@abff08f4813c@kbin.social cover


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OvergrownSkeleton , to RedditMigration

How do you mod in Kbin?
I can't find any tools for modding?

abff08f4813c ,


Should be available for all moderators, owners should atleast have an optional option to enable that.

Seems like a feature request for codeberg, I suppose.

And what happened to the requesting subs function? When is that coming out?

I thought this would have been covered by an existing feature request but I can't find it on codeberg.

What's really odd is that I am sub'd to this magazine but I didn't see this post until I searched for @TheArstaInventor (for an unrelated thing). Getting worried that this magazine is effectively unmoderated, but would be happy to see someone like @TheArstaInventor get added as a third mod here.

This magazine is filling up with spam pretty quick so it is kind of urgent.

@OvergrownSkeleton @ernest

abff08f4813c ,

IIRC the official reason was that some automated anti-spam code accidentally caught the kbin user agent and mistakenly added it to a block list, and the lemmy.ml admins were busy and didn't see it for over a week - but once one of them noticed it was promptly fixed.

Also, I recall this being specific to lemmy.ml - other instances run by other admins like lemmy.world and lemmy.ca weren't affected.

Russia fines Reddit for first time over 'banned content,' RIA says ( www.reuters.com )

Russia on Tuesday fined social media site Reddit for the first time for not deleting "banned content" that it said contained "fake" information about Russia's military campaign in Ukraine, RIA reported on Tuesday, citing a Moscow court....

abff08f4813c ,

Perhaps the one and only time I'd be rooting for reddit...

The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. ( gizmodo.com )

The last major holdouts in the protest against Reddit’s API pricing relented, abandoning the so-called “John Oliver rules” which only allowed posts featuring the TV host. The article describes it as "the official end of the battle," which seems an overstatement to me, but it's the certainly the end of the initial phase....

abff08f4813c ,

I don't believe it's really over.

Reddark is still reporting 1839 subs are dark.

At least one 1+ million sub is still private, and at least one 10+ million sub is still restricted.

I'm surprised though - I've heard arguments that John Oliver was okay with reddit admins, so why the pushback now to drop it?

abff08f4813c ,

Try asking in /m/kbinMeta?

I get logged out on occasion but the remember me option works well when i log back in. So FWIW i'm not seeing this myself.

abff08f4813c ,


Though perhaps the redditor should have mentioned kbin instead of lemmy - that would have totally worked.

abff08f4813c ,

It's loading for me. YMMV

abff08f4813c ,

Not the OP redditor but the replying redditor.

abff08f4813c ,

I can't argue with that!

abff08f4813c ,

Who says they failed? They look like a stunning success to me, considering how much growth the fediverse and alternatives like squabbles got during that time, and the momentum has kept up after.

Even now more and more groups are moving off reddit to something else.

And I guess you didn't see this year's final r/place picture.

From a monetary point of view, spez will probably win. He'll destroy reddit completely in his quest for the IPO, and get to the point where the numbers are juiced up enough that he can sell high, make a huge chunk of money, and take his exit. But that doesn't negate our success.


how does it feel knowing that you looked like

Please don't confuse us with your mirror.

abff08f4813c ,

It's interesting how you went from gung-ho anti-reddit to this. hmm.

Where do you see the old gung-ho anti-reddit bit? Genuinely curious.

abff08f4813c ,

Thanks, I did that but didn't see anything that seemed to fit. I was wondering if maybe it had since been deleted (to hide this user's anti-reddit origin history, no doubt...)

Be wary of spiteful Reddit users ( kbin.social )

In the past week and a half, I've noticed Reddit behaviors starting to try and poison all of the places that people are taking refuge in to get away from the toxicity, myself included. They've started to DDoS Lemmy for a while, which is a Reddit thing to do and what they're notorious of doing whenever they feel they don't like...

abff08f4813c ,

Hey, it's the fediverse! Make your own instance and your own magazines on there, and if there are like-minded folks who appreciate your moderation, your instance will grow. You'd generally not have to depend on the whims of other mods or admins that way, but have nearly full control over your own safe space.

abff08f4813c ,

they certainly can’t block me from reporting that it isn’t working, for them to accept it.

