Please don't let this turn into an anti-feminist, misogynistic, right-wing, tribal community ( )

You will be no better than the people you'll fight against. I've seen it happen on every pro-men subreddit, and if this place isn't aggressively moderated to dispel hopelessness, negativity, and prejudice, it'll just turn into hate.

Incel, mens-rights activist, red-pill, black-pill, MGTOW, etc. don't let the haters join otherwise this community will end up just like the aforementioned.

Egalitarian from a male perspective is what we should be, not pro-male (I say male because of sex and gender).

Be excellent to each other.

a-man-from-earth , avatar

Did you read the pinned welcome thread?

It is because we are egalitarian and pro-human that we are pro-men as well as pro-women. And because men are human and have human rights, men also deserve to have their rights advocated for. This community welcomes everyone who comes without hate or bigotry, to discuss men's issues.

elouboub OP , avatar

That's great. Hopefully the moderators will uphold that view.

Despair and the longing for understanding, can easily be exploited to guide people onto a path of anger and hate.

Good luck with the community.

darq , avatar

I just did. And honestly it doesn't leave me hopeful for this space. Boosted comments in that thread overly generalise feminism and even place blame on feminism as a whole for issues that men face. Comments saying that feminism is an egalitarian movement are reduced.

Men's advocacy is important. There are perspectives on issues that men offer that other genders cannot, the same way there are perspectives that women can offer but other genders cannot. And not all feminist advocacy is created equal, some of it is not great. But the generalised blame game is precisely the sort of tribalistic thinking that so often leads men's advocacy spaces into misogyny, where women's advocacy is treated as an infringement on men.

elouboub OP , avatar

I agree. I scrolled through the comments (even responded to some) and this community is already heading towards where the feminist communities are heading: blaming the "other side" for everything.

It's not productive in any way and only serves to widen the gap between both communities.

AmberPrince , avatar

Great comment. I think the framing for a lot of the issues men face get mixed up here. I casually scrolled through the post about the Reference book of Men's Issues(RBOMI) and at a quick glance two thing stuck out to me:

There was a point about how most of the homeless population is men, around 90% or something, but women make up 25% of shelter/housing resources. First, the framing. If 90% of the homeless population is men, then by grace of majority every discussion about homelessness as a whole is going to be male-centric. There is no need to specify or specifically call to men. Secondly the article they reference from the BBC does indeed state those numbers but the RBOMI doesn't explain that yes, these numbers are accurate but that's because most of the women using those resources have kids with them that need to be cared for.

The second thing that stuck out to me was in that same point the RBOMI claimed it was likely due to "male disposability" although there is no reference link for that assertion. That is a claim the post is making by itself based on a flawed understanding of the issues that affect men. That attribute, that I want to reiterate is completely made up, is meant to have an emotional response in the reader, to make them angry, to make them afraid that it could be them.

I was pretty far down the track of stereotypical MRA/Incel/forever alone when I was younger and the posts here remind me of that and it is scary. I am worried for the community and for the men here.

Infiltrated_ad8271 , (edited ) avatar

Anti-feminism ≠ Anti-women. Feminism is a hate movement, which promotes discrimination, sexism and fights against human rights. That is an objective fact, easy to prove just by looking at the kind of laws and speeches that feminist movements, political parties, major influencers, etc. carry out.

If some among you don't want to see the obvious reality, or if you want to fantasize that you support a fanciful "true philosophical feminism," that's your problem. I am very proud to say that, precisely because I am a leftist who greatly value human rights and egalitarianism, I am anti-feminist.

LegendofDragoon , avatar

I'll start; I love my wife.

Eufalconimorph ,

For the reference: I also love this guy’s wife!

More seriously, I love my wife as well. It’s an awesome feeling to have found someone I can trust completely, can care for without reservation, and who can reciprocate those feelings.

WookieMunster ,

I thought we made a deal not to reuse lame comments that show up on every thread like Reddit

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

There’s probably a reason these guys aren’t in the men’s liberation instance

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