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@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar


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SamXavia , to Fediverse
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

I do wonder when will actually open up to the rest of the Fediverse. It seems like each day is moving towards that it will never be open to it.

SamXavia ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@realcaseyrollins I feel as if people are only sticking with the platform because of a few reasons.

  1. They want to go where the majority of people are
  2. The Brands & people they like to interact with haven't jumped ship either
  3. They are unaware of alternatives such as Kbin or Mastodon (as well as any other that I can't think of atm)
  4. They are Elon fans and hate to think otherwise.
  5. They are super right wing and don't want to join a 'Woke' platform
  6. They don't think a Decentralised system would work

There's probably more other reasons and would love to know your thoughts about what I feel is some of the reasons people don't want to leave X or Twitter, What ever you want to call it.

SamXavia ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@JelloBrains Yes you are right, mastodon doesn't have the 'normal' feed they are used to. I like the explanation that it's like a Garden, you have to pick the weeds but the things you grow are much sweeter in the end.

SamXavia ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@astrionic I did actually make this point in point number 2. The Brands & people they like to interact with haven't jumped ship either.

This is where Threads is a good example of why it needs to federalize as it actually does have a lot of Brands & people on there and if it did, it would be able to interact with Mastodon as well as the rest of the Fediverse. As well as in my point number 1. They want to go where the majority of people are.

Some people are like sheep and go with the flock, if a big company or influencer moved over to Mastodon or any part of the Fediverse they might actually move across themselves, even if they crosspost it's a good start allowing people to move away from TwitterX if they wish to. But yes the Fediverse has fewer people & brands of the moment but in due time people will mostly get fed-up with being toyed around by these centralized platforms.

SamXavia , to Fediverse
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

Welcome @kw200102 to the Fediverse

I want to move to Linux but I need to be able to access my apps that are not supported ( kbin.social )

Hey, I use the Adobe Suite for daily use to build and develop posts and videos for multiple people and can't have my workflow slow down by learning a new application, I've looked into Linux a few times and want to really move over in the future but due to it not having support for Adobe, I'm not sure what to do....

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@readbeanicecream I was suggested to use a Windows VM earlier on another post I made, I think that's probably the best way to go but will have to work out how they work as I've never been able to successfully launch a VM yet.

Also, cloud versions are out of the question sadly.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@nlm Thank you will check it out, didn't know we actually had a database for it.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@Zeppo Yeah I might try the Dual Boot system to begin with to save me time working out VMs but I think the long goal would be running a windows VM on Linux tbh.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@SteleTrovilo SyncThing is closer to what I have but with a server by the developers that all my files get stored in for safety. The reason I didn't use Dropbox or OpenDrive is cost, as for all my files to be stored on there it will cost more than the £30 a month I spend atm, as well as they don't have an auto-syncing system well I work (or at least what I know of), Luckily I only really use it for my Adobe Files, so maybe just putting it on the VM with the other stuff I can't run would make sense, Thanks for the help.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@Monologue Yeah I didn't know if it's the same as it was a few years back as people said I shouldn't switch because of me having to use Adobe. I will try to see if a VM would work for me (just have to work out how to use them) and then I might be able to move across and just use a VM for my workspace when need be, what to fair would make it easier to work.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@BurnTheRight I agree, I was looking into the possibility of using an 'Unlimited' plan for Business on Dropbox and they were asking over £80 a month just to do that. Sure is easier than using any other system (that is main stream) but when you are working with video and can't cover that cost it's not worth it.

I hope to eventually have my own home server that I will run but that's something to save up for.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@TheFork Yeah I would tbh look into Apple if they actually supported my games at this point but I was told to look into VMing my Professional setup what is a good idea allowing me to use Linux for my own personal stuff but still be able to switch between the two quickly. I'll have to look further into VMs as haven't really touched them before.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@carlytm Cool, I think I will try to run Windows through a VM other than learning 50 other software to do my functions atm. Especially as it would allow me to Sandbox any setup I know is slightly more risky in the future. But thanks for the suggestions.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@bedrooms That's fair enough, from what everyone else has said, I will probably try emulating Windows through a VM on Windows first then try Dual-booting Linux on my PC before deciding to ditch windows for a all Linux set-up where I can then just use a VM for Windows.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@CorInABox Thank you for this input, sadly I would be using GPU intensive apps with things such as Premiere Pro, So I might have to re-look into this at a later date or even decide to look into how I can use GPU Passthrough

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@nlm Thank you, these will come in handy and I'll have to test it out on my test rig (It's not the best but if I can test out a program on it, Might as well.)

