The baby giraffe that was just born at Chester Zoo ( )

The leggy newcomer arrived into the world to new mum Orla, with the joyous scene captured by the zoo’s CCTV cameras, at 11:30pm on Tuesday 12 March.

Footage shows the calf falling from a height of six feet onto a bed of soft straw following a 472 day pregnancy and a labour lasting more than three hours.

The youngster can then be seen stumbling to its feet and suckling from mum for the first time – all within just 30 minutes of being born.

Zookeepers are yet to determine if the two-day old is male or female and have said the calf already weighs more than 70kg and stands at 6 foot tall – but will grow to be more than 18 foot tall and weigh 1,000kg.

Rest of article plus pictures and video

TheFriar ,

It looks like a stuffed animal that is also somehow 70 years old and tired of the world around them.

DudeDudenson ,

That’s some high res CCTV

Spendrill ,

What even am i?

sharkfucker420 , avatar

I saw its front hips as massive titties for a second there

HonoraryMancunian ,

It has cool hair! I should visit

Beryl ,

Front butt

EdibleFriend , avatar

Well…now what?

frickineh ,

Giraffes are my favorite animals. I have a zoo membership at least 50% because it means I can just go hang out by the giraffe habitat and watch them for a while, so I’m basically an expert and can say that this baby is perfect and amazing and I would die for it.

HonoraryMancunian ,

They’re so big! Like a creature from scifi

frickineh ,

I know! Giant and knobby and gangly but then they have those Disney eyes and lashes. They’re the best.

jballs , avatar

Highly recommend checking out the giraffes at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado. You can feed them!

MrPibb , avatar

Giraffe calf sees the light of day, freeing its self from its 18 month confine, free falls six feet, lands on its head

Patches ,

Well after 18 months - can you blame Mom? God dam that’s a long time.

Crackhappy , avatar

Very cute, also looks so alien at the same time.

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