llama , to Work Reform in The 4-day workweek was a longshot. The UAW isn’t giving up avatar

If the conditions are still the same that cause people to want to ask for a 4 day work week, then people will keep asking!

Snapz , to Work Reform in The 4-day workweek was a longshot. The UAW isn’t giving up

This guy walking into presidential aspirations?

theforkofdamocles , to U.S. News in Federal judge rules removal of a Confederate statue in Arlington Cemetery may proceed

They don’t want to disturb the graves around the monument pillar? Grind it down to its base and put a bronzed Union boot on it.


That’s basically what Arlington National Cemetery is. The union government seized the land of Robert E. Lee, and planning for if they couldn’t keep it after the war, decided to turn it into a cemetery to basically make it useless as a farm/estate. Lee’s heirs eventually sued and won the land back, but didn’t have much use for it, so they sold it back to the government.

FlashMobOfOne , to U.S. News in Federal judge rules removal of a Confederate statue in Arlington Cemetery may proceed avatar

There’s no compelling reason to honor literal traitors in the national cemetery of the country they betrayed.

This statue should be in a museum with a nice big plaque explaining the treason it honored.

Earthwormjim91 , to Texas in His father was sent to prison for 38 years. Now CJ Stroud is a record-breaking NFL rookie QB advocating for prison reform

Stroud was raised for the majority of his life by his mother after his father, Coleridge Bernard Stroud III, pleaded guilty in 2015 to charges of carjacking, kidnapping, robbery, evading an officer with reckless driving and misdemeanor sexual battery. As a repeat offender, he was sentenced to 38 years in prison.

Sounds like a real winner.

Also not sure how “the majority of his life” is the ages of 14-19. The dude was born in 2001.

DarkGamer OP , to Politics in Michigan Supreme Court rejects ‘insurrectionist ban’ case and keeps Trump on 2024 primary ballot avatar

So much for upholding the constitution, specifically the 14th Amendment. What good is it if not applied to insurrectionists?

The Michigan Court of Claims judge who first got the case said state law doesn’t give election officials any leeway to police the eligibility of presidential primary candidates. He also said the case raised a political question that shouldn’t be decided in the courts.
His decision was upheld by the Michigan Court of Appeals, which said: “At the moment, the only event about to occur is the presidential primary election. But as explained, whether Trump is disqualified is irrelevant to his placement on that particular ballot.”
The order from the Michigan Supreme Court was unsigned, and the court did not release a vote count.
Unlike in Colorado, the Michigan courts rejected the case wholly on procedural grounds. They never reached the questions of whether January 6 was an insurrection and whether Trump engaged in it.

Cowards, tacitly supporting anti-democratic fascism and not even signing their names to it.


The problem with section 3 is that it says nothing of running for a position, just that someone who has engaged in insurrection or rebellion may not hold an office, elected or appointed. If we go with the strictest interpretation, Trump absolutely can run for president. He can even win. However, can he hold the office? That's another question. It could be sidestepped if the Republicans gain 2/3rds majority in both Houses of Congress as they can "remove such disability." If they don't, it will go to the Supreme Court most likely. And, well, barring several of them dropping dead or retiring, we all know how that is gonna play out(2000 all over again, basically).

What we really need to see in 2024 are states amending their constitutions to bar those who engage in insurrection and rebellion from being on the ballot or, better yet, from being certified or whatever it is in each state when deciding electors for the electorate college vote. This is something that should have happened after Jan 6th, but, well, here we are.

Regardless of what happens, any outcome other then Trump being made sitting president again is going to harm the Republicans going forward as it will further alienate Republican voters from the voting process. The likely violent backlash from a Trump loss will also likely alienate more levelheaded independents from voting for Republicans, as well. If he is refused to be seated, shit is going to be insane. This election is a hail Mary for the Republicans - if it goes any other way than in their favor they have likely hamstrung themselves for the foreseeable future. It could even blow up in their faces if it goes to them if Trump actually goes through with trying to make his senile self a dictator.

Simmumah OP , to Politics in Biden admin again bypasses Congress to sell military equipment to Israel avatar

Guessing this is where all the political news is now?

Omega_Haxors ,

LW admins must be actively trying to nazify if this is the kind of stuff they’re censoring…

aelwero , to Politics in Biden admin again bypasses Congress to sell military equipment to Israel

So selling guns and ammo is a big priority for Dems as long as the customers aren’t American I guess…

the_q ,

This would be a sick burn if you weren’t comparing apples to guns, you moron.

ChonkyOwlbear ,

Selling guns to militaries defending their countries, aka the “militia” as described by the 2nd amendment. Not randos who have no good reason for ownership by them.

Krause , avatar

israel is a terrorist state and it also has no right to defend itself under international law

davel , avatar
aelwero ,

Isreal isn’t defending Israel…

And assuming you aren’t military, WE are the militia… The gaggle of “randos”… We aren’t charged with defending the US from invaders, the military is (and I was, and did). We, the militia, are charged with keeping the free state intact and secure.

