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abff08f4813c ,

kbin is newer and less polished. But yeah I personally recommend kbin over lemmy for exactly the reasons you posted.

tbird83ii ,

Also, the Kbin dev expressly stated he isn't ready for a massive migration, and the current influx has caused him no end of stress. We want to keep him around and not drive him insane.

BedSharkPal ,

I would argue we also don't want to be in a place where we rely on any one individual. Thankfully @ernest seems to understand that as well.

ernest , avatar

I appreciate the concern, and it seems to me that kbin is no longer just one person ;) Currently, kbin is a team of wonderful people who handle development work, devops, project management, and more. Additionally, Piotr helps me with administering There will be significant changes here soon, things are happening quickly. But to be honest, I wasn't fully prepared for such substantial growth, and it will probably take some time before everything stabilizes. But... this is just the beginning ;) What's important is that the snowball starts rolling, regardless of whether kbin, Lemmy, or Mastodon gains the most users. We all win in this situation.

ferallettuce ,


@Fizzee @abff08f4813c @tbird83ii @BedSharkPal

Given that Kbin has more active users in the past month than any lemmy instance, I’m sure it’s been wild for you considering this was a side project.

ernest , avatar

Yeah, the pace is still crazy, but it's a completely different mental comfort when you're aware that you're not alone ;)

DracolaAdil , avatar

Yup, we are all with you dude!

Varwin ,

Java Dev here if there’s anything I can contribute with a couple hours a week!

Pamasich , avatar

kbin is written in PHP, but if you want to contribute, it's opensource on codeberg.

metaStatic ,

Java Dev

My condolences

joost ,

r/ProgrammerHumor… Oh oops, old habit.

tjhart85 , avatar

We have an m/ProgrammerHumor !

metaStatic ,

hashtags work in the fediverse

tal , avatar

Kbin is PHP/Symfony, but people are writing tools in various languages, not to mention clients. I haven't looked at the client repositories, but I assume that some, if not all, of the codebases for them are Java.

Rayspekt ,

And my axe!

HappySerf ,

Reddit really is here

Doggo , avatar

Let me know if you need some more coffee!


To everyone who may wish to, if you want to support ernest see below link.


The thing that helps Kbin the most is that it is, by far, the easiest to understand. Googling "Lemmy fediverse" gives a bunch of various links to other Lemmy instances, which are presented in a way as if they are separated from one another. Kbin appears as one site, one location for content aggregation. Although that "goes against the idea" of decentralization, most users are currently looking for their "one home to replace their old one home". The more users flock to one area and learn how it works, the more things will begin to take their proper shape, so to speak.

rideranton , avatar

A feature we'll definitely want to have with kbin in the future is the ability to migrate accounts to other instances. That would mean that even though we're centralizing on right now, people could move to other instances and spread the load across the fediverse without losing their history


I'm still learning the ins and outs of this place and the others, but part of me thought that was the feature of being federated. User accounts could seamlessly transfer from one instance to another.

Looking further into it, it looks like that feature exists for content, but not so much for accounts.

tal , avatar

You can access content from an account anywhere, but not migrate the account.

Steampunk , avatar

Love you, Ernest 💕

midas ,

Wishing you the best of luck, hoping Kbin succeeds! It has everything to be a great platform for the long run.

hovster9 , avatar

Don't become like those overlords. Stay down to Earth with the rest of humanity.

PlagueShip ,

Kbin doesn't have the ability to sort comments by top. To me, that is the #1 most important feature, and not having it when it's easy to do shows some real ignorance. The reason I come to these sites is to see the best comments on news of the day.

EntasaurusWrecked ,


@Fizzee @abff08f4813c
It’s new, it takes time… Reddit wasn’t Reddit at first, either

Briguy24 ,

12 years ago reddit would crash all the time. To make it worse they always told me I was the one who broke reddit personally by putting a message on my screen. My bad yall.

loobkoob , avatar

Yeah, I always thought it was a little unfair when it popped up telling me that "Briguy24 broke reddit!". But I never held it against you, don't worry :)

Stern , avatar

reddit used to not have comments or even subreddits (Among the first ones were r/programming and r/NSFW, fwiw).

MrGG ,

Well good news, friend! Here is the kbin source code. Since it's so easy to do I look forward to seeing your pull request sometime today 😀

ernest , avatar

Top sorting is already available on the testnet. It will be further improved over time.

Calcharger , avatar

@plagueship Just so you know, the main dev @ernest replied to your concern

holycrapwtfatheism ,

To each their own but sometimes it's nice to just scroll through comments and see the varied replies instead of just fed the top/earliest on some posts. Imo it increases user engagement.

TelKaivokalma , avatar

"..shows some real ignorance"?

Brother, acting like a douche to people who are working and paying for you to be here shows some real arrogance. You're not a customer here. There's no ad revenue, no data collection, no money. If you want it so bad then do it yourself. Beauty of the fediverse is you can go make your own instance that does what you want it to do.

olrik , avatar

"No money" well, there can be some if you donate to as per the About page at the bottom of the page.

awsamation , avatar

Even with the donations I doubt there's that much of a profit to being made. Servers are expensive, and there's no way that servers are the only overhead that ernest is dealing with.

Can_you_change_your_username ,

His own knowledge, skills, abilities, and time are almost certainly worth more than he is receiving in donations. Dudes a skilled programmer/developer and is putting serious work into this. If he was putting his time and effort into freelance work instead he'd be building a heck of a nest egg.

patchw3rk , avatar

@BestOf might be of interest. The community sifts through the junk to share the most insightful comments.

Crankpork ,

Less polished, but the browsing experience is better and more customizable than any Lemmy instance I've been on so far.

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