Telorand , (edited ) to Texas in Texas sues Biden administration for right to discriminate against LGBTQ+ students

Yes, keep it up. I'm sure Ted Cruz is going to love campaigning on this loser issue.

All Allred has to do is point out how you can exchange "LGBTQ" with "Black," and it becomes crystal clear that this is segregation in a different hat.

Edit: Also, I'm so glad to see my tax dollars being used for the "important" things. /s

CharlesReed , avatar

I just want a stable power grid, but noooooo, gotta keep the people who are different from them from just existing.

some_guy , to Texas in Texas sues Biden administration for right to discriminate against LGBTQ+ students

But try imposing any curtailing on the bad behaviors they perform in the name of Jeebus and see how quickly they cry foul.

Scubus , to Texas in Molly Cook just became the first out LGBTQ+ person elected to the Texas Senate

How did that happen? They voted without knowing anything about them?

OneWomanCreamTeam , avatar

Just because Texas has a backwards, fucked up state government doesn't mean every Texan is backwards like that.

Scubus ,

I do get that, but I've also got a ton of Texan friends and let's just say 90% of them don't know how to install a lightbulb

Telorand , to Texas in Texas' governor is spending millions & using anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric to defund public education

Yes, good. Keep banging that drum. Surely, this hasn't been proven over and over again to be a loser issue at the polls...

But seriously, this is how they intend to solidify their hold: run off the good teachers (including the allies) to reduce the quality of education, so the voting base that's left is uneducated, feed them propaganda they no longer have the intellectual tools to question, profit.

Don't check out in November. There's a lot of seats up for grabs, and we can't let these people have a majority. Fuck theocrats.

BrianTheeBiscuiteer ,

It's a good way to get liberals to leave the state. One thing the right does 10x better than the left is long-term strategy. Liberal states may legalize marijuana or add sex education as required teaching but most are one loss away from rolling back everything. Reform of government is usually bottom of their list.

Telorand ,

I think that's because the "left" states are really just politically center. There's some that are doing more progressive things like Michigan, but since the GOP is now infected with extreme right goobers, the policies they push are also extreme right, which in turn pushes out anyone center or left of center.

The left analog would be progressive policies that push out the bigots (like Civil Rights and desegregation for trans people), but we don't have any examples of that these days, since that's not where any of the democratic state governments are.

reddig33 ,

Texas should split into multiple states. There’s at least two blue states out of five in that mass of land.

bornjett , avatar

Gerrymandering state boundaries won't fix anything either. The far right will beat them at that game too.

phoenixz ,

If Trump wins then that's it, for the world, really. The US will convert to a theocratic dictatorship, ruled by religious doomsday nuts with nukes. Trump is, as usual, the puppet of Putin, so do expect the US not only to withdraw from Europe, I fully expect him to actively help Russia to conquer more parts of Europe than the USSR ever had.

Am I overthinking and overstating things? Most of it is based off Trump's words and actions, the Republican 2025 documents, and well... Maybe a lot of pure cynicism as well, as I've seen humanities behaviorfall of a cliff

Telorand ,

Which is exactly why it's so important that we ensure Democrats win a majority in both chambers of Congress (if we presume Trump will win, which I don't). It won't stop Trump from doing damage, but it will slow him down and prevent at least some of it.

There's lots at stake, and lots of downballot races deserve our attention.

HootinNHollerin , to Texas in Texas' governor is spending millions & using anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric to defund public education

What an embarrassment

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