Our purpose, as “a well regulated militia”, is to show our asses up under arms if something like Jan 6th actually succeeds. All the “randos”… That’s the whole point :)

Dems should be buying a shitload of guns right now, specifically because trump… He’s already shown the capacity to threaten the free state, he’s the first in a damned long time, and we, the “randos”, should be as ready as we can… That, as far as I’m concerned, is a damned good reason for randos to have guns (especially Dem randos)

DessertStorms , to Politics in Biden admin again bypasses Congress to sell military equipment to Israel avatar

I love that the other day someone tried to "educate" me about how the president can't just do whatever he wants (like pardon everyone who is in prison for weed related offences in states where weed has since been legalised) because "that's not how it works" when clearly it really fucking is when he fucking wants it to (and there is money to be made, whereas pardoning prisoners loses money for those with the influence)...

How anyone can still believe that the system is "broken", rather than working exactly as intended (to serve the rich and powerful and make them even more rich and powerful) is beyond me..

ChonkyOwlbear ,

I feel like if the president could do whatever he wanted, the Trump years would have been a lot worse.

DessertStorms , avatar

Lmfao, whataboutism all you got? The guy is literally on trial for trying to get his followers to overthrow the government, never mind the rest of it (like what he did to the supreme court, and what they went on to continue even after he was gone, as was intended)..

But even if we all bury our heads up our asses like you clearly have, I feel like even the GOP understand that the mask of "democracy" has to be preserved to a certain point, and that trump isn't who they want to be their long term dictator, but when someone they do is back in charge they will finish the fucking job (which they will be able to do in part thanks to people like you who minimise the obvious groundwork they've been actively laying, and which Biden is more than happy to take advantage, since they both serve the same people, and it isn't the people).

Psychodelic ,

Well if that’s how you truly feel, what do you even need evidence for? Just pretend you understand logical fallacies and you’re all gravy, baby!

aelwero ,

Lol, that wasnt for lack of trying… Trump decreed a whole fuckton of stuff that various staffs and agencies had to low key backpedal on. Dude was publishing major policy on Twitter on a fucking whim every other day…

macabrett ,

Sick, guess that means the Democrats don’t need my vote since Trump won’t have any power anyways. No threat to democracy if he can’t do anything!

Psychodelic ,

They said it would’ve been worse. They didn’t say what you wrote.

If you’re being serious, you’re being intellectually dishonest with yourself. That’s a bad look, imo

macabrett ,

I’m simply pointing out the hypocrisy behind liberals telling me Joe Biden can’t get more done, because Presidents don’t have any power, and that I need to vote for Joe Biden because Donald Trump will have the power to end democracy as we know it.

Psychodelic ,

I understood what you wrote. Thanks for restating it though.

I replied, saying that is not what the person you responded to said. You’re not pointing out any hypocrisy because you simply didn’t understand their comment

IHeartBadCode , to Politics in Biden admin again bypasses Congress to sell military equipment to Israel avatar

For anyone curious enough. Power is vested via 22 USC § 2318. Fun fact. Since 1988 this power has been invoked 59 times. 25 of the times have been for the Ukraine-Russia war. And of course twice for Israel just this year alone. For those doing the napkin math here, out of ALL of the times this power has been cited by a President (or related officer), 47% of them have been under Biden. Just FYI.

taiyang ,

That is a fun… No, interesting fact. Were the other 53% more evened out? I’m trying to think of where it would have mattered, but I the sense it’s probably most when there’s a hotly divided Congress, which I feel is more recent, like last decade or two.

PanArab , to Politics in Biden admin again bypasses Congress to sell military equipment to Israel avatar

So they legalized Oliver North?

SulaymanF , to Politics in Biden admin again bypasses Congress to sell military equipment to Israel

And Biden clearly wants to bypass my vote then.

yogthos , to Politics in Biden admin again bypasses Congress to sell military equipment to Israel avatar

Biden loves genocide so much that he’s willing to to any length to keep it going.

Sharpiemarker , to U.S. News in Live updates: Shooting at Perry High School in Iowa

Every day a new mass shooting. But the availability/access to guns is totally NOT the problem, right?

lilmann ,

“We need more bad people with guns to give good people with guns a purpose.” - people who sell guns

admin OP , avatar
whatwhatwutyut ,

“But if we outlaw guns, only the bad people will have guns because they don’t care about the law anyway!!”

Sharpiemarker ,

Lol it’s all projection. “Of course they’d break the law and have illegal weapons, that’s what I’d do!”

Domiku , to U.S. News in Live updates: Shooting at Perry High School in Iowa

Nowhere to be found on the New York Times homepage, but they have plenty of space to discuss the inane Claudine Gay happenings.

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