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DeltaTangoLima , avatar

Are you OK mate? Like, seriously, are you OK? It sounds like you’re very preoccupied with Reddit. Just do what a lot of us recent Lemmy joiners have done - delete your account and never visit that shithole again.


snownyte OP , avatar

You're overshooting the problem and I really doubt you care about me so drop the act. You didn't even read a single word of what my post was about, so you're just like the few here who're running off baseless assumptions, twisting contexts and regurgitating through your own filter to come to the conclusion you've made.

DeltaTangoLima , avatar

Ok mate. Whatever. You’re the one coming off like a fucking lunatic fruitloop with all the “ReDdiT aRe ouT tO gET Us” bullshit.

atlasraven31 ,

On a moonless night, sometimes I can see SPEZ outside my window just staring.

snownyte OP , (edited ) avatar

I never said anything to the likes about how Reddit is out to get me. That's the picture you and every other insecure idiot that's been projecting all of this time. I make a little PSA and you guys interpret it as conspiracy. Makes me think that there's a mix of conspiratards in here too. That's not a me problem, it's you problem. But you guys just refuse to accept that reality, which places you in a different realm than where I'm at.

DeltaTangoLima , avatar

Now who’s projecting? I, like most of us here, just DGAF about Reddit. You’re the one harping on about it.

Calm the fuck down. Dickhead.

ubermeisters , avatar

Hey I just want to say most of us humans care about most other humans even if we’ve had disagreements currently or in the past. You and I certainly haven’t gotten along so far but I still care about you and hope that you feel cared about.

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