Is r/help run by admins? I can't remember.

Anyways, while I agree that they can't ignore your request for your data under the GDPR, i don't think there's a law saying that they have to acknowledge their website being broken. Technically it's fine for their system to be broken as long as you're able to submit a GDPR request (even if only by email), unfortunately.

abff08f4813c ,
abff08f4813c ,

Wow, the combined company notabug was already defunct in 2007? I wonder whatever happened to that company once reddit got sold off to Conde Nast

abff08f4813c ,

In the 2nd case they'd probably see reddit's true colours and run pretty early on though...

just making sure they can't recreate my deleted posts and comments even in a disassociated state after they delete my account. ( sopuli.xyz )

I found a plug-in for Firefox that deletes all posts and comments from your reddit account. (Power Delete Suite). Now I am in talks with reddit, to have them delete my account and data....

abff08f4813c ,

Be careful here, these tools don't always delete everything, see https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/47320/PSA-If-you-have-more-than-1000-posts-more-than

A better way is to make a GDPR request for your data and then use something like shreddit to delete it. If you can't wait, then you can also try the process described in https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/65260/PSA-Here-s-exactly-what-to-do-if-you-hit-the

I had them confirm that they won’t recreate it when I have deleted it

Important to retain this!

They still say that they will retain the IP used for creating the account. Not sure if this is legitimate data redemption after I have asked for my data to be deleted according to GDPR?

Only if they can find some other basis to keep it now that you've withdrawn your consent - e.g. some law in an EU member requires them to retain the IP address. Another example - they claim they need it in much the same way that the credit card money needs to know your personal info so they can continue collecting your payments until the debt you own them is paid off.

TBH, I'm hard pressed to understand on what alternative basis they are able to use to retain your IP address. This might be something to refer to your regulator for additional information.

abff08f4813c ,

Yeah, the point of the GDPR request - the data retrieval request - is to get a copy of all posts and comments, which can then be feed into a script that does the actual deletion. Note - I'm not saying that reddit should not do the deletion themselves - in fact I feel that they should, seeing how hard they make it to do it ourselves with their stupid limits.

Why do we need to ask reddit for a copy of all our comments to delete them? Because reddit has hidden limits and you can think you've deleted everything, only to realize too late (after you deleted your account) that a bunch of stuff got missed and now can no longer be deleted. See for example https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/46805/Strange-phenomenon-while-deleting-my-comments and https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/t/172540/How-can-I-automate-the-process-of-deleting-my-remaining and https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration/p/425000/If-you-re-nuking-your-old-reddit-content-this-might-be

Worse, all tools like PDS will give a false sense of security here. You'll see from your profile that you have no posts and no comments left, but then you Google your own reddit username and find a bunch of stuff. (It's actually reddit and not the tools like PDS to blame for that false sense of security.)

It seems to have done the job though

My question is - how do you know? how did you check?

abff08f4813c ,

you are right! I only checked on my profile, so can’t be sure. It’s just misleading though if they still keep them.

Yup, that's kind of one of the biggest issues with them actually. It's incredibly misleading!

Anyway, it seems that they have already removed my account or at least removed access to it to me so there is not much to be done now i guess.

Yeah, I've heard this story before. Hopefully PDS got all of yours and hopefully this post will help others as well.

abff08f4813c ,

Pro-tip: go to old dot reddit dot com from a desktop/laptop and unsub from there.

On Coining a New Term ( kbin.social )

Edit: alright I'm sticking this up here because a number of people seem confused--this post isn't trying to convince you that "fediverse" is a bad term--rather it's a discussion of why I think "threadiverse" is a good umbrella term, for the forum-based part of the fediverse specifically. (lemmy+kbin)...

abff08f4813c ,

I think that's exactly why Meta chose the name.

