protist , to Texas in [Axios] Texas Democrat enters race to unseat Ted Cruz

I don’t think he stands a chance against Colin Allred at this point, but I think both Gutierrez and Allred are great candidates who will have respectful, content-rich debates. Both candidates I think have a better shot against Ted Cruz than Beto ever did

some_guy , to Politics in Young Americans blame SCOTUS, GOP for unforgiven student loan debt avatar

As opposed to blaming somebody who has nothing to do with it?

LinkOpensChest_wav , avatar

Darn those zoomers always blaming the correct people!

Aesthesiaphilia ,

To be fair, Americans of all ages frequently blame the incorrect people, so this is a pleasant surprise.

I was expecting to see a lot of "Biden promised debt relief but WHERE IS IT?!?"

LinkOpensChest_wav , avatar

True, and most of those people are Gen X (my age) or boomers (even older)

It’s definitely a good trend in the right direction, and hopefully it rubs off on the rest of us before it’s too late

Ganondorf , avatar

These millennials and zoomers are really destroying the false narrative industry!

yunggwailo , avatar

Well thats what Cons do

ripcord , avatar

I mean, 5% said Democrats and 10% said Biden were responsible.

I wonder if there were coherent arguments for that position, other than either the "they are at fault for everything!" arguments, or "they didn't push HARD enough!"

Blackout , avatar

In this timeline somehow heavily conservative states grow the more they attack progressive platforms and not just with conservatives but with very liberal people too. So anything could happen, there's a gay Republican organization and they support a party that wants to kill them. Nothing makes sense.

originalucifer , to Politics in Young Americans blame SCOTUS, GOP for unforgiven student loan debt avatar

young americans notice water is indeed, wet

iAmTheTot , avatar

But water is not in and of itself wet.

skulblaka , avatar

Yes it is. "Wet" means being covered in water. Water is covered in water unless you have a singular free-floating H2O molecule, which you don't. This was a bullshit argument from the very beginning and your pedantry is not doing anyone any favors in a political discussion, least of all yourself.

iAmTheTot , avatar

It was a reference to a funny old viral video. Calm down mate.

ExecutiveStapler ,

^^^^^^^Coping and seething because he lost the argument 🙄

iAmTheTot , avatar

Lol not much of an argument was had.

while1malloc0 , to Politics in Young Americans blame SCOTUS, GOP for unforgiven student loan debt

Ah, so they’re blaming the people responsible then? Good good, carry on.

donuts , to Politics in Young Americans blame SCOTUS, GOP for unforgiven student loan debt avatar

Yeah, I mean, who else would you blame?

DucktorZee , to Politics in Young Americans blame SCOTUS, GOP for unforgiven student loan debt

While these groups are the culprit during this round, the entirely of the US government and the post secondary educational system is truly to blame. Universities have been peddling an overpriced ware to under informed children and their parents for decades. Terrifying then with the fear of losing ground in middle America while offering a product with ever decreasing value for ever increasing cost, partly because of student loans. The government has then enabled greater and greater burden upon these children and their parents by allowing special loans to groups who should never have had them, by protecting those loans from bankruptcy and by making $$ from baking interest as these groups struggled to pay. It’s a travesty. It should never have happened. Education should be free for all.

Drusas , to Politics in Young Americans blame SCOTUS, GOP for unforgiven student loan debt

As an older millennial, I was raised my entire life being told that, if I didn't get a degree, I would have a miserable life as a trash collector or a burger flipper or a cashier somewhere. We were told by parents and schools that getting a degree was required. Funny how they exploded in price during that same time that we were being told this.

The student loan debt crisis is a crisis. It has priced millions of people out of homeownership and parenting, among other things. It is not the fault of the kids who were told that they absolutely have to go to college or they will be a failure in life. It is the fault of the government, these greedy universities, and a gullible populace of parents and business owners/employers who bought into it.

_wintermute ,

I feel you. The boomers basically went to college for free (highly federally funded universities at the time) then later voted to end all the tax based funding to universities, which made their tuition rates skyrocket at a time when the government was backing predatory student loans. So tired of my parents’ generation fucking everyone younger than them over. They will also get to retire on social security while actively trying to destroy it for the next generation.

BrianTheeBiscuiteer , to Politics in Young Americans blame SCOTUS, GOP for unforgiven student loan debt

Good, good. Let the hate flow through you and into the ballot box.

admiralteal , to Politics in Young Americans blame SCOTUS, GOP for unforgiven student loan debt

According to the SCOTUS, a bill that specifically gives the executive permission to modify or waive student loan terms during an emergency (like the national state of emergency brought on by a pandemic) does not give them permission to forgive $10k of those loans. That's too big to count as a "modification" but apparently too small to count as a "waiver". And it's fine to file lawsuits on behalf of people who do not want to file that suit and are not harmed by the matter. Standing no longer matters before the partisan legislative body known as the Supreme Court.

