doggle , to Politics in Rudy Giuliani’s Georgia Lawyer Just Ditched His Case

I’m gonna die laughing if these guys end up stuck with public defenders

Maajmaaj , to Seattle in Man hit, killed by Seattle Monorail while spray-painting graffiti avatar

He was 14. I hate when media does this fuckin BS. that was a boy, not a man. RIP kiddo.

redimk , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico avatar

Didn’t Texas say last year that they wanted to try being independent from the USA? I’m not from the US (anymore) so I’m not sure but I kind of remember that being said.

Isn’t this like testing the waters in some way?

Chaser ,

The Texas GOP floats that idea every few years because they’re a bunch of whiny piss babies and think being rebellious is cool and edgy

cduke23 ,

I’ll help them pack. If I could never hear from that fucking state again, I’d be happy.

TehPers ,

Maybe Texas and Puerto Rico can swap status. Puerto Rico can become a state in exchange for Texas freeing up the slot, then we don’t even need to change any songs or anything.

Kalothar , to Texas in [Yahoo! News] Texas family rejects millions for their property and does something remarkable with it instead: ‘I’m just very grateful’


Ronnie and Terry Urbanczyk’s were paid 25 million to turn their land into a state park, instead of 125 million to turn it into a bunch of residential properties.

So they rejected big millions off still quite big millions. Also the surrounding community opposed the original deal.

Track_Shovel ,

Still, that a huge deal for the park, especially if property abuts the park.

HubertManne , avatar

yeah but housing is so scare. im conflicted.

VerdantSporeSeasoning ,

Humans have changed something like 70% of the earth for housing, business , etc. Yeah, Texas is growing, yeah people need places to live. But we’re not the only species that needs room to live either.

HubertManne , avatar

yeah higher density would be better

HobbitFoot , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico

It depends on what the checkpoints are and if they are a drag on interstate commerce. For a while, California had staffed border checkpoints to look for produce that could bring pathogens to the state.

The Commerce Clause isn’t absolute.

btaf45 , to Politics in Sen. Ted Cruz's Jan. 6 Scheming Exposed In Newly Unveiled Recording

Reminder that Steve Bannon frankly confessed Trump's Start the Steal conspiracy plans to a group of Trump insiders before the election.

…audio from Trump advisor, Steve Bannon, surfaced from October 31st, 2020, just a few days before the Presidential election.

Let’s listen. [Begin Videotape]

STEVE BANNON: And what Trump’s going to do is declare victory, right? He’s going to declare victory, but that doesn’t mean he’s a winner. He’s just gonna say he’s a winner. The Democrats — more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they’re going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump’s going to take advantage — that’s our strategy.

He’s gonna declare himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it’s going to be a firestorm. Also — also if Trump is — if Trump is losing by 10 or 11:00 at night, it’s going to be even crazier. Because he’s gonna sit right there and say they stole it. If Biden’s wining, Trump is going to do some crazy shit.

Ganondorf , avatar

According to the United States Constitution, Article III, Section 3, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.”

Furthermore, 18 U.S.C § 2381, states that a person guilty of treason against the United States “shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

It's wild to me that according to our laws so many of these "law and order" Republicans should be either executed or behind bars, yet walk free and unscathed.

PinkPanther ,

The rules are for thee, not for me.

whygohomie , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico

So, when will the right wing reactionaries start shrieking about the entire state being a FEMA camp?

ArtZuron , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico avatar

I guess since they kept getting their asses kicked trying to put one on the Mexico border, they thought this might work. That being said, might this actually also be blatantly illegal, as it impedes free movement between states? The constitution explicitly provides for interstate travel without government abridgement.

salarua , avatar

not explicitly. the Constitution’s Privileges and Immunities clause is written assuming freedom of interstate travel, but the Framers thought the right to travel was so fundamental and obvious it did not need explicit enumeration. the right to travel was enumerated in article 4 of the Articles of Confederation however and the Supreme Court has upheld it several times on that basis

whatupwiththat , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico

Its OK. Gawd told him to do it...

TauZero , to Seattle in Man hit, killed by Seattle Monorail while spray-painting graffiti

Wow, you can even see the graffiti in that exact spot in the street view! Right on the rail, you know, where the side wheels go. Never thought I’d need to add “concrete rails create a flat surface attractive nuisance for graffiti” in the monorail “con” list.

carl_dungeon ,

Guess he went out with one last spray!

theodewere , avatar

and a ka-BOINK

gullible , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico

I say this a lot, but what the fuck, Texas?

Jaysyn , to Politics in Sen. Ted Cruz's Jan. 6 Scheming Exposed In Newly Unveiled Recording avatar

I bet Jack Smith hasn't forgotten about this traitor.

Zombiepirate , avatar

I want so badly for this smug trashbag full of soiled diapers to get charged that I can (unfortunately) taste it.

He’s culpable in driving people to violence through his lies.

gravalicious , to Seattle in Man hit, killed by Seattle Monorail while spray-painting graffiti avatar

Police say the man was spray-painting a building with graffiti when he was struck.

perviouslyiner , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico

the people of each state shall have free ingress and regress to and from any other state…/articles-of-confederation

jray4559 , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico avatar

As if most of these migrants won’t just get into a getaway car group or even semi truck in New Mexico and cross Texas on I-10.

I appreciate the effort, but…

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