
Treczoks , in Bird plays with golf balls

I assume the bird tries to break open the "eggs" it found. I know, boring explanation for an absolute funny video.

toothpaste_sandwich ,

Ayup. These birds make the same movement with snakes and other animals to break all their bones.

pipows , (edited ) avatar

Not eggs, but prey. They use this movement to break its bones and kill it.

It's a siriema if I'm not mistaken. There are a bunch of them in the country side of where I live (Brazilian Cerrado). They are absolutely fantastic animals

intensely_human ,

I assume the bird’s knowledge is inarticulate and all it knows is that it’s very satisfying to slam the ball on the concrete.

FuglyDuck , in Reddit mods claimed my buddy was stuffed avatar

well, if he’s stuffed, maybe you should stop feeding him so much…

Enasni , avatar

Speaking of food.

I once shared a screenshot from Good Mythical Morning on r/shittyramen and the post got removed. The moderator accused me of being a bot lmao. The reason? Advertising.

They were using GMM labels to explicitly hide brand names. If I recall correctly it was a bottle of generic, vinegar based hot sauce that triggered this person.

I forget which video it was from but it definitely qualified and I thought it was hilarious. That mod really bummed me out.

the_third ,

Imagine being that invested into a job you do for free so Reddit can be somewhat profitable.

FuglyDuck , avatar

Imagine being that lonely and that unable to get people to like you on the internet.

Pro tip. Post more foxes…. People like foxes…

dariusj18 , (edited ) in New game!

LPT: if your dog is being playful and you need to catch them, try running away to have them chase and catch you.

navi ,

Extra pro tip for new dog owners:

Try to never, ever, EVER. chase your dog. If they don't think it's a game, they won't do this.

Of course there are emergencies, but try to always make it a game of them coming to you.

finley ,

i learned this when i was, like, 6 or 7 with my family dog.

it always works!

jenny_ball , avatar


hactar42 ,

My dog stopped falling for this after I got her to chase me back into the house a few times

Wahots , avatar

This is clever and adorable :)

goferking0 ,

Mine always stops before the doorway

Crackhappy , in Here's my dude. I have no idea what he is. avatar

I know exactly what he is. He's a good boy.

sndmn ,


AtariDump ,
CumBroth , in It's just not fair! avatar

If not friend, why friend-shaped? :(

Nougat , in New game!

Play bow. Dogs do this to each other, too, as a signal that they want to play.

Source: I speak dog.

thefartographer ,

Source: I speak dog

Oh yeah?? Say three words in dog!

mr_robot2938 , avatar

Bark, woof, grrrrr

thefartographer ,

Bravo! Although, I repeated it to my dog and she seemed offended...

Opisek ,

Are you sure you didn't say arf woof grrr? Huge mistake.

Nougat ,

Of course, dogs have many varied dialects, but these are the kinds of things I see dogs saying to each other:

  • Butt sniff = "I am meeting you! Can I meet you?" This may receive a snarl and snap and bared teeth response, which usually means "I'm not comfortable around new dogs because I have dogtism, give me a minute."
  • Biting and snarling at another dog's neck while the tail is wagging = "WE ARE PLAYING! THIS IS FUN!"
  • Barking at dogs which are play biting at each other's necks = "Are you okay? I think you're okay, but I'm not sure, because I'm only a dog."

Dogs also code switch between talking to other dogs and talking to humans. Furthermore, when dogs talk to humans, they generally tailor their vocabulary specifically to the people who they interact with most.

  • Laying on the back or side and making a "face swipe" pantomime with one paw to their own face = "It is time to pet me."
  • Going straight to the front door and sitting at noon or 9PM = "It is time for my nap or bedtime. You will let me outside in front to go potty, after which I will eagerly run in, straight into my crate, and wait for my cookies."
  • Stopping and looking back at you after you let him out the back door = "Are you going to come out? I really want you to come out and play frisbee."
AFC1886VCC ,

He speaketh the language of the mutt!

Dinodicchellathicc , in There's a lot of cats on this sub (are we calling these subs?), so here's a pic of my doggo after an over-ripe mango fell on his head. avatar

We call them communities here to distance ourselves from the front ad page of the internet

Usernameblankface , avatar

Yes, please let's

Selmafudd ,

I say we call them Doms, you know, for reseaons

Kraven_the_Hunter ,

For “dominions” right? Makes sense to me.

Also, sex stuff.

nieceandtows ,

Yeah I remember The_Donald users calling their subreddit ‘domreddit’ because they were not the submissive type.

