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art , avatar

Moving to Linux is probably not going to be a good idea on your work computer. Just grab Virtual Box and install Linux there and learn Linux.

SamXavia OP , avatar

@art I think that might be a good idea, I was originally going to test running Windows in a VM on Windows and then think about Running Linux with a Windows VM on that. But I feel as if I might just need to VM my Linux as it would be easier due to my dependencies with my apps at the moment, I will be looking into changing or even removing the function of the apps I don't need as much as possible.

i_cant_sports , avatar

I might catch flak for this, but WSL would also be a good option. At least it was for me. It’s basically a Linux container that runs in Windows and is developed/supported by Microsoft. Some limitations so YMMV.

Quick way to install Ubuntu WSL in PowerShell:

wsl --install

I also recommend the Windows Terminal app to compliment a WSL install. Download it in the Microsoft Store.

SamXavia OP , avatar

@i_cant_sports I've tried using WSL before but I seem to not be able to boot up into the Distro from clicking on the Linux WSL application after it appeared, I still might give it another go and see if it will run this time, thank you.

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