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Rhaedas , avatar

Their work resulted in the often-posted newspaper article speculating how in a few centuries the emissions of burning coal might become a problem for the world's environment. What they didn't anticipate was the rate of increase from a population explosion which would begin its climb in a few decades from various factors.

Rhaedas , avatar

I always complete that phrase for them when I hear it. "...under those conditions and for that pay."

Rhaedas , avatar

These softwares are purging resumes of perfectly qualified candidates without the human hiring managers ever knowing about it.

I was watching an astronomer's channel the other day and she brought up how automated much of the initial processes are for telescopes now. She said a similar thing, wondering if there is good information in that filtering that is never seen by the humans who view the "sanitized" end product. Any tool is useful as long as you understand its limitations and don't have blind trust. I fear that somehow most people are using AI with a blind trust of the "intelligence" part, not understanding that it's hardly perfect and often times very bad if misused. Or overused for everything.

'There are no victims, except me': Trump flips out on Letitia James in midnight rant ( )

Despite warnings from New York Judge Arthur Engoron to not attack court officials, Donald Trump went on an extended rant near midnight on Sunday, lashing out at the judge who has already fined him $5000, in addition to once again attacking New York Attorney General Letitia James.In a post that compl...

Rhaedas , avatar

Bad news, being jailed doesn't make running for office impossible. Of all people he'd be able to turn it into an election positive for his followers.

Rhaedas , avatar

Perhaps some of that. Let's do an experiment and put him in prison to find out what changes.

Rhaedas , avatar

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the UN basically just a collective entity of the majority of the world's nations and not its own body? The same issues came up with Russia's invasion and how the UN couldn't do anything. The UN is more of a neutral place to talk out disagreements than a police force. I agree with everything you say, but wherever I see "UN" it needs to be "United Nations", as in the rest of the world...and how "we" are all just shrugging our shoulders and saying there's technically nothing we can do about people dying.

Rhaedas , avatar

Some VPNs will definitely trigger reCaptcha, even if signed on to Google. I just have to hop over to another IP and suddenly everything is fine again.

[Review] Foundation Season 2 (2023) ( )

I have never read the book for the Foundation trilogy or any of the books in the series. I’ve seen fans of the book be critical of this adaptation for not being faithful to Asimov’s original intent. I am unsure if I am better off having not read it yet and enjoying this TV series in ignorance or if I should have read the...

Rhaedas , avatar

I haven't seen any of season two yet, but enjoyed the first one with the understanding that it was an adaptation. I had always said that any attempt to bring the Foundation books to TV or movies would have to take the general plot and ideas and heavily adapt them to make them work. The Foundation stories are both very dated in characters and in science fiction to make them believable to today's audience, and were originally short stories that eventually were combined for a large scale galactic story spanning centuries with lots of different people. You might be able to pick out from these points as to how the TV series handled those issues in a new imagining of the overall concept of an Empire that both in its peak and yet doomed to collapse, and the attempt to minimize the effects.

Read the books. They won't spoil anything since the series is using things but in different ways. There are later prequels written by other authors to fill in more of the story with the permission of Asimov's estate, and while they're not too bad it's a similar problem to try and use and capture the original magic while being more up to date with new ideas. It doesn't always work.

Rhaedas , avatar

He had a few that were published after his death, presumably finalized and edited by someone else. The other ones are: Foundation's Fear by Gregory Benford, Foundation and Chaos by Greg Bear, and Foundation's Triumph by David Brin.

Rhaedas , avatar

Fear is a tool. Even better is imaginary fear, as you can mold it to your needs. "They want to [insert whatever useful boogeyman you want]". Combine that with a Gish gallop when arguing and you can do anything.

There wasn't a lockdown the first time when it would have actually done something. There won't be now, Covid is here to stay. Doesn't mean we can't do a lot better with common sense stuff, but even if a lockdown was feasible in an economy-driven society, that moment is long gone.

Trump’s Economic Plan: Raise Taxes on the Middle Class, Cut Them on the Rich ( )

The discourse of the Trump era has been dominated by a conceit that the two major parties have swapped economic identities. The Democrats have supposedly abandoned their historical role as spokespeople for the working class to represent the neoliberal global elite, while the Republicans have been transmuted into scruffy...

Rhaedas , avatar

Joke's on them, there is no middle class anymore, not as stereotyped.

Rhaedas , avatar

See, that's what makes them the professionals over someone like me. I would never have dreamed that putting such verbiage in the filings would work well. Geniuses.