It's brazenly clear that the justices on the court are partisans, and the conservatives in particular are partisans who do not even attempt to justify making the rulings they want to rule. If anyone alive thinks there was any merit to this lawsuit, they're a fool, an idiot, or both. It's heartening to see young people are largely not being tricked.

takeda ,

Let's not forget the "hypothetical case that SCOTUS" centigrade ruled on.

WTF was that about? Isn't that essentially giving court legislative power to arbitrarily set new laws?

admiralteal ,

That's what the Major Questions Doctrine is.

It is a bald-faced power grab from the court. It's turning themselves into a legislative body to rewrite and create new laws based on a completely capricious test. It is 100% fake and will NOT survive the historical record, but these chucklefucks are going to do a lot of damage with it in the meantime.

Col3814444 ,

‘Major questions doctrine’ and ‘originalism’ were both invented from whole cloth as justification for conservatives going against the spirit of the constitution, it’s all bullshit, it’s all propaganda the court is using to justify it’s blatant partisan corruption.

Notice also that all of these newly discovered ‘theories of law’ are all conservative in nature, both sides are the same my ass. The entire conservative movement is basically corrupt to the bone.

admiralteal ,

Watch how fast Barret code switches between textualism and purposivism depending on context. Suddenly making arguments about intent that conflicts with the text of a law (even ignoring the fact that there is clear proof that her claimed intent is false).

These people are honest-to-god monsters. They will say or do anything to achieve their agenda. Absolutely zero legitimacy. It's time to, at minimum, pack the court.

HandsHurtLoL ,

On top of that, the major questions doctrine is to help shape future legislation on these issues of American society deemed vitally important. That isn't the role of SCOTUS. The court should be there to balance and check the law; it only exists to be reactive, not proactive on matters of law.

This doctrine is a major overstep.

CaptObvious , to Texas in [Axios] Texas leaves nearly a quarter of 988 calls unanswered

Wish I were surprised.

SocializedHermit , to Texas in [Axios] Texas leaves nearly a quarter of 988 calls unanswered

Meanwhile California embraces and funds it:…/988-hotline-california-mental-he…

Brunbrun6766 OP Mod , avatar

Would like to say that this isn’t a pissing contest fyi

SocializedHermit ,

Your state leaders sure think it is.

atx_aquarian , to Texas in [Axios] Texas leaves nearly a quarter of 988 calls unanswered avatar

My genius moment: “A quarter of 988 calls is… 247 calls. That’s not very many calls for Texas, is it?”

Proposed foolproof title: “Texas 988 service leaves nearly a quarter of calls unanswered”. Source: am fool.

spizzat2 , to Texas in [Axios] Texas leaves nearly a quarter of 988 calls unanswered

Meanwhile, this article told (reminded?) me that we have a mental health hotline service.

These missed calls are happening at a time when most Americans still aren't aware the 988 national suicide prevention and mental health hotline exists — and even as we hit the service's one-year mark, few states have established long-term funding commitments to sustain it

Plans to use some of the nearly $1 billion in federal funding for a nationwide public service campaign haven't materialized, partly due to early concerns that marketing 988 could overwhelm the lifeline past capacity.

Well, good thing they aren't marketing it. We wouldn't want 1/4 of the calls to go unanswered or anything...

"It's taken 15 years for 911 to evolve to the kind of system that it is today. We're just one year in."

I mean, a 15 minute wait in a mental health crisis still doesn't sound like an ideal goal, but I guess it's better than being completely ignored.

DigitalNirvana , to U.S. News in Florida sheriff's office: Stop calling the cops on manatee sex

Manatee sex commonly involves one female with several males. When she’s done she swims away.

Arcane_Trixster ,

Sounds like an affront to God. Better call the sheriff.

drwho , avatar

Sounds like some swinger parties I’ve heard about in Tampa.

DigitalNirvana ,

We’ll, those Tampa Swinger had to get the idea from somewhere. I was observing wildlife at a state park in FL, a place I had been going for many years. And one day I was looking to see if I could get some pictures of a manatee or two. Then I saw like 5 of them writhing about together. I started the video going on my camera, and it didn’t take long to realize what I was seeing was manatee sex. It’s The Real Florida™ out there friends.

MadMenace , to U.S. News in Florida sheriff's office: Stop calling the cops on manatee sex

I can see why people would be confused or concerned after seeing the manatees. The video linked in the article shows a group of several manatees in shallow water, all close together in a big heap of slowly moving indiscernible black rubbery skin. It is absolutely not clear that what’s happening is mating.

Domiku ,

Sure but who calls the police about animals just going about their business? Maybe if the manatees were attacking people…

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