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abff08f4813c ,

In my view this means the protests worked. reddit was forced to delay and stagger the API changes rollout over the "coming weeks" (so they don't say exactly how many weeks, but if it's more than four then the rollout as a whole may even be delayed by over a month). Presumably the worst of it won't take effect until after they feel like the protests have lost steam and folks have lost interest in it.

akintudne , avatar

Yeah. If this was always the plan, then why didn’t they announce this earlier, especially when people were loudly complaining about losing accessibility and mod tools? Either they made the “free tier” in response to the protests, or they have Twitter levels of shit-tier PR. Either way, it’s clear they don’t know what the hell they’re doing over there.

Ashtear , avatar

It still makes sense if Reddit's negotiation with the subscription-based third-party apps was never in good faith and this was always about killing them.

Annoyed_Crabby ,

Or, maybe they themselves couldn’t cope with the change in such a short time given.

abff08f4813c ,

Still ridiculous. If they couldn't handle it then how could a one-person dev team do it for their own 3rd party apps? I noticed that none of the 3rd party apps that did work out deals have released any new apps yet, even the ones that are trying to make it work can't release on that schedule.

Maybe reddit wouldn't have been so willing to give them a break if not for the protests.

falsem ,

I'd bet money that the engineering side wasn't ready by the original date.

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