crypto bullshit ecosystem requires me to verify my gear information with you so you can verify my ownership of my images. In the context of your other projects this reeks of data hoarding, not a legitimate means of establishing ownership.
  2. No, it's not that simple to see your terms of service given that the page you linked me to says that I have to login. Only by clicking on the login link do you finally see a ToS page. Go there and you're on a page where the hyperlinks to various sections are completely broken and try to take you to https://html.onlineviewer.net. BE MORE COMPETENT. As I said, I'll be more than happy to take your money to proofread, technically write, and generally unfuck all of the mistakes across all of your websites... including the one where you disallow copying and pasting from the terms of service.

Why? Why do you not want me to paste the fact that users can't "Disparage, tarnish, or otherwise harm, in our opinion, us and/or the Services?" So you want to shut down any and all criticism, as is clear by you acting like an absolute fool trying to defend your minimum viable product. Luckily it's easy to get around bullshit copy/paste restrictions so everyone here can see things like this:

By posting your Contributions to any part of the Services, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to us an unrestricted, unlimited, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, fully-paid, worldwide right, and license to host, use, copy, reproduce, disclose, sell, resell, publish, broadcast, retitle, archive, store, cache, publicly perform, publicly display, reformat, translate, transmit, excerpt (in whole or in part), and distribute such Contributions (including, without limitation, your image and voice) for any purpose, commercial, advertising, or otherwise, and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such Contributions, and grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing. The use and distribution may occur in any media formats and through any media channels.

hiddengoat ,

This is the type of onerous horseshit that much more competent companies than you have had to walk back time and time again. It is one thing to grant a license for usage within the confines of your site. We do, after all, have to give you permission to host and serve our content. There is no issue with that. The issue is that you're asking for permission to use our images in any way you see fit. THIS IS NOT A LICENSE ANYONE SHOULD BE AGREEING TO, especially if they aren't interested in the crypto blockchain horseshit company dropping the images they slurp up into their AI models.

Anyone reading this should make the assumption that your real goal is precisely what I stated. Create a minimum viable product (some image storage garbage), attach it to proven VC fodder buzzwords (blockchain, cloud, crypto, AI), wait a couple of years, and hopefully bullshit your way into a sizable IPO. Lampshading your VC bait by calling out how long it's taken you to create just makes you look shitty at VC bait, not like a legitimate business with a product that anyone would want to use.

You want to improve based on feedback? Here you are.

  1. Stop hiding your terms of service. If I go to a page that tells me I have to login to access it I'm going to assume someone else, you know like the person that was here handing out beta logins, has to give me a login before I can see anything. Your landing page is trash and is obfuscating your ToS. Put the link to them on there, then unfuck the ToS page so it doesn't link to a random website.
  2. This may be the most important one: PROVIDE EVERYONE HERE WITH A CLEAR AS FUCKING DAY, NO BULLSHIT, OUTLINE FOR HOW YOU ARE GOING TO USE OUR FUCKING DATA THEN AMEND YOUR ToS TO REFLECT THAT USE CASE. Without this being set in stone your words here (and anywhere) are utterly worthless.
  3. Cut all of the buzzword horseshit out of your product pages. Tell people what the fucking thing does AND PROVIDE EXAMPLES rather than just assert blockchain crypto NFT synergy.
  4. I can be a snarky asshole because I neither accepted your garbage ToS nor represent anyone but my own dumb ass. You are here to sell a product. Act like you actually give a shit about it more than you give a shit about being a douchebag. Being a snarky asshole gets you nowhere when you're responding to valid fucking criticism. You're not Elon Musk. You will never be Elon Musk. Stop acting like an Elon Musk.
  5. Stop acting like everyone here is too fucking stupid to see how your products work together. There are quite a few of us here that are more than familiar with NFT, crypto, and blockchain bullshittery. What you've done is take and split everything off into separate component pieces and renamed them. We are not goddamn morons. You're talking to a group of people that can run command lines thirty pipes deep. Weaving disparate vaguely related programs together is what we fucking do.

Now sod off and whine about how you don't like the tone of this so you won't respond.

hiddengoat ,

Your utterly dismissive tone should indicate to everyone precisely what kind of shit-tier company you're involved with.

I have more than paid attention which is why I can see what your scam-ass bullshit company is doing.

  • Get people onboard with Macula, a gateway to a distributed file hosting network that lets you do oh-so-amazing things like send basic transform information in a link. You know, like HTML from a server but on a lot of servers like a torrent. (yes, I'm doing Star Trek explanations here)
  • Integrate that usage with Kelp, your method of creating a unique identifier for an image to ostensibly serve as a copyright notice.
  • Take said notice to Anagolay, your NFT platform. Because that's what it is. It's an NFT platform. But don't trust me on that, trust their own whitepaper that directly compares it to NFTs but then goes to great pains to disassociate from NFTs: https://kelp.notion.site/Anagolay-White-Paper-v_0-3-fd9ca46a2f524e83b46ed8a0242d618d

Anagolay is a peer-to-peer network that stores records of Rights, Restrictions, and Proofs of any digital content. It empowers the users to store, claim, sell, and rent their work with the correct transfer of Rights and usage of Licenses.

In other words, NFT horseshit with a veil of "not an NFT, bro."

  • Profit at every step of the way, which is fine. That's what business do.

At no point have you clearly laid out anything that contradicts what I have said. Your statements have been deliberate obfuscation of the actual questions I have asked.

For example, I'm still waiting on an answer to what exactly you intend to do with OUR FUCKING DATA. Just saying your ToS "doesn't align with our approach to data handling" does not fucking cut it when YOU ALREADY HAVE A BETA PRODUCT PEOPLE ARE USING. Literally everything you have said and done indicates you do not actually give a shit about any portion of your company except the part that will be generating your NFT trash market.

Your company is supposed to be entirely about rights management and you can't even clearly define how you are managing our data.

Is it hard to walk in clown shoes, or do you get used to it?

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