root_beer , to Politics in The Supreme Court May Preemptively Ban a Federal Wealth Tax avatar

Thomas can’t have his sugar daddy cutting him off now, y’know

13zero , to Politics in The Supreme Court May Preemptively Ban a Federal Wealth Tax

Ok, then force capital gains to be realized annually, and make the capital gains rates more progressive.

tentphone , to Politics in The Supreme Court May Preemptively Ban a Federal Wealth Tax

Supreme court is blatantly corrupt at this point.

Bipta ,

You have the right to choose who you do business with... unless you're a university; then you'll do as we tell you.

Darnov , avatar

This point!?
It's been blatantly corrupt for a long ass time.

admiralteal ,

The SCOTUS has been a force resisting civil rights and good governance for pretty much all of American history.

Too many middle-aged and older people these days grew up under the Warren court, but the Warren court was a fucking blip. An anomaly. An aberration.

They looked at the clock of the court, saw the sun high in the sky, saw the hands pointed at noon, and thought to themselves "Ah, everything is working fine." But the clock's dead broken and has been for centuries.

Arotrios OP , avatar

Agreed. I would like to see a radical restructuring of the court, with additional justices to provide a better plurality of opinion and a non-partisan ethics oversight committee with the power to force recusals and bring criminal charges to justices that fail to disclose conflicts of interest.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

Not American; what did The Warren court do?

admiralteal ,

Desegregation, right to a defense attorney & Miranda rights, ending mandatory school prayer.

But also colloquially the era stretching a bit beyond where the court had a Liberal vision often including decisions in the 70s/80s decisions like roe v wade

Mikey_donuts , to Politics in The Supreme Court May Preemptively Ban a Federal Wealth Tax

This country is exhausting.

wrath-sedan , to Politics in The Supreme Court Doesn’t Care That the Gay Wedding Website Case Is Based on Fiction avatar

Yeah this one is almost scarier than any other for the precedent it sets. While most of the actual decisions this term were bad but par for the course of a conservative majority court (with a few pleasant surprises like rejecting racial gerrymandering, dismissing independent legislature theory, and reaffirming Native adoptions) this case was uniquely dangerous for being just conjured from thin air. The idea that you can take an issue to court over something that was proven to be entirely hypothetical prepares the way for more ready-made cases designed to create a particular legal outcome.

acronymesis OP , avatar

Exactly. It’s making an a actual legal decision based on the equivalent of an argument someone had with themselves in the shower.

It’d be laughable if it wasn’t actually serious and legally binding.

Lachy , to Politics in The Supreme Court Doesn’t Care That the Gay Wedding Website Case Is Based on Fiction

How did this case even make it to the supreme court? Did the defence fail to find out about this fiction when it went through the lower courts?

dd97843 , avatar

Lying for the Lord. It’s legal now.

btaf45 ,

Lying for the Lord made her a heretic.

Exodus 23:1-2 Do not spread false reports...When you give testimony in a lawsuit, do not pervert justice

Xariphon , to Politics in The Supreme Court Doesn’t Care That the Gay Wedding Website Case Is Based on Fiction

Anything that supports their bigotry, doesn't need to be true.

"I'm not interested in reality" really sums up their entire position at this point.

dd97843 , avatar

Much like the MAGA twits, I mean individuals.

acronymesis OP , to Politics in The Supreme Court Doesn’t Care That the Gay Wedding Website Case Is Based on Fiction avatar

Prima Farcie


Purebred_BeefMaster , (edited ) to Politics in The Supreme Court Doesn’t Care That the Gay Wedding Website Case Is Based on Fiction avatar

Precedent set, no injured party required. I look forward to all the future cases. Good job Roberts. /s

Froyn ,

Can we call them Prima Farcie cases?

skellener , to Politics in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court avatar

Conservative Supreme Court Justice doesn’t understand the 1st Amendment

Xariphon , to Politics in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court

Have you tried not being evil?

darkmatterstyx ,

They gave it the good Ole Google try!

JayJay , to Politics in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court

Does anybody care what The Supreme Court justices think? They are all narcissistic crooks.

  • Kavanaugh yelled at his interviewers and rambled on about his love for drinking beer through his butt-hole (how do you qualify for any job after that?)
  • Clarence is a soulless, political hack
  • RGB was too full of herself to step down in a timely manner
  • Barrett claims to be Christian, but took her position predicated on a lie and in bad faith

None of the justices want oversight, even though there is rampant bribing taking place among their ranks.

All of recent major decisions have upended legal precedent which is the entire foundation of our law. With judges who will not respect legal precedent, what's really the point in giving a shit. The rules are made up now, and the scores don't matter.

AdventureSpoon ,

Barrett claims to be Christian, but took her position predicated on a lie and in bad faith

Sounds perfectly christian to me

style99 , to Politics in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court avatar

If they think criticism is unpleasant, just wait until they see what awaits them in their eternity.

cupcakezealot , to Politics in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court avatar

Just as soon as conservative justices stop being corrupt

flta ,

And stop engaging in political gamesmanship where they purposely tie their retirements to Republican Presidents among other GOP fuckery. John Roberts, if he actually cared about the integrity of the court, would resign now so Biden could appoint his replacement and try to reverse the politicization of the court.

sadreality ,

Are they they only ones taking kick backs?

tsac ,

Corruption should be weeded out by the root.

sadreality ,

Rich daddies and their legal persons feel attacked

AllArk , to Politics in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court


Elena Kagan and Stepben Breyer - jews - make up 0.2% of the US but have 22% of the Supreme Court. A 10000% over representation.

Jackson chick - affirmative action gone wild, crazy sjw appointed by the retard in chief who cries Racism every second word. And gets butthurt when the real G who overcame adversity tells her to stop BSing

If libs got more butthurt they’d be bleeding from both their pussy AND their butthole lmao

Yewb ,

Quit falling for identity politics its us versus the ultra rich

DeepFriedDresden ,

First of all, Jews make up 2.4% of the US. Second, Supreme Court justices are appointed, not elected. They are not meant to be representative of population demographics. That's the entire reason they aren't elected.

Maybe you should retake your high school civics and US Govt classes, it's pretty clear your susceptibility to Russian troll farms has eroded what little understanding of the way the government is meant to work and replaced it with an irrational fear of anything that doesn't walk, talk and look like you.

darkmatterstyx ,

Don’t feed the troll. Report and move on 😉

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