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@stevecrox Yeah I will have to see what I can find without moving to Linux and see what I can find. Sync sadly isn't a bypass for me it's more of a destination for my files to store (Instead of using Google Drive or any other system). The Adobe suite I've kind of got to keep on using especially with how much work I would loose if I did move across, So I'll have to re-evaluate what I can do from what someone mentioned, I need to learn how to GPU Passthrough for the VM if I where to go that root.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@backhdlp I haven't quite decided on a Distro as there are so many and I'm not sure if there's one more my style as of yet, I do like the center bar of Windows 11 & MacOS so might see what sort of Interface each one has (I know I could customize it from there what is fine, I can learn that later down the line).

Sync is more of a CloudStorage for my Video Edits as well as other things I know I need an Archive of but don't have enough physical space on the 15TB+ I have across my devices.

Steam & gaming is less worrying as I've tried out Linux previously and found most of the games I did play on there where better FPS than on Windows (This was about a year ago, so I am sure this has greatly improved with stuff like the SteamDeck now out).

Dual Boot won't really help in the long run but might be a good way for me to try out Linux on my PC before 100% committing to it.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@Celivalg This seems to have been a problem I had previously on my old PC as I wanted to dual boot Windows and Linux before. Thank you.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@Zeppo That does sound ridiculous especially as I wouldn't mind running linux through Windows, I know it wouldn't work as well but I know I would do a lot of my less complex tasks through there such as browsing the internet as I could game on Windows or Linux as I don't really mind if I'm VMing one

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@technologicalcaveman Thank you never have heard of a WinToUSB but will really need to look into it as it sounds like a great way to be able to run Linux.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@art I think that might be a good idea, I was originally going to test running Windows in a VM on Windows and then think about Running Linux with a Windows VM on that. But I feel as if I might just need to VM my Linux as it would be easier due to my dependencies with my apps at the moment, I will be looking into changing or even removing the function of the apps I don't need as much as possible.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@Minty95 Thank you, yeah I think I will probably invest in External Hard Drives as I have a lot of data to store with over 5TB worth currently on my Sync Cloud Storage and that's ever-growing. I looked into a 10TB External HDD and it seems they are around £200 which isn't cheap by any means but is cheaper than paying £300 a year (If I only use up 15TB per year).

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@stevecrox Yeah I basically do need that, There's a lot of usage with Sync that I enjoy such as its auto-saving to the cloud. I think because of the amount of storage I do take up I will be looking into External 10TB Hard Drives as they cost only £200 each (What is a lot but sort of worth it when your currently paying £300 a year on Cloud Storage).

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@Minty95 The Second-Hand NAS is a good idea, I've already stuffed about 5 hard drives into my already small case for my PC so NAS might be a good option.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@Zeppo The goal would be to use Linux as my base OS in the future. As I look through the many comments from everyone I am now re-evaluating some of the things I feel I 'Need' in my set up such as my Sync Cloud Storage, Instead I hope to move over to External Hard Drives.

Knowing Adobe is a huge part of my setup does hurt the idea of moving to Linux at the moment but I will have to find if there is a workaround other than VMs in the future. People mentioned GPU Passthrough on the VM which would help a lot, It's just not only learning how to run a VM but how to do the pass-through on it.

But yes I do wish to move to Linux in the future but maybe baby testing the Distos I think I might like on a VM might be the best way to step into this rather than going into the deep end straight away.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@a Thank you, I knew that you could change your Desktop I just didn't know how easy it would be to change it. But I will have to give it a good go and maybe use Linux Mint as heard some good things about it.

SamXavia OP ,
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

@i_cant_sports I've tried using WSL before but I seem to not be able to boot up into the Distro from clicking on the Linux WSL application after it appeared, I still might give it another go and see if it will run this time, thank you.

SamXavia , to /kbin
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

So i've been hoping onto the Random Magazines I find the look of on Kbin but a lot of them seem to be empty and made over a month ago, Why is this?

SamXavia , to Fediverse
@SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

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  • SamXavia OP ,
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

    @Jerry Yeah I'd think that to some days, I believe it might be because they don't like change. Sure we all have to be sceptical about what the future of the might be but from what I've seen and experienced it could truly be the future of the internet.

