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jordanlund , avatar

Wasp nests look more like paper than mud. But good on you for knowing a nest when you see it! ;)

ParabolicMotion OP ,

I didn’t major in zoology. That is true. Can you write a proof on Ptolemy’s lemma?

seathru , avatar

Mud Daubers would like a word. They are one of the few wasp bros, too. Those mud nests are full of half dead paralyzed spiders.

Lost_My_Mind ,

But are they still dicks who will stab you for no reason other than the fact that you exist?

reddig33 ,

Nope. They are annoying but they don’t sting humans.

Lost_My_Mind ,

Annoying how? Like are they going to come over, and borrow my lawn mower, but then not return it for a week and half because it was too much effort to bring it back?, that's my neighbor. Is my neighbor a human sized wasp?

Cosmos7349 ,

my wasps do that

TragicNotCute , avatar

My leg would like a word with you.

Source: my leg.

They definitely sting humans if needed.

seathru , avatar

They're pretty chill as far as wasps go. They don't go looking for fights but they'll bring it if you antagonize them enough. You can swat one away and they'll usually leave you alone. Unlike an asshole yellow jacket that will make it their life's mission to bring you pain if you look at it wrong.

lightnsfw ,

My grandmother used to tell me they don't sting when I was a little kid. I also suspect she used to identify all wasps as mud daubers so I'd stop freaking out about them.

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