How do I delete all comments from Reddit data export csv for free?? ( )

I have got my privacy report in CSV form and have about 40k comments each with the id parent Id and permalink. Is there a way to parse this to delete script. I know shreddit does it for $15 premium but looking for free options

ObM ,

Free bookmarklet that runs in browser.

Jon-H558 OP ,

I believe that runs on you[username] profile page and whereby it only hits the 1000new, 1000top and 1000contraversial

SpaceCadet2000 , avatar

This is not what OP is asking for. PowerDeleteSuite is limited by what the Reddit API allows access to, so about 1000 comments from your profile. It doesn't let you feed a list of comment URLs to it for deletion.

swan_pr , avatar

In the csv from Reddit it shows I had over 5100 comments. I ran PowerDeleteSuite and it completely erased all my comments. I kept my account and I go back on Reddit once in a while to check and only once I had to delete a stray comment that popped back up. Otherwise my comment and post history (12 y.o. acct) is gone.

Jon-H558 OP , (edited )

What are you using to prove all your comments are gone? If you are just looking in your profile it empty as Reddit doesn't bump comments into the list unless somone votes on them. So if you delete your new 1000 it doesn't promote the 1001st into that list likewise if you delete your top 1000 it won't promote the 1001st until someone drops a vote on one.

Try googling your username and Reddit and see what is there (I found hundreds even though your profile was showing only two)

swan_pr , avatar

Ahhhh, now I understand!! Thank you very much for the explanation, it wasn't very clear to me. Guess I'll have to run shreddit over the weekend then.

TheRazorX , (edited )

Try googling your username and Reddit and see what is there (I found hundreds even though your profile was showing only two)

Just did that and holy shit there's a ton still left over. Is there another alternative that will delete properly cause my profile shows it's empty.

Edit: And to clarify, I didn't get my GDPR archive back yet despite putting in the request a few weeks ago, so dunno if I can use any of the tools that require the archive.

Jon-H558 OP , (edited )

There is a script that tries pushfit list but not sure if that is still working (edit: no pushfit has gone private I think or just dead), otherwise wait for the gdpr. Mine took about 3weeks but did come through, I think I got in just before the rush though as request the end of the first blackout week.

TheRazorX ,


I went ahead and manually deleted a bunch, but it looks like there are at least several thousand left. I'll have to wait, but honestly I don't even know if they'll actually comply anyway.

abff08f4813c ,

There is a way to do this, pushshift is gone but the torrents are still available and you can use that, see

abff08f4813c ,

There is another way to use pushshift, despite it being shut down, see

Jon-H558 OP ,

Yeah so I assume you mean the torrent of data. That is great but to be efficient you need to know what subs you post in otherwise you will be traveling a lot of data. Unless it is hosted and searchable somewhere.

ObM ,

No shit? Thanks for that! I’ll go check out what remains. I just had a few thousand line items in the CSV so it seemed to have worked.

abff08f4813c ,

Recommend giving a try - it supports using the GDPR archive out of the box, no code changes required.

e_t_ Admin ,

I recently got my export from Reddit and did exactly this. It took shreddit the better part of two days to delete all 18000-odd of my comments.

Jon-H558 OP ,

Thanks I think I can work with that. I didn't realise there was an open fork of shreddit. I was just thinking of

SpaceCadet2000 , avatar

Thanks for that. It seems to be working for me. I just set it to work on my 12 year old, 13000 comment history.

Jon-H558 OP , (edited )

I am thinking maybe a modified version of this one
That users the praw python wrapper. But rather than that one going off to pushfit I just feed in the comment IDs from column1 of the Reddit headers CSV into the id_list array from csv. I am not sure I even need to get body of the comment as that is for logging purposes

abff08f4813c ,

I did something similar - see (though I didn't have the benefit of the archive). TTThe other thing to look out for is that I'm not sure if you can delete comments or submissions from private subs.,, but you can at least modify the script to warn you about those ids and then you can monitor and wait for the sub to go unprivate (or as the mods to add you to the approved users list)

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