    SamXavia OP ,
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

    @SJ0 That's not a bad way of putting it, but I don't count myself as a tech-savvy person I just picked up how the fediverse worked over the past few weeks and I find it less complex than what things like META do for there systems.

    SamXavia OP ,
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

    @SJ0 I think that's really the full idea of the Fediverse, You can do the same with Content Creators if they wish to control 100% of there channel they can host a peertube instance and release to the world from there. Sure we might need to work out how to run a server but i'm sure it will just get easier over time especially if there modern internet requires it a bit more than it used to.

    SamXavia OP ,
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

    @hoodlem As of the moment, other than what Threads has shown yes not to many companies have moved way into the but a lot of News Organizations have seemed to have moved to at least Mastodon with Products, Companies and Even Celebrities moving to Threads. It's why me and many other people think the Fediverse might just explode in popularity (what could be good or bad, we are yet to see how something with so many people could work). Once Mark Zuckerberg opens those flood gates I don't think the Fediverse will be the same, for better or worse.

    SamXavia OP ,
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

    @NightOwl Not really sure, TBH a lot of platforms the US hates hasn't been taken down so I don't see a problem with it especially knowing it's a decentralised one.

    SamXavia OP ,
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

    @GlennMagusHarvey Thank you, you've went through pretty much everything I could think of, I know I did argue the Open-Source aspect to them before but they do mention that they feel open source is less secure what does show you how much they know. Thank you i'll try some of these points with them.

    SamXavia OP ,
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

    @OutrageousUmpire They are already going for Trans People and the Fediverse is currently more Left leaning making the right who are in power most likely hate it so I can see where they would want to try and get rid of it at the moment.

    SamXavia OP ,
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

    @Gutotito I'm pretty sure this part is already happening, META built Threads and Tumblr has already displayed interest in connecting with the Fediverse, it seems like big tech is interested in it. TBH that's why the confo came up with my friend in the first place.

    SamXavia OP ,
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

    @krzschlss I get what you mean, sure Echo Chambers seem like a nice place but it's always good to have a different opinion, it's one of the reasons I really support the Fediverse because you can't choose a certain platform to get Echo Chambered in like you can currently choose Twitter if you hate Trans / Left people, You can choose Reddit if you hate Tech / Everyone else and want to keyboard warrior all day and Facebook / Meta if you want to talk to your Family or post revealing photos to get clicks, people use the current social media as personalities effecting there mental health. I really do hope people just be themselves instead of putting on a face.

    SamXavia OP ,
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

    @threadworms Thank you, Yeah I feel as if the Fediverse was what the original idea of the internet was meant to be and I really do hope we move further in this direction. I see some people mention that they don't really want it to grow as they feel it will be wreaked by the general public, what I see there concern but things move no matter what and we just have to be kind and welcoming to newer people and hope to keep the Fediverse a great place for people to be instead of the Toxic pit of current Social Media. Thank you for your feedback

    SamXavia , to Fediverse
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

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  • SamXavia OP ,
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

    @Eddie I believe they did mention that they wanted to focus on the influx of users so hopefully they get on it pretty soon.

    SamXavia OP ,
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

    @GlennMagusHarvey Thank you for amazing comment, Yes Magazines aren't a to bad of a name for Subs / Communities and as time goes on I get used to it. I do like how I get a button at the top of a magazine if it's not native to my Instance what does make it a lot easier to get to the original media.

    I've heard of Calckey Firefish a few times now, not sure it's any good or what sort of 'Alternative' sort of platform it's trying to be, or even if it's trying to be an alternative. I hope you are enjoying the Fediverse as much as me.

    SamXavia OP ,
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

    @GlennMagusHarvey Thank you, Yeah I luckily get Microblogging through Kbin. So I think I will keep using Kbin especially with the future developments they hope to add in.

    SamXavia ,
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

    @Bishma At this point I think the Fediverse might make a big stance on it, I know I would love to help keep that on there even if I have to log back into my Reddit.

    SamXavia ,
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

    @Pandantic Even just pixeled text saying Fediverse would be cool as that would get users questioning what it is.

    SamXavia ,
    @SamXavia@kbin.social avatar

    @Pandantic The QR code is cool but it would require a lot of work to keep it the same QR code making it hard to do.

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