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atlasraven31 ,

I think maybe you are on the wrong instances. Find some better people or start your own community. And we are Lemmings not Redditors anymore.

snownyte OP , avatar

No, I'm not going to be told that I'm on the "wrong side" of anything just because intolerant people inhabit where I'd like to interact with. Why is it so hard for people like you to ignore others?

roguetrick ,

So tell us more about these toxic users you encounter.

Beardedsausag3 , avatar
GeekFTW , avatar

The fucking irony lol.

r1pp0ff ,

“Why is it so hard for people like you to ignore others?” Why is it so hard for you to ignore the toxicity that others produce? You seem to be a bit of a hypocrite…

ubermeisters , avatar

Why is it so hard for people like you to ignore others?

atlasraven31 ,

Care to explain what “people like you” means?

SaltySalamander , avatar

The toxicity is just emanating from you.

wildeaboutoskar , avatar

Have you thought about joining Beehaw? They’re slightly stricter on rules but have fostered a friendly and welcoming space imo.

blanketswithsmallpox , avatar

Kbinaut here. I'm still wondering if Kbinite or Kbinaut will win out lol.

Meanwhile poor OP is apparently being haunted by the shadows of redditors calling him out for toxicity on two different websites lol.

If it smells like shit everywhere you go...

ubermeisters , avatar

impartial observer: Kbinite sounds like a Kpop fan who plays fortnite. Kbinaut sounds like someone who explorers the depths of the internet for amusement.

MrZigZag ,

How about kbinian?

Anomander , avatar

Kbinaut here. I'm still wondering if Kbinite or Kbinaut will win out lol.


OctoFloofy , avatar

Honestly like this the most

habanhero ,

I actually agree with OP. Maybe DDOS-wise it’s very instance-specific but in terms of toxicity, it’s very apparent across federated content. I mean, there are some pretty bad behaviors on communities already.

SoleInvictus , avatar

One option is everyone starts calling out assholes for their behavior and otherwise not engaging. It probably won’t change their behavior but it’ll at least annoy some enough they they’ll leave.

habanhero ,

Just called one out recently. I agree everyone should be vigilant, but I also recognize what OP is saying reflects my experience (at least the toxicity part).

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