Does anyone regret deleting their Reddit account?

When the whole Reddit fiasco started happening, I saw a lot of people wiping and deleting their Reddit accounts and moving elsewhere, like here on Lemmy.

Now that it’s starting to die down a little bit, does anyone regret doing that? Or are you glad that you took that step?

Big_Dick_Dastardly ,

When Apollo died, so did my account. I haven’t been on Reddit at all since, and am totally okay with it.

melroy , avatar

Not even a second. I'm glad to first got rid of Facebook several years ago. Then Twitter. And recently also Reddit. No regrets.

Ps. I also don't have Instagram, TikTok or any of those non-sense.

ForeverClueless , avatar

Deleted my 15 year account and what little posts I had. Joined kbin and lemmy since I don't know what I was doing. But it also made me think of what other social media and what else I'm using that is governed by corporate overlords. Deleted Twitter and joined Mastodon just to see what is like. I uninstalled Windows 11 and installed Linux Mint on my PC. Now looking for alternatives to Google apps that I use even though I'm on a Google Pixel phone but it's into it's 3rd year so it'll probably die sooner than later. So looking for cloud hosting for photos, spreadsheets etc between my phone and my PC to break away from Google. Anyway moving from Reddit has started a avalanche of introspection of what I'm using. Tldr: No.

qwerty ,

Check out GrapheneOS, it might give your phone a few more years.

ForeverClueless , avatar

Without Google wallet/pay support and it's 50/50 if banking apps work I won't be switching but I like everything else about the OS. I don't want to go back to carrying cards around with me, been too many years of just using my phone for payments. Thank you for the recommendation though.

savedr ,

I had an account that was over 10 years old, but didn't actually have a ton of usage; I didn't have a lot of posts that got upvoted, I think I had under 1000 karma. But I don't regret deleting it at all.

I regret that, ideologically, I don't want to ever reward the leadership there with my patronage in any way, which means there's a ton of content sitting in their archives that I don't want to access now. If I ever had to, I could, but I'd rather do anything else first. Just look what management did; they don't deserve the reward of attention, clicks, or especially additional free content generation, far as I'm concerned.

I guess they were almost right, in a very backwards, stupid way; the main value for me doesn't lie in the users, but in the content. Unfortunately, you can't screw over the users that generate that content in good faith, no matter how much you think you can sell that content for.

Barbarian , avatar

Nope, no regrets here.

SinningStromgald ,


Gorejelly , avatar

No ragrets at all! Not even one letter! My biggest problem is trying to figure out how to manage all of the similarly named magazines and communities.

harmonea , avatar

I feel sad looking back over what reddit became. I don't regret any of my actions in response. And even if I did, my actions were reddit's fault; they'd get the blame, so I'd still have nothing to regret.

I won't contribute to a website that treats the people who built it the way they did, so their choice to treat their community and app devs that way directly resulted in my actions.

blivet , avatar

I started routinely deleting my comments anyhow after someone creeped me out by searching through my history for ammunition to use in an argument. I just deleted the five or six recent ones I hadn’t done yet, and that was that. I’ve kept my account because it might come in handy at some point, but I’ve only been on Reddit once in the past few weeks.

Skolanthropy ,

14 year old account with lots comment activity. Deleted all of the posts and then the account the moment I understood what was going on.

Anyway everything on Reddit had been created in about a decade and something better be recreated again even faster. The above analogy of Reddit being a library is a bit off to my ears-- Reddit is not the content you find there, Reddit is the people; the expertise, the moderation, the consideration, the passion. We can safely burn the siphons tapped into people's passions and let the energies of the people pour elsewhere.

helvedeshunden ,

No regrets. No interest in going back. The future is federated.

anon , avatar

I haven’t nuked my account yet and will only do so once I am certain that all my comments are permanently deleted (some were missed due to a design limitation in the way Reddit finds them). But practically speaking, I am no longer using that account, so it is functionally equivalent to having deleted it.

I have no regret so far. Deleting my trail of crumbs has assuaged my fear of doxxing (which, in all honesty, is orthogonal to the API shutdown fiasco and was worth doing selectively anyway). It has also given me back time that I would spend mindlessly doomscrolling on Reddit. I am now more deliberate in my use of social media and the Fediverse, which is an improvement in my online habits. For that I am grateful.

Web_Rand ,

Yes. I've deleted several previous Reddit accounts, and ended up losing some pretty good stuff. Meanwhile, I'm not deleting the ones I currently have as I still have use for Reddit.

sapetoku ,

Had been on reddit for 12+ years, tons of accounts, ran a few small subs. Some insane supermod decided to fuck with me across the site so I nuked all my comments, accounts and subs and I'm done with it. Not having it on mobile since the third-party apps shutdown made it easy. I'll still peruse some interesting/hobby subs but I won't participate ever again. No regrets, the place is toxic.

abff08f4813c ,

No regrets. reddit basically made the choice for me.

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