Sterile_Technique , to Politics in Rudy Giuliani’s Georgia Lawyer Just Ditched His Case avatar
cmbabul , to Politics in Georgia Republicans suspend state senator who wants to impeach DA for indicting Trump

I keep telling people, Trump pissed off the old money in Georgia by putting the biggest possible spotlight on the states election systems which are corrupt as all hell. And they are a spiteful group of fuckers that really hate when someone gets “uppity”. Fuck all of them too but they are not the type of people you want to fuck over and that’s how they see that “perfect phone call”

Akasazh , avatar

Fascinating, haven heard this perspective. Could you (or fellow countrymen) fill in a bit more backstory?

cmbabul ,

I can try… but I’m a bit hammered right now, if you’ll be patient I can give it a better shot tomorrow

Akasazh , avatar

Don’t rush it mate, enjoy the buzz. I’ll do to and turn into bed in a mo. Interested to read up on it tomorrow.

raises glass in general direction of the USA

cmbabul ,

Cheers friend!

cmbabul ,

Alright so to start off my credentials are that I was born and lived in Georgia for nearly 40 years before wising up and getting the hell out despite loving Atlanta and the surrounding area very much

The whole state is corrupt as shit, I think we all remember how the current governor Brian Kemp was allowed to oversee his own election results against Stacy Abrams in 2018. Well that shit is the tip of the iceberg in GA, the state makes Chicago and Louisiana look on the up and up by comparison, but the people who are corrupt and in control in Georgia(see Augusta) are much shrewder than other corrupt state and local governments. They like things to appear “proper” even if they aren’t, these are the people that own Augusta National and put on the Masters. Anything that might threaten that “propriety” is seen and treated as an existential threat.

I’m certain that all of these old rich racist fucks voted for Trump in 2020 and wish he had won because that gave them more leeway to be assholes and get even more rich. But he stepped out of line with that phone call and put himself above the grift. Old money in the south plays the long game, they know they won’t win every battle, and if they thought Trump winning was imperative to their goals he would have gotten the votes he asked for without him asking. But since he did ask/threaten they’re going to nail him to the wall

All that text to say Trump forgot his place to the bunch of old, petty, rich assholes and they don’t take kindly to that kind of thing.

Akasazh , avatar

Great write-up. For someone on the other side of the pond the internal state politics are rather hard to follow.

It makes sense now, as I could not really parse the sudden tien around in Georgian backing. Them dropping Trump seemed it off character.

Good that they did, though it’s an enemy of my enemy sort of thing, but I’m happy someone called a limit to his bullshit, albeit for almost the opposite reason.

cmbabul ,

Thanks glad I could illuminate it for you

And yeah I want to be very clear that these are not our friends, I’m glad Trump pissed in their cornflakes because they are effective at extracting retribution but ultimately they need to go too

Akasazh , avatar

Much obliged!

AlecSadler ,

It’s weird, but this reminds me of the latest Billions episode.

I think you’re right.

Corkyskog ,

Is the show good? I just assumed you made up the name of the show to satire real life… but nope it’s real, and has a decent tomatoe score.

AlecSadler ,

I enjoy it, it’s the final season, so if you started now you’d have a concrete ending.

doggle , to Politics in Rudy Giuliani’s Georgia Lawyer Just Ditched His Case

I’m gonna die laughing if these guys end up stuck with public defenders

remotelove , to Politics in Georgia Republicans suspend state senator who wants to impeach DA for indicting Trump

If Republicans are actually kicking one of their own to the curb, he really has to be an absolute sack of shit.

btaf45 OP ,

Or it is one of the small minority of Republicans who remain loyal to America, instead of their neofascist putsch.

Akasazh , to Politics in Rudy Giuliani’s Georgia Lawyer Just Ditched His Case avatar

Schadenfreude incorporated

Jaysyn , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico avatar

strikes again. Sure would be nice if there were consequences for politicians that violate state & federal law.

whatupwiththat , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico

Its OK. Gawd told him to do it...

dark_stang , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico avatar

If they could do this around the entire state I’d appreciate it. I never want to accidentally wander into Texas.

But seriously, how unhinged is this dude? How do you convince everybody involved in this that it’s actually a good idea? Are the people putting up the fence just as unhinged?

SariEverna ,

The people who put this up are not paid enough to risk challenging anybody on this. They’re not crazy, they just need money to survive. Their bosses, on the other hand… Yeah, I don’t know. It’s amazing that it can make it through as many hands as it must have and nobody says “Are you sure?” Or maybe they did and they just kept being shut down.

Kwakigra , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico avatar

It’s so strange to me how anti-authoritarian the rhetoric is in Texas despite having one of the most authoritarian and least democratic governments in the country. The executive branch has so few checks it’s ridiculous; not that I’d want most of the dumbasses in state congress to get their way.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

The notion of the Texas law man roving around dispensing justice isn't anti-authoritarian, it means they want to be the only authority. Real anti-authoritarians would eliminate hierarchies and restrictions.

Kwakigra , (edited ) avatar

True, the Libertarian version of “freedom” which is the freedom to oppress others if you have the power to do so. The rhetoric among Texas conservatives is Reaganesque which is ostensibly in support of a minimal level of government while leaving most things to private interests. The behavior of Texas conservatives in government is to exert governmental power on individuals and allow businesses to do whatever they want to individuals as well.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar


Which is interesting considering how many Westerns he starred in.

tjp , avatar

No see, that's freedom razorwire, those are freedom checkpoints.

Tin ,

“That’s why we build the wall, we build the wall to keep us free!”

altima_neo , avatar

They’re being treaded on and they like it

gullible , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico

I say this a lot, but what the fuck, Texas?

ArtZuron , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico avatar

I guess since they kept getting their asses kicked trying to put one on the Mexico border, they thought this might work. That being said, might this actually also be blatantly illegal, as it impedes free movement between states? The constitution explicitly provides for interstate travel without government abridgement.

salarua , avatar

not explicitly. the Constitution’s Privileges and Immunities clause is written assuming freedom of interstate travel, but the Framers thought the right to travel was so fundamental and obvious it did not need explicit enumeration. the right to travel was enumerated in article 4 of the Articles of Confederation however and the Supreme Court has upheld it several times on that basis

redimk , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico avatar

Didn’t Texas say last year that they wanted to try being independent from the USA? I’m not from the US (anymore) so I’m not sure but I kind of remember that being said.

Isn’t this like testing the waters in some way?

Chaser ,

The Texas GOP floats that idea every few years because they’re a bunch of whiny piss babies and think being rebellious is cool and edgy

cduke23 ,

I’ll help them pack. If I could never hear from that fucking state again, I’d be happy.

TehPers ,

Maybe Texas and Puerto Rico can swap status. Puerto Rico can become a state in exchange for Texas freeing up the slot, then we don’t even need to change any songs or anything.

HobbitFoot , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico

It depends on what the checkpoints are and if they are a drag on interstate commerce. For a while, California had staffed border checkpoints to look for produce that could bring pathogens to the state.

The Commerce Clause isn’t absolute.

MisterD , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico

I bet this will also used to prevent pregnant women from escaping the state

LostDeer ,

Hmmm, which states allow aborrtion that also border Texas…

Probably just a coincidence 😉

AndyLikesCandy ,

Don’t worry, an MS13 member and a school shooter once walked across that border together so it’s okay because it’s definitely for everyone’s safety.

whygohomie , to U.S. News in Gov. Abbott is now putting barriers along Texas border with New Mexico

So, when will the right wing reactionaries start shrieking about the entire state being a FEMA camp?

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