Rhaedas , avatar

Many good suggestions, but I didn't see anyone bring up how well the house is holding the temperature, aka insulation or leaks. The best AC can't keep it cool if that cool is going outside somehow. You say the vent air feels cold so it seems to be doing its best. Single pane windows, especially facing the direct afternoon sun will be hard to keep from undoing the cooling. Attic space that has little insulation will also defeat the efforts.

Rhaedas , avatar

Two issues with running the blower all the time. One, wear and tear on the blower over time. More importantly though, the coils in the unit need occasional downtime to let moisture drain for best efficiency. Your points on moving air while not cooling are valid though, and newer thermostats do have a circulation mode that will cut on the blower for a percentage of the time the AC itself isn't on to do move air around. Good for second story homes with one AC, as the thermostat is usually on the first floor while the heat rises to the top floor.

Rhaedas , avatar

The answer so far has been there isn't a link like Lemmy has to see this. Good news though, there's a pull to add such a feature.

Rhaedas , avatar

Even if you disagree with her leanings, just listening to the depth of stuff she talks about particularly at congressional hearings should suggest she's doing more than a lot of the others who talk fluff and waste everyone's time.

Rhaedas , avatar

I guess they had to do something comparable to the person/people in the observation window for TNG intro. Adding people or activity in a scene is the next jump up from greeble to add realism.

Rhaedas , avatar

Kirk had a cup as well. Sulu was drinking tea on the Excelsior when it got hit by the Praxis wave. I've seen them with drinks in other scenes. The bridge isn't a restricted area for refreshments during duty.

Rhaedas , avatar

"Can not run out of time. There is infinite time. You are finite. Zathras is finite. wrong tool... No... No, not good. No... Never use that."

Rhaedas , avatar

All the composers for Star Trek have been incredible in their own right. Everyone has their preferred (James Horner) but I have yet to not enjoy a Star Trek opening. And yes, that includes Enterprise. It tried to break the mold and failed, but I give it a pass because the visual sequence with it gets me still.

I will say that First Contact's theme is damn good. Especially when used at the end with the Vulcan meeting.

Rhaedas , avatar

It's been a long road getting from there to here.

Rhaedas , avatar

It was received very poorly, even tainting reception of the show (which turned out to be appreciated and wanting more, long after it was gone). People just expected a classical sounding instrumental, and it hit wrong. They probably should have test marketed the idea and had some fallbacks. Still, I remember seeing the opening of the first episode and catching the frigate "Enterprize", and thinking this was great regardless.

Rhaedas , avatar

At least they were finally thinking about the future for once. /s

/r/NonCredibleDefense recieves automated notice from the admins to remove its NSFW designation, or else. Mods respond by messaging the admins a bunch of death and porn. ( )

Link to the NCD mod's post about the matter via teddit (aka, reddit doesn't get any value from your visit):

Rhaedas , avatar

Thanks for the tip. Now we just need a script if possible to embed those notes right by their name so no mouseover needed. Or color code it or something.

Kbin doesn't respect my subscription feed anymore or I don't understand it. ( )

A few days ago when I was using /sub I only saw the magazines that I subscribed to. This seems like the intended behavior. But now I see threads from all kinds of magazines plus the ones subscribed under /sub. How can I hide the magazines I am not subscribed to from the subscribed threads view?...

Rhaedas , avatar

I can't help with a solution, but I can say that if I set my view to subscribed, I only see my subscribed instances and nothing else, no matter how many times I page down. I can't find a setting or anything that should conflict with it. Do you have any scripts/extensions that might be somehow pulling in anything extra? I can't think of any I've seen like that, they've all been appearance-based.

Rhaedas , avatar

That makes sense now. Glad you figured it out. The question is how you did that to begin with, mainly for reference to avoid others from doing it, unless they want that. But it sort of nullifies the idea of subscriptions. At least if I or other readers of this see someone ever pop up with a similar problem we know where to point them to look.

Rhaedas , avatar

I disagree with this a little bit. Reddit as a whole had huge value from its content by the users, otherwise it wouldn't be found at the top of Google searches, used for AI training, and have investors and advertisers interested in the traffic. It had a lot of crap too over time, and the bot and other infiltration didn't help things. Was it worth 15b, I don't know, but the simple act of blacking out even a few major subs certainly did make some ripples for having small value.

Rhaedas , avatar

Two tildes (~~) on each side does a strikethrough.

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