Selmafudd ,

Oh I didn’t know this, ok maybe not then lol

can ,

And kbin calls 'em magazines.

webghost0101 ,

Communities is way to long and generics

I think instances act much more like a community and a community is a sub-community… but then we just en at sub again.

OprahsedCreature ,

Could we shorten them to Comms?

MossyFeathers , in I made dis. Pls be gentle

Take a moment and think about the fact that, in the wild, another animal handling your babies is a great way to lose them, so the vast majority of animals have evolved to be protective of their young.

Now think about how much it means that dogs let humans handle their babies.

Dud , avatar

I’ve forgotten the name of the paper but I read a fairly in-depth report on human/dog co-evolution and how it has ingrained an instinctual understanding into each other even as little more than babies for both species.

GBU_28 ,

I mean that dog looks pretty resigned to the fact that the human is in full control.

EvilHankVenture ,

That is the exact same look my sister gave me the first time I held my niece. That’s “I trust you but be careful”

GBU_28 ,

Which, in that moment you were in full control.

EvilHankVenture ,

Yes but I wouldn’t say she was “resigned” to that fact.

naevaTheRat ,

We also tend to share our babies with dogs. My sister has recently had skin dogs and my fur babies are very interested in standing by the bassinet and watching over them. They’re also extremely patient with their flailing hands and curious fingers.

While the reasons why aren’t all peachy, and much of the framework it happens in is incredibly abusive and horrible, what humans and dogs share is very beautiful.

My dog recently broke her leg, she was screaming in terrible pain, but she went dead silent when we arrived and started investigating. That level of trust is incredible. I don’t know exactly what’s going on in her head, but I know that when something is wrong and I show up to help her breathing calms and she relaxes. Just as when I think I hear something in the night or whatever I look to her for guidance on whether it’s a threat.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

Meh, dogs have been selectively bred for millennia to bring things to people. They’re also completely dependent on humans not only for nutrition, but also probably in this case behavioural guidance.

It’s not so much “here human I trust you so much I’ll let you hold my baby” as it is “here human this smells important”.

Cruxifux , in He found a new friend!

That’s adorable. That’s also super not what happened tho.

fsxylo ,

I was there man, I was that dried leaf.

JudahBenHur ,

like these photographs are interesting, but then mid-2020's internet venacular seeminly requires "so I was having a bad day then I saw this on my way to work"

lars ,

Wouldn’t it have been funny if someone said

totally became

Shoutout to someone I heard saying

intensely_human ,

Yeah OP just grabbed a passing baby deer and set it on the dog. Definitely a more believable story.

nomous ,

Deer farms are a thing, that's likely exactly what happened. Unless you think a baby deer wandered onto this dogs legs, it was placed there.

TxzK , in It's impossible that they could hurt me avatar

if not fren then why fren shaped?

ZILtoid1991 ,

We were "groomed" by plush toys...

ParsnipWitch , in People in this community... avatar
sharkfucker420 , avatar

Thank you

altima_neo , avatar

So where’d you say you parked your van?

ickplant OP , avatar

Found the perp. Omw to the van now.

BreadOven ,

Wait up, I gotta tie my boots up.

fckreddit ,

Wait for me. I will be joining too.

Rayspekt , in She has stitches on her leg. Instead of the cone of shame, she prefers toddler pants with tail hole cut in them.

The question how the dog would wear pants has finally been answered.

Thecornershop ,

Ah! I came here to make the same comment! Well done😜

witheyeandclaw , in Feels


“Another treat.”

otp ,

“That was awesome! Now YOU give me a treat.”

Balthazar , in I would watch sports if this were a regular thing

There’s no rule that says a dog can’t be a commentator.

HonkTonkWoman ,

Damn skippy. They let Dennis Miller do it for a while, why not a dog?

ericisshort ,

Miller: [just keeps barking]

Mongostein , in Blep-tastic

Does this cat have extra ears??

ickplant OP , avatar

I’m not sure what those are, but I think they are adorable.

Zonetrooper , avatar

It’s called the double ear mutation! It’s a known recessive gene that appears in some cats.

henfredemars ,

Yes. I share the link in another comment.

Mongostein ,

Oh thanks! When I was here before I was the only comment… or maybe they just didn’t load or something. 🤷🏻‍♂️

assassinatedbyCIA ,

So he can hear in 4D

kureta ,

No. She is bleping out of her ears.

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