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jws_shadotak ,

Before you call the plumber, try calling the city. We had sewage backing up into our showers so we called the city and they found the issue was on our side but still fixed it for us for free.

Worst case scenario, they say it’s not their problem. Best case scenario, they give you the solution or even fix it themselves.

ptz OP , avatar

Interesting. I don’t have any issues with things going out (or, worse, coming back up), so I didn’t think to involve them at all. Worth a shot. Thanks!

jws_shadotak ,

Smells coming back up, especially when related to the outside, could be indicative of a larger sewer issue. That’s why they were so happy to respond to our issue.

In our case, there’s a flap that is supposed to only allow stuff out. Sometimes that flap gets stuck open and can’t shut. If the sewer levels rise above that flap, now stuff is flowing the wrong way back into the private side of the sewage line.

ptz OP , avatar

there’s a flap that is supposed to only allow stuff ou

Did not know that was a thing. Learn something new every day.

In my case, depending on where that is and if my setup even has one, I doubt it’s the case. My house is also on a hill above the street/sewer connection and pretty much goes downhill from the time it exits the house. If sewer levels rise that high, the whole neighborhood is going to be in deep…well, you know. lol

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