


I like languages. Alt accounts [email protected] [email protected]

she/xe/it/thon/{ꙮ|seraph} | NO/EN/RU/JP

Undertale brainrot

Pronouns: they/them is preferred but you can call me something else if you really want to cover

Programmer and Airplane Enthusiast.

"You just don't know how AI works" earns you a block. cover

Main Account, [email protected] is going to become my alt account as I’m switching to this as main

Moved to lemmy with same username from reddit

Little nerd that like eating keyboards, playing hard games with cute characters and being in love with programming and privacy. A internaute™ like they say. Also, i know i am on a leftist instance but please stop juging me for that, it’s just that i signed up here, no further reasons.

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