MajorHavoc , to Star Trek in How Many Star Trek Episodes Pass the Bechdel Test? (TOS to ENT) | The Mary Sue

This is awesome. Thanks for sharing it!

Discovery probably fares pretty well in early seasons, considering how central Burnam and Tilly are.

maegul OP ,

Burnam - Tilly, Georgiou/Empress (opening scene of the whole show is Burnam and Georgiou), Burnam’s mum, Future Federation President, etc etc … I’d imagine the show does well (as with Voyager)

1bluepixel , to Star Trek in How Many Star Trek Episodes Pass the Bechdel Test? (TOS to ENT) | The Mary Sue avatar

I’m amused at Voyager not hitting close to 100% for every season with Janeway in the lead. Like, season 3 only has ~65%?!

maegul OP ,

I don’t have clear memories of VOY S3 distinct from the other seasons, but I’m guessing it’s about then that the writers don’t know what to do with Kes any more and that’s a big part of it. Of course, once Seven is so prevalent in seasons 4 and 5, it basically goes to 100%, with Janeway and Seven having a personal relationship and neither being sidelined by any romantic plot lines (kinda a big deal, especially for 90s, IMO). The author makes a good point that failing the bechdel test in Voyager’s case wasn’t always a bad thing from a feminism point of view because they were often Janeway centric episodes that just had talking to lots of men.

1bluepixel , avatar

I kinda think Voyager failing the test despite Janeway is still a symptom of a representation issue. The test was designed because there are plenty of fully fleshed out female characters in fiction, but usually they exist as exceptions in a man’s world and creators still feel too awkward writing women to have two or more of them having meaningful exchanges.

I’d say that despite Voyager being a trailblazer for representation with Janeway, it still had these exact issues. At least until Seven of Nine came along.

It’s still important to note that the test is in no way a formal analysis, and not even its creator claims this.

maegul OP ,

I kinda think Voyager failing the test despite Janeway is still a symptom of a representation issue.

For sure … the test is flawed. But an episode full of Janeway that fails the test is surely something very different from an episode that passes only because Beverly and Crusher have a quick exchange in a meeting.

Basilisk ,

an episode that passes only because Beverly and Crusher have a quick exchange in a meeting.

Ok, I know this was probably meant to be Troi and Crusher, but in Star Trek it’s not impossible, so I found it funny. Riker had the transporter duplicate, not Crusher!

Kbin_space_program ,

That voyager doesn't get 100% represents a failure in the fundamental concept of the test.

maegul OP ,

I’d disagree and say that it demonstrates its flaws (as the author of the linked post says also). But there is no reason to think that it meaningless that Janeway doesn’t talk to other women about something other than a man.

That’s a fact, in some episodes, with some meaning independent of whether the episode otherwise has plenty of dialogue delivered by its female lead. Would a TOS episode have ever failed the reverse bechdel test? No, Kirk had plenty of men to talk to and did so about many things other than women. Why not Janeway? Because the show, in many episodes, surrounded her with men. Paris, Harry, Chakotay and Tuvok surround her on the bridge, while Kes, B’Elanna and Seven are often “downstairs”. The test surfaces these aspects of the show, if you think about it for a moment … and I don’t think that’s a failure of the test at all.

Kbin_space_program ,

Except it doesn't surface "those aspects of the show"

The fact remains that those three characters are easily the three most critical and important character on the ship. Which is one of the primary flaws of the test. It doesn't test their agency. On that alone, the test is flawed and cannot accurately represent Voyager.

If you take Enterprise on the other hand, then that legitimately fails since there is a vulcan-human relationship so bad the character even talks about it with her future self.

SweetAIBelle , avatar

Well, you know, thinking about it, an awful lot of Kes's life revolves around Neelix and the Doctor, with occasional training by Tuvok. I suspect a lot of her dialogue was about one of the three...

MaxMouseOCX ,

Hold on… A show getting 100% represents the entirety of its content NOT having any woman characters talking about a man correct?

Last I checked, women do indeed talk about men, and men about women… So to have a 100% pass would be… Unnatural.

The test should ideally never be passed with 100% (at least over the course of several episodes) - because that’s just not how humans behave - but then it shouldn’t have a low score either.

michaelgemar , avatar

@MaxMouseOCX @startrek That’s not the criterion for the Bechdel Test — it’s ONE conversation between two women that’s not about a man.

MaxMouseOCX ,

Oh… ONE conversation… Fair enough, that’s actually surprising then; surprising that I haven’t really noticed.

stephfinitely , to Star Trek in How Many Star Trek Episodes Pass the Bechdel Test? (TOS to ENT) | The Mary Sue avatar

Wow I was shocked how low enterprise was. I figured it did better. As for the newer shows I have to imagin that SNW passes this test and for sure lower desks. I think the other newer show might struggle.

maegul OP ,

Oh yea … I thought about lower decks, and once again, I’m guessing it shines brightly as a good Trek show. Mariner and her Mum, +Tendi and Mariner probably pass the test every episode.

maegul OP ,

Also … tangentially … is a kbin instance affiliated with the app in some way? Are you a/the developer for the artemis app??

A7thStone ,

I was not surprised by Enterprise. I hate watched the the whole series. It was a thinly veiled male power fantasy trying to recapture the bravado of Kirk.

maegul OP ,

Yea I said it in the parent post … seeing this data basically, in my mind, cancelled that series. Only something wrong could have happened for it to happen after DS9 and VOY. I’m guessing the real Berman showed through or something??

Infynis , avatar

I think T’pol only ever talked to Hoshi to tell her that she smelled bad

maegul OP ,

LOL … whether true or not!

JWBananas , avatar

Enterprise, starring Tim Allen Ray Romano as Captain Archer

stephfinitely , avatar

I saw it when I was a lot younger and have gone back since mainly because it ends when it was just getting good. But I honestly can't remember a lot of the inter character relationship which isn't a good sign.

IonAddis , avatar

I wasn’t shocked. I dropped Enterprise in my late teens because even though I wasn’t yet running into the discourse that’d pop up later re gender roles, the show was just creepy with T’Pol, and the male cast was not nearly as interesting or charming as the male cast of any of the other Treks.

I basically noped out before it was done airing due to the sexism. It was that obvious to me even before I had any education on the subject.

ethane , to Work Reform in Writers Requesting David Zaslav Pay Up on Lost Wages via Venmo

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