
georgetakei , to Random avatar

The answer should always be yes.

kirbygoulet , avatar

@georgetakei unless there is a donut/pastry shop right next door.

Toadman628 , avatar

@georgetakei If only a donut shop is not next door. But stay away from those Moon Pies and RC cola stuff. Too many, you know? Calories.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

How disinformation from a Russian AI spam farm ended up on top of Google search results

A fake article about Volodymyr Zelensky’s wife buying a Bugatti with US aid was promoted by bots.

shadow06 , avatar

@arstechnica You have to disprove the claim first before screaming disinformation. Terrible journalism.

solownh , avatar


Meanwhile, Clarence Thomas visits Putin's home town...and no one cares...

rbreich , to Random avatar
ashtime , avatar

@rbreich or his alleged diaper wearing.

humanfactor , avatar

@rbreich maybe they haven't noticed

georgetakei , to Random avatar
georgetakei , to Random avatar
calsnoboarder , avatar

@georgetakei Anyone who votes for any republican is a traitor to the the United States. And as the Orange Tinted Toddler has been known to ask, "You know what they do to traitors in this country?"

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Could AIs become conscious? Right now, we have no way to tell.

Scientists struggle to define consciousness, AI or otherwise.

causticmsngo , avatar

@arstechnica Textbook example of “Betteridge’s Law of Headlines”:

"Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word ‘no’.”

anna , avatar

@arstechnica any theory of consciousness that doesn't treat the entirety of the nervous system as the processing center (ie operating throughout the body, rather than solely localized within the brain) will fall short.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

We all know Donald hates losing. So, in his delusional mind, he never has and never will. Yesterday, writer Todd Beeton explained how Trump's denial of reality and his election conspiracy theories are now shaping the GOP. Tomorrow, Jay Kuo breaks the terrifying Project 2025 down into digestible, actionable bites. Don't miss either of these pieces at The Big Picture!

schnedan , avatar

@georgetakei winning beats losing!

georgetakei , to Random avatar
That_Damn_Frank , avatar


"Trump: We're going to take over our Capitol..."

You and yours, Rump?
Not without a bath first...

huntingdon , avatar


Trump says, "We're Gonna Take Over Our Capitol" (but he wouldn't spell it correctly), by which he seems to mean the building, Congress, not the city...but not via an election win. He means he's gonna take it by any means available.

georgetakei , to Random avatar

Just watch out for Monty Pythons!

rayhindle , avatar

@georgetakei He must be the king, he's not covered in s**t!

mrbruno , avatar

@georgetakei Define "strange".

georgetakei , to Random avatar
ArnoJanBoere , avatar


Almere (AKA Ally) the Netherlands

georgetakei , to Random avatar


olm_e , avatar

@georgetakei isn't it from "the Adams family" ?

drakealexe , avatar

@georgetakei very suspicious but something about their demeanor that makes me want to trust them

georgetakei , to Random avatar
wbpeckham , avatar

@georgetakei I have no particular wish for her other than to be happy.

rbreich , to Random avatar

How Biden Is Changing the Structure of Our Economy | Robert Reich

arstechnica , to Random avatar

BMW, Stellantis to recall more than 700,000 cars due to airbag problems

Takata airbags and problematic sensors lead to recall across four car brands.

gooba42 , avatar

@arstechnica Maybe Takata shouldn't be making all the airbags?

arstechnica , to Random avatar

In bid to loosen Nvidia’s grip on AI, AMD to buy Finnish startup for $665 million

The acquisition is the largest of its kind in Europe in a decade.

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