
Is there a tendency to regard books which make us feel bad as "better" than ones which don't?

I’m dragging myself through an “award-winning” “best-selling” “recommended” book I got from the library and wishing I hadn’t. (Yes I know those phrases mean little and I can stop, though I’m nearing the end after hoping it would stop being so hopeless. Yes I can be naively optimistic ;) .) The characters and...

After the fall of Small Press Distribution, is it time for “Bandcamp for Small Presses?”

[Dear Friends, before I post this somewhere, probably Medium, in the hopes of getting as many eyeballs as possible to look at this, would you be so kind as to look this over and offer some constructive criticism before I post it? And is there some way that the folks on BookWyrm have the option to see this?]...

Welcome to the Inaugural [email protected] Bingo for 2024!

We wanted to invite other Lemmy readers to join us in a reading challenge, we have tried to structure this so it’s very flexible with regards to genre, and we don’t require you to join or post on !books. We had just put in the work to make it and thought we could share the fun. (Admins/Mods please feel free to delete if...

Can any of you recommend a good history of eastern philosophy book?

I am new to exploring philosophy and began reading a history of philosophy book. The author notes that most of the summary is of western philosophy but does touch on some East Asian/Persian/Arabian philosophy. Is there a book with a decently accurate portrayal, without adding too much commentary?

Your favorite book tracking/cataloging/social apps and websites?

I’m using LibraryThing, after fleeing GoodReads a few years back, and I just learned about BookWyrm. I’m interested in what others apps and sites are out there for keeping track of your books and/or to-read list, and/or reviewing and/or discussing them, and what folks think about them.

Recently discovered House of Leaves and it is fantastic

I’ve never had a book that I so immediately wanted to dive right back into. If you haven’t heard of it, but like a good mystery (closer to a self-contained ARG than Agatha Christie) or a good 500 page movie review, I could not recommend it more! This weekend I’m planning to do another read-through to catch things I might...

Fathers and Sons by Turgenev: Portrait of a self-proclaimed Nihilist

Fathers and Sons by Turgenev (Richard Freeborn translation) is an interesting character study of Bazarov, a self-proclaimed nihilist in the backdrop of the ideological differences between the “fathers” and “sons”. The “fathers” and “sons” in the title refer to the two different generations of the liberals and the...

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