
arstechnica , to Random avatar

Republicans angry that ISPs receiving US grants must offer low-cost plans

Law requires grantees to offer low-cost plans. GOP calls it "rate regulation."

neonharbinger , avatar

@arstechnica One wonders why we even report on such things anymore. (/s) Republicans only like something if it makes life more difficult or impossible for minorities.

nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@arstechnica I seriously can't see how people can't see that calls for privatizing things with no limits won't result in, well, no limits. In such a system it's not lowest bid wins, it's everyone finds the absolute highest bid they can get away with and then just focus on marketing to convince people their way overpriced service is better than the other way overpriced service. Marketing works a lot better than pricing for competition it seems because that's just how humans are.

rbreich , to Random avatar

The Real Welfare in America I 10 Economic Myths Debunked #7

georgetakei , to Random avatar
mannysprattle , avatar

@georgetakei The vision of her dancing should last for years. I know this because I don't dance much but it creeps up on me every once in a while. Rest now, you deserve it.

geos , avatar

Um, okay. Bye...

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Intuit’s AI gamble: Mass layoff of 1,800 paired with hiring spree

Intuit CEO: "Companies that aren’t prepared to take advantage of [AI] will fall behind."

steter , avatar

@arstechnica More and more companies will perish with their AI intact.

SmashToday , avatar

@arstechnica I can't wait until Intuit commits mass tax fraud because an AI program made everything up.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Scientists built real-life “stillsuit” to recycle astronaut urine on space walks

Prototype would replace multi-layered adult diapers currently worn on space walks.

breaker , avatar


Gross. Just gross. I'll wait for suspended animation.

gneilyo , avatar

@arstechnica So much cooler than wearing Depends on those jealousy-fueled 900 mile NASA love triangle roadtrips

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Arm tweaks AMD’s FSR to bring battery-saving GPU upscaling to phones and tablets

Arm "Accuracy Super Resolution" is optimized for power use and integrated GPUs.

erikcats , avatar

@arstechnica wait that acronymises to 'ASS' hurrdurr

morten_skaaning , avatar

@arstechnica "nice ass"?

arstechnica , to Random avatar

First “Miss AI” contest sparks ire for pushing unrealistic beauty standards

Influencer platform's controversial contest awarded prizes to three nonexistent people.

MrLee , avatar

Yeh. If fashion magazines didn't already make it hard enough for women.
Time to end the and women can feel valued for more than their appearance.

erikcats , avatar

@arstechnica side effect: polydactyly becomes 8th classical beauty standard overnight

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Congress apparently feels a need for “reaffirmation” of SLS rocket

Because I'm tall enough, I'm orange enough, and doggone it, Senators like me.

jcriecke , avatar
thesequesterednook , avatar
pixellight , to Random avatar

PSA when you update to Firefox 128 you might want to uncheck this

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Apple settles EU probe by opening up its mobile payments system

iPhone users will get more choices to make "touch-and-go" payments in the EU.

nutmeg ,


They "settle" it by abiding to the law. At least that's what they claim to do. I believe it when I see it.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

These African lions swam a record-breaking 1.5 km to find a mate

Brothers Jacob and Tibu braved hungry hippos and crocodiles to make the crossing.

Codhisattva , avatar

@arstechnica Lion King: Generations

geillescas , avatar


georgetakei , to Random avatar
JudyOlo , avatar

Watched her sister, Sally Ann Roberts, for so many years on WWL. The HEART of New Orleans. 💞💞 (and before her, Andre Trevigne 👏👏👏🥇)

Maxentius , avatar

@georgetakei Really, she doesn't anyone any explanation. People grow up within a culture, and they have to make the best decisions they can within that culture. We shouldn't second guess them

georgetakei , to Random avatar
eleeper , avatar

@georgetakei I'll say it again: replacing "colored" with "person of color" will lead to both accidental tongue slips and people using the former intentionally and then claiming a tongue slip.

JeffS , avatar

@georgetakei how old is he?!

georgetakei , to Random avatar
Stormcat , avatar

@georgetakei "Daddy, if you make me your VP, I'll be the absolute best! I swear Daddy! Please love me!" -Don Jr.

JosephSmith3130 ,

@georgetakei can’t he have him killed?

jaykuo , to Random avatar

Justice Clarence Thomas is about to go through some things. Two senators have now asked Merrick Garland to appoint a special counsel to investigate his likely ethics and tax crimes. My write-up in the replies below.

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