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sadreality ,

Kinda disgusting they thought peasants are stupid enough to fall for this bullshit again tbh...

sadreality ,

Aint that a more recent development, ie after 2000/10. Were not sports for everyone at some point? Gen pop has not caught on that is now mostly for well off.

With that said, the point stands either way. Why is the tax payer funding this shit!

sadreality ,

Businesses fleeced us good. Got bailouts and then priced gouged the plebs to ensure they don't keep a penny of that mythical 3k USD covid payment that lasted 3 years!

This was way better than 2008 for them. Next one gonna be so grand!

sadreality ,

Poors need to stop being poor... So annoying

sadreality ,

Over working people will do that even if you adequate social policy

In america daddies drive us like it is 1855 SouthCarolina plantation...

Then everyone pukachu face when we have ton of negative externalities, of which suicide is just one.

Before people jump these kids don't work.... Their parents do and precarious economic situation with lack of emotional and parental support destroys child's feeling of self worth.

But no problem we got alpha daddy thought leader to teach them how to be men...

OG capitalist solution that's working very well!

sadreality ,

Way to miss the point champ...

This ain't about young men for you, this is about gun control and you are using this tragedy as vector of attack.

Disgusting tbh

sadreality ,

This is a social issue, not a gun policy issue.

Idiot parents not securing their weapons are the key culprit... Can minor even purchase a gun?

sadreality ,

Hold the dead kid's parents accountable for it.

sadreality , (edited )

For example in NC:

It is unlawful to store or leave a firearm that can be discharged in a manner that a reasonable person should know is accessible to a minor.

Is this not enough? What regulation do you think would inspired brain dead parents to be more responsible?

sadreality ,

I mean... Alterative would be to have proper social policy where less peopleare pushed to killself...

Can't so that tho in America ;)

sadreality ,

What measure are you proposing again?

sadreality ,


unless these strikes keep up for real, i doubt there will be enough impact to raise used car prices for real. i am sure koreans japs and germans will step right in. also, many of american cars are made in mexico lol

sadreality , (edited )

Imagine being talked down to like that by a disgusting nepo baby...

Word on the street [he] is getting super bitter about AU trades workers being booked so they ain't got to provide discount labour to this cAPITLisT

His company will go under likely

sadreality ,

Nothing like being scolded by a nepo baby!

Trump’s Economic Plan: Raise Taxes on the Middle Class, Cut Them on the Rich ( )

The discourse of the Trump era has been dominated by a conceit that the two major parties have swapped economic identities. The Democrats have supposedly abandoned their historical role as spokespeople for the working class to represent the neoliberal global elite, while the Republicans have been transmuted into scruffy...

sadreality ,

The stereo type is actually now "upper" middle aka people who can still actually afford that old school "middle class" shit

sadreality ,

The Democrats still want to tax the rich and spend on the non-rich


sadreality ,

Wait there is public support to keep FBI funded?

I guess somebody got to entrap people with metal disability on bogus terrorist charges, plan for governor kidnappings and storming of the Parliament buildings...

sadreality ,

This is what they are using your tax money on:

sadreality ,

A lot of bravado over here... Do you feel like you are playing on the team? Some strong emotional responses.

sadreality , (edited )

Political process is captured and broken, a wage slave has no sway over any of it

But I am sure next election is different, it will be the one! As long as people vote for "my" team

sadreality ,

I am sure the state will take care of her and her child... strong conservative values!

It's Almost Impossible To Find A Decent Used Car Under $20,000 ( )

Vehicles under $15k are 1.6% of the market, and their share of the market has dropped over 90% since 2019. The old advice that you can get a beater and drive it in to the ground for $5k hasn't been true for years but it still seems pervasive in personal finance spaces.

sadreality ,

Going car free is getting more affordable.

Either way, as someone stated above, they are price gouging. Covid taught them that fake shortage works and we will pay so they are milking us.

Housing, food, car, health care...

sadreality ,

Wow socialism really is ruining america... At this rate every child will be able to have a free meal by 2100! Disgusting

I don't pay my taxes to feed children, all my taxes should go to rich people and their boomers enablers, ie the better people.

sadreality ,

If we need to a charity to discharge food debt at school for students, it is indicative that we are live in degeneracy. About time we start calling this shit for what it is, instead of engaging in political circle jerks to make participants will feel good about their political "values"

sadreality ,

Not sure where that comment is going. This is surely a good thing but it is a drop in a bucket. Adequate social policy is not remedied by one good act. Until every child has access to food at school, there is nothing really to celebrate. Which let's be real, won't be happening any time soon.

sadreality ,

These companies provide prison grade food tho... we need either better vendors or the state needs to take over. Current situation is unacceptable from nutrition quality PoV unless the goal is to prep this kids to eat prison and/or fast food.

But I guess firs thing is to ensure that every child has a meal...

sadreality ,

I saw documentary on one but it is not easy. School Districts are vehicles for corruption and they dole these contracts out to the big boys for kickbacks. Most of contract value gets wasted, ie not spend on quality of food but to grease the machine.

sadreality ,

assumed the same

Hey... it aint much but it is honest work to get it wrong and be correct for all of us!

sadreality ,

OP, not clicking the article but have he perps say they were hired? Accusing somebody of a felony requires some basic evidence...

sadreality ,

I hate landlords like the next serf but criminal law requires evidence to prosecute... So unless victim produces it or police find it, it doesn't look like there is a case.

sadreality ,

Thank you... Not sure why somebody below said there was no evidence ... Apologies.

sadreality ,

Bad take all around... At least read the article if you are going to make such claims


sadreality ,

bootlicker spotted

unless this is 4d sarcasm but i doubt once you mention Ze lEfT

sadreality ,

show me these people who have been lifted up?

statistics point towards largely more poor people, worse health, more debt, less home ownership. who was lifted up and when?

sadreality ,

nice cope lol

sadreality ,

which safety nets? are they in the room here with us right now?

sadreality , (edited )

so practically speaking not much of safety net unless you are old, or single poor mother, which i support no doubt but that is [not] a safety net a vast majority of the population.

also, note mental health services, food banks, soup kitchens >>> federal government and states hardly provide these, they are provided by private sector...

even those have been steadily eroded under successive administration since 1980s, which share of taxes paid by working people have been increasing. so working person pays more taxes and gets no safety net for the most part.

You need to get educated instead of vomiting generic talking points, it would help this country if everyone did the same.

sadreality ,

reality check... Trump's tax cuts passed.

Biden could not get student loans done... Obama could not get health done properly...

Trump spend trillions on covid "bail outs" Biden came in did and the same...

What did you get from Democrats having both house and presidency, limp dick student loan reform that added USD 1T to on the genY and GenZ?

The cope here is too strong today lol

sadreality ,

Voting for either party is providing legitimacy to the regime. you are better off voting with your feet and money since that's the last place you still have some agency. political process is captured, voting third party is the only logical decision but none of them are really inspiring any confidence since they shill degeneracy.

sadreality ,

voting for a political party solves suffering for every day people?

bold claim chief...

sadreality ,

if you use federal definition for US... sure, but you are a bootlicker if you use that definition.

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