
intensely_human , in My buddy!

It would appear you’ve not fed him enough. The poor thing is reduced to a single back leg.

jordanlund , in Fluff pile avatar

NGL, I know mom has to be around or they'd be in worse shape, but I'd still scoop them up, get them cleaned up and then see if I could catch mom too.

Pat_Riot , in Nudibranches are cute. avatar

I'm more inclined to say that nudibranches are pretty.

BonesOfTheMoon OP ,

I'm ok with that.

ArmokGoB , in This rabbit.


Adderbox76 , in This rabbit.

Even rabbits got their hipsters...

penguinsAreRapists , in This rabbit. avatar

Ave Satanas

Pelicanen , in Momma deer stashed this little guy by my gate.

Oh my god, that picture of your dog carefully smelling it might just make my heart explode.

Mouselemming , in Fluff pile

You can't just post something like this without making sure they're okay! Like either they're being adopted or at least their mother is coming right back to take care of them, and is getting plenty to eat! And someone is going to see they all get spayed/neutered, including mom!

Kolanaki OP , avatar

Mom was just to the right of the photo. This was about 5 minutes after they were suckling. And they're taken care of by my nextdoor neighbors.

Poem_for_your_sprog , in Momma deer stashed this little guy by my gate.

A tick bomb!

stoly , in Fluff pile

That’s not aww. They are scared and dirty.

kamenlady , avatar


CatZoomies , in Fluff pile avatar

Those little babies. They’re so cute. Hope they were taken in and on their way to good homes

Rhynoplaz , in Fluff pile


flango , in This rabbit. avatar

distinguishable gentleman

Lost_My_Mind , in Fluff pile

They look frightened. They look like they need nice warm homes.

AllNewTypeFace , in This rabbit. avatar

Official vegan Satanist mascot

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