Any change today? ( )

Curious about if there is any discernable difference anyone can see if they may have popped in to Reddit today? I know it's probably naive to think there would be a big difference first day.
I deleted rif and never even used other apps or desktop site so I won't be going back, hense the question to those that are accessing the site.

Arotrios , avatar

@Bendersmember Content generation has slowed and from what I can tell, comment participation is way down. Right now, after going through and subscribing to a number of magazines, my kbin feed is more useful and active than reddit ever was, although the audience is clearly smaller (but seriously growing since last week). The quality of the content is better, and it's much easier to filter out the shitposting.

The clearest place to see content drought this is in /r/all - the top posts are all 3 - 15 hours old. Before the blackout, it would refresh in a matter of minutes, not hours.

Bendersmember OP , avatar

That's kinda what I figured, didn't expect it to be a ghost town, so that makes sense.
I could tell by the loud users declaring that Reddit is gonna be better and everyone else were just whiners that content would slow down quite a bit. Didn't get a vibe of those types putting out engaging content haha.

Jcb2016 ,

Plus its the weeked espeically 4th of july weekend. the content creators are probably having a vacation!

athos77 ,

One thing I'd point out is that it's a holiday weekend in the US, one of the traditional weekends for going out and doing stuff with family or friends. So some of the slowdown may be related to that.

DoucheAsaurus , avatar

That is true but I would like to point out that just grew by 40% in the last 12 hours.

btaf45 ,

These growth rates for reddit alternatives are insane. I love it.

density , avatar

who else is impressed about the general stability of all the services?

I was totally expecting everything to be down half the time due to sudden unexpected skyrocket demand over past few weeks. But it has been 98% good. About the same as reddit.

UnhappyCamper , avatar

It's a holiday weekend in Canada as well.

Calcharger , avatar

If you're waiting for spez to admit how wrong he was and blah blah, don't. All he cares about is his payday when the site goes public. He'll never admit his decision was wrong because he'll get booted as CEO

Bendersmember OP , avatar

I don't expect anything positive to come out of Reddit after the direction they chose to go. Spez has proven who he is and what's important to him and that won't change. I was just curious as to what effect no 3rd party apps was having on the user experience, since they kept saying it's only 10% and that they didn't care and wouldn't be noticed.

EnderWi99in ,

Their valuation went from 15bil to 5bil and I fully expect it will be halved again before they, if ever, actually IPO. Reddit already wasn't worth what Spez thought it was and this whole situation is just showing investors it's worth even less if the user base can revolt in the way that it has.

athos77 ,

If you read that article, they said that most of the valuation loss came before the protests were even a thing.

Rhaedas , avatar

I disagree with this a little bit. Reddit as a whole had huge value from its content by the users, otherwise it wouldn't be found at the top of Google searches, used for AI training, and have investors and advertisers interested in the traffic. It had a lot of crap too over time, and the bot and other infiltration didn't help things. Was it worth 15b, I don't know, but the simple act of blacking out even a few major subs certainly did make some ripples for having small value.

JahInfinity ,

That is why when Apollo stopped working, I logged in one last time to grab all my “content”, edit everything to say “this content has been deleted by the user in protest for Reddit’s API price changes.” Then deleted everything and left.

Just one user but it was content I created so I get to bring it with me.

Any way, Hi everyone and thank you for this cool place!

Moogly ,

I don’t think they can ipo until a lot of the current staff has been replaced, Huffman included. Some of these dudes been around the company for too long and been involved in too many of reddits old scandals. Only so many pedos and child sex traffickers can come through your offices before the shit begins to get residue everywhere

If the public took a closer look at Reddit leadership I think it would only fuck their ipo.

Gull ,

this whole situation is just showing investors it's worth even less if the user base can revolt in the way that it has.

Beatings will continue until morale improves.

Moogly ,

If you're waiting for spez to admit how wrong he was and blah blah, don't.

i think he will, except it’ll be in some backhanded way where he frames himself as a victim. He can’t help himself when it comes to the victimization stuff like how he criticized third party apps for being more profitable than actual Reddit which is just pathetic from an investing standpoint

I think Huffman is very weak as a CEO and consistently misses the mark so he’ll be whining again sooner or later for sure

finebushlane ,

I’ve stopped using Reddit since the Apollo shutdown and am just on kbin now!

iAmTheTot , avatar

Wouldn't know, haven't been on Reddit.

brianshatchet ,

Some modifications to modmail broke toolbox and the toolbox creators have (mostly) checked out. So that's fun.

FaceDeer , avatar

It can take a long time for a giant to fall.

Anabella ,

Exactly, just look at twitter.

alternative_factor , avatar

I feel like the ratio of right-wingers to left-wingers on Reddit has increased in the favor of right-wingers as most Lemmies/Kbin/etc are at the very least left-leaning. Lots of really unhinged shit about immigrants was being upvoted in a thread about AfD on a smaller world news sub. Maybe Euros are just losing it but I feel like it's noticeable.

Gull ,

Right-wing Europeans have trolled Reddit for so many years I can't even remember.

mutant , avatar

reddit will be just fine without you lmfao. the amount of people who chose to leave the platform is several orders of magnitude smaller than the amount of users who will continue using it.

Bendersmember OP , avatar

Time will tell if there's any difference due to people leaving. I think the reason I find it interesting and others do as well is because we aren't given any hard data on the actual amount of users left, how many decided to stay and only lurk going forward, how much of the user base were heavy contributors etc. The pushback also was adamant that there would be zero change, and if they're right then they're right, not going to hurt my feelings.
While I think it sucks that they chose to go the direction they went, which with how much I hate ads forced my hand to walk away, I'm not upset and deeply affected to my core, I know Reddit will keep chugging along without me.
Whole point of this post was to discuss the changes that happened due to us leaving and if they were noticeable.

HiHungryImDad ,

/spez…is that you?

Kichae ,

They're not wrong. There's a few hundred thousand active users here. There are 10s of millions on Reddit.

Most Reddit users straight up do not care about the API, or 3rd party apps, or the shitty management of the site. They want their memes, and their niche communities, and their quirky Reddit shit posting, and all of that is still right there.

Users will leave gradually as the ads get more intrusive, and as development moves towards more psychologically manipulative features, and as Reddit cuts costs.

Moogly ,

The users most affected are the ones most likely to post or curate content. One of those users is more important than a hundred lurkers. So I figure if there’s an effect it’ll be from losing disproportionately valuable OC creators.

I’ve posted so much content across accounts in the realm of a couple million karma in total. It’s not the first time I’ve reflected on content with 20k+ views and figured this benefit is going both ways with Reddit.

If I’ve been as addicted to Reddit as I’ve been for years and I’m still willing to find alternatives I figure there must be some other power users like me. Idk if it’ll actually have any effect but I think it may on at least some smaller communities

BettyWhiteInHD , avatar

Do you also ask your friends how the girlfriend you just broke up with is doing without you?

Just forget about Reddit and move on, who gives a shit?

Bendersmember OP , avatar

You better tell the mods to delete a good portion of the posts and this entire magazine then... I think it's perfectly normal question to ask and be curious about, if you don't want to hear about Reddit maybe don't sub to this magazine and contribute to the conversation about it?

BettyWhiteInHD , avatar

Good idea. Good bye.

DougHolland ,

Actually, yeah, I have asked my friends how the girlfriend who dumped me is doing. Caring isn't something you can click on and off like a light switch.

Bendersmember OP , avatar

Thanks, you said it better than I could.

Neato , avatar

Where do you think you are?

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