Polish woman is raped and killed in Greece, which sparks intense debate in Polish internet about "victim blaming" when more context about the case is revealed.

For context:


Anastasia was a Polish woman who worked at a 5-star hotel in Greece. According to her brother, she always dreamed of being a model and that she was “too friendly” and “loved travelling”. She met some guys from Bangladesh in Greece who were selling her weed. One bad night, she got drunk and went with her new friends (5 in total) to their apartment. She texted her boyfriend (!) where she was going and that he should pick her up after one of the guys was supposed to drive her off, but when he went there, she was missing. The police searched for days until they finally found her naked body in a bag, only 500 meters away from where the guy who supposedly killed her lives. The investigation is still ongoing to see if others were also involved. But the details of the crime are not that important.

Needless to say, it became the hottest topic on Polish internet in the last week because of all the shitflinging between chuds and women. One side claiming she “got what she asked for” the other side seething that someone would say such horrible things about a poor, innocent victim.

It didn’t help that the same sites who now seethe about it, wrote articles like this (translation: “Polish woman abroad is a completely different woman. Free, uninhibited, without constraints, ready for experiments and new experiences” - basically an article praising being a whore for foreign men).

Hot takes also include blaming her boyfriend for the whole situation, including Greece police asking him if she was an escort/whore and if he was pimping her out lmao. Memes about Polish women being whores are now in overdrive on Polish sites and all the left-leaning sites and journals keep seething about it, men post bad takes by women such as “i wouldn’t be surprised if it was her boyfriend who killed her because he was jelaous” (pictured below) or that “you cannot get crazy with a Polish man”.


This escalated into other topics and people started digging out other articles and hot takes from media, such as this article from wyborcza.pl (largest left-leaning journal in Poland) where one author claims that “White, heteronormative, christian, Polish man is a threat to the planet”.


Overall the entire situation is already a shitshow and anything new just keeps adding fuel to the fire. Right wingers keep seething at Polish women fucking foreign men, while left wingers try to de-escalate and move people’s attention away from tihs case by claiming that “rapes also happen in Poland” and that “Polish men also rape”. So far we wait for possible new development that would cause even more drama.

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