scevola44 , avatar

I’m halfway into “Guards! Guards!” by Pratchett. My first story of his, and I’m having so much fun!

alex ,

ahhhh welcome to the discworld!!

DJDarren ,

Once you’ve read that, get a copy of Nightwatch. Much the same cast of characters, but it’s widely considered to be Terry’s magnum opus. That book is a damn work of art.

scevola44 , avatar

Yeah, I already have planned to read the whole night watch saga. Then I’ll see what other side of the Discworld to move on to

followthewhiterabbit ,

You’ll love these books!

Jealous you get to read them all for the first time.

lunasloth , avatar

I usually have a print/ebook and an audio book (for the car) going at the same time.

For print book, currently reading Crooked Kingdom, one of the books in the Grishaverse series/world. I, uh, got a little obsessed after watching the first season of Shadow and Bone a year or two ago.

For audiobook, currently listening to Children of Ruin. Not too far into it yet, but I loved loved loved Children of Time (also listened to the audiobook version), so I’m excited to see where this one goes.

lamentforicarus ,

I really want to read Children of Time. I actually did start it and got half way through, but I have such an intense arachnophobia that I had to give up because I kept dreaming of spiders and waking up terrified. I enjoyed his writing style, though, and am curious about his new trilogy coming out.

GooseDwarf ,

I’m currently reading through Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. I’m a fan of SciFi, and cyberpunk especially. This book was on my reading list, and I decided to pick it up while in the bookstore the other day.

So far I’m really enjoying it. It feels a bit more pulpy than some of the other cyberpunk classics such as Neuromancer and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, but that’s not a bad thing. It certainly doesn’t take away from the entertainment in my opinion. Not every book needs to have a grand philosophy behind it.

drownedPhoenician ,

I guess I should finally read Snow Crash, but other books keep getting in the way. I just finished Neuromancer which surprised me with how well written it was. No idea why, but I expected the classics to be more … exhausting.

Duchess , avatar

do comic books count? i just started reading DCeased. otherwise i’ve finally cracked open Lolita, it’s an interesting but disgusting read.

fievel ,

Black House, by Stephen King and Peter Straub

altz3r0 , avatar

Pattern Recognition, William Gibson.

Gibson is tough to get into, personally, but his stories are very cool!

Brisktheaardwolf ,

The eyes of the dragon by Stephen King

Ninefingers ,

I finally managed to read through Gardens of the Moon recently which I really liked, so now I’m on to Deadhouse Gates.

argentcorvid , avatar

Just started Howl’s Moving Castle. Liking it so far!

Not exactly like the movie, but it’s pretty close.

mainfrog ,

Expeditionary Force: Match Game

scoobford ,

The Murderbot Diaries.

I’ve been enjoying it, it has a surprising amount of heart for a series about an emotionally damaged not-robot.

SpookyBogMonster , avatar

I’m currently re-reading Transgender Warriors by Leslie Feinberg, for Pride Month!

fishy_2_0 ,

Currently reading Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy really fun reads though it got weird in some places

ozoned , avatar

Currently reading “Brave New World”, Aldous Huxley. Next up Isaac Asimov’s Foundation.

rancidity9480 ,

I have 2 going right now:

  • Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk
  • Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson

Snow Crash is good, but IDK. It just isn’t pulling me in the way I expected it to, so it’s taking me too long to get through.

Then I have some Jack Reacher novel on my bedside table waiting to be started, and I was just eyeballing a collection of H.P. Lovecraft stories on my shelf.

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