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ISOmorph ,

I would love to use the KApps for Calendar / Contacts / Mail for a better integration into KDE. But at this point Thunderbird is just so far ahead, I’m not sure KDE will be able to close the gap to make those apps a viable alternative

FarraigePlaisteach ,

What does Thunderbird have that the K apps don’t? I ask because I’m considering switching to KDE Plasma for a desktop.

woelkchen , avatar

Thunderbird’s entire GUI locks up when a notification pops up. KMail can’t do that.

Thunderbird runs under Windows, KMail sometimes has at best an experimental Windows release but usually none at all. Decide for yourself how important Windows releases are for a Linux crowd.

I don’t care for them but Thunderbird has extensions.

Coelacanthus , avatar

Thunderbird has many operations which will block UI thread, such as fetch emails, decrypt email and verify signatures…

climbertobby , avatar

@FarraigePlaisteach @aronkvh @ISOmorph

Most importantly what doesn't thunderbird have that kmail has? Akondai server.

Kmail worked so badly with larger imap mailboxes, that I switched back to thunderbird recently.

Thunderbird has its problems but it works. Only other linux mail client that worked similarly well is evolution/gnome mail but I did not want to have gnome services running on my KDE desktop.

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