What is Reddit CEO Steve Huffman doing? ( www.theverge.com )

One of the weirder phenomena of the low interest rate era in tech was a tendency to see companies primarily as investments. The goal was not to have a functional business, but an exit, often via IPO or acquisition. I have begun to wonder if that explains what Reddit CEO Steve Huffman has been up to lately....

abff08f4813c ,

Yeah we figured that out like a month and a week ago, during the time of the protests themselves.

abff08f4813c ,

Like how the article points out that "landed gentry" revolts against royalty tend to be more successful.

abff08f4813c ,

Such a scam. Also completely believable - remember Reddit's NFTs?

abff08f4813c ,

Doesn't look like this is enough to shut down PullPush. I wonder how they're getting their data now.

abff08f4813c ,

Wonder if the lack of an API for kbin affected the article? (kbin will have an API, it has it already technically, but more dev work is needed before it's ready, but it's just a growing pain as kbin is newer than lemmy, this is also why there are more apps for lemmy than kbin.)

Likewise with Beehaw - it's just a lemmy instance, but they've defederated with so much of the rest of the fediverse that perhaps to a newcomer it feels like an island.

Doesn't excuse the shoddy journalism but if we know why these mistakes made it to print then maybe we can come up with a way to do something about it.

abff08f4813c ,

Wonder if that's actually what affected the timing? The John Oliver protests were drying up perhaps? Losing protest traffic - so they reopened r/Place now in the hopes of getting folks to come back to reddit to protest one more time, on redrdit itself, while increasing traffic and ads revenues.

Well thats that for the reddit app - just uninstalled it off my phone

Hardly ever used it, but got a notification from it on my phone the other day which reminded me I still had it on my phone. It was still linked to my old reddit username which got suspended permanently a month or two back, so I finally got around to taking it off....

abff08f4813c ,
abff08f4813c ,

Your lemmy account should work from there, but you might have to search the magazine for the post in that case. I'm not sure how to do a fediverse link to a specific thread/comment, let alone one that works on lemmy.

abff08f4813c ,

I have a very bad feeling about this.

I have a feeling that it will really go like this:

A: So here's our feedback as admins to you, the mods, on how you've been running the subs.

M: Actually, we'd like to say ..

A: No, your feedback for us is that you're happy and we're doing great listening to you.

M: Actually, that's kinda the opp...

A: No, that's definitely YOUR feedback to US.


A: Goodbye, ex-mod.

abff08f4813c ,

Probably their line of thinking is that it doesn't really matter where the chips fall as long as the chips can be cashed in. If they can make ad money on protest traffic then so be it. (I'm not fully convinced that this is the case (that protest traffic brings in ads revenue), but who knows.)

Maybe they just want another safe sub. At least they know that r/Place won't go NSFW or go private in protest.

Anybody remember Usenet? ( kbin.social )

So I've finally been doing my little reddit/twitter migration against my better judgement (my better judgement would say to take the opportunity to get off the internet but who listens to that loser). I'm finding all these platforms interesting, I particularly like how kbin combines both formats and links up to Mastodon, that's...

abff08f4813c ,

I remember when Deja was the way to read Usenet on the web (eventually was bought out by and became Google Groups). I still miss Deja.

finding deleted info from Reddit.

If you Google something and the results you need is on a reddit page but you’re unable to view for any reason, such as the user deleting the post or the sub going dark, there is a work around to get the info you need. Copy the link from Google and In your web browsers search bar/ URL bar type Cache: followed by the URL you...

abff08f4813c ,

Which browsers have you tested this with? Interested to see which browsers do not support the above trick.

If you happen to be using one of those btw, you can still do this, just go to duckduckgo and put in the !cache followed by the url and duckduckgo will take you there.

Also, if archive.is doesn't have a saved copy of a page, it includes a link to google's cache.

abff08f4813c ,

Thank you! This list is very nice. Wonder if we could maintain an editable wiki page on lemmy or kbin somehow though...

abff08f4813c OP ,

That is just one long big bad joke. Something similar happened to me.

Btw, how do you know it was the streeview link that did it even? Was it just the timing? Could have been a coincidence. I almost wonder if they're using some machine learning crud to figure out who to ban, and the machine is just giving random stupid answers and no human is checking to see if it's valid.

abff08f4813c OP ,

I tried to appeal mine, but unlike you they wouldn't give me an answer or even tell me what grounds it was on. The second and third appeal got no replies, period.

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