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Pons_Aelius , (edited )

The perfect site for reddit admins would be endless bots posting, commenting and viewing adds while said advertisers are oblivious to the con.

The first two have been going on at some level for years. The last? Well, it will be interesting to see the official reddit app's adoption numbers in the coming months.

NotMyOldRedditName ,

That's also a fantastic way to end up in jail, which I wouldn't be opposed to spez getting familiar with

man_in_space , avatar

Reddit…it was once my respite, and now it is a desert of empty words. The admins betrayed their creed: “Remember the human”. They sold it for the Dollar Almighty. Their humanity is lost…let them succumb to that which they so infinitely prize—the towers they built out of their money.

Nepenthe , avatar

That won't go well either, in the long run. Advertisers will catch on to how many "people" are viewing their ads without ever clicking on anything and put their funds elsewhere.

AnAnxiousCorgi , avatar

Just gotta make it look good for the IPO, then what does Spez care?

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