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AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

He’d be younger, at least, as it would almost certainly be Newsom.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

I mean you’re talking about crucifying your political opponents, chud

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

He’s not anti-abortion, for one

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

The other kids had parents dropping poison in their ears

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

You can smell bloodmouths? What’s the difference? I’ll have to keep a nose out for it

Female soldiers in Army special operations face rampant sexism and harassment, military report says ( )

Female soldiers face rampant sexism, harassment and other gender-related challenges in male dominated Army special operations units, according to a report Monday, eight years after the Pentagon opened all combat jobs to women....

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

I mean what the fuck were they expecting?

I know maybe I should but it’s impossible for me to have sympathy for the ladies who signed up to the murder squad so they could legally murder people.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

Gorsuch is really weird. He’s always gonna be theirs but he’s gonna side with us in really weird ways sometimes. I don’t think he’ll ever be Alito levels.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

Angry neckbeards never change. Check out the reaction to the casting of Burton’s Batman

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

I’ve seen maybe a quarter of the episodes. Seen every other trek episode multiple times. I know it’s blasphemy but trek got a lot better post Roddenberry

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

He was in I, Claudius. He’d been in stuff.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

Still better than Star Wars fans, though. Same as it ever was

"I've never seen anything like it": Economic analyst stunned at sources of Jared Kushner's funds ( )

Economic analyst Steven Rattner on Monday shared a pie chart showing that all but 1% of the $3 billion in investments in former President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner’s private equity firm Affinity Partners came from foreign sources after he “spent much of his White House tenure cozying up” to Saudi Arabia and...

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

It also works to help obfuscate Democratic corruption as it's nowhere near as bad and when pointed out is immediately compared to the much worse Republican corruption, which in turn pushes the envelope (full of cash) forwards even more. It sucks.

Please don't let this turn into an anti-feminist, misogynistic, right-wing, tribal community ( )

You will be no better than the people you'll fight against. I've seen it happen on every pro-men subreddit, and if this place isn't aggressively moderated to dispel hopelessness, negativity, and prejudice, it'll just turn into hate....

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

There’s probably a reason these guys aren’t in the men’s liberation instance

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

I can't remember when but I'm pretty sure we've seen officers shadow others before

does lower decks count? that's the one that's immediately coming to mind

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

Disengagement is the wrong term when “disengaging” people is a deliberate political strategy. Also your state is famous for stuffing ballot boxes. That history lingers.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

Spock’s comedy capers was tonally different from data’s day… how?

You’re acting like goofy shit is not an intrinsic part of trek’s charm

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

What statistics show that social safety nets lead to those things?

I’ll save you time: they don’t exist

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

You’ve never heard of social security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, housing opportunities, mental health services, food banks, soup kitchens, etc etc etc

Like Jesus Christ with that comment. How fucking stupid are conservatives? Go hit your head with a hammer and see if it helps. Seemingly it couldn’t hurt.

It’s trans adults, too: GOP candidates now back trans medical restrictions for all ages ( )

Donald Trump had recently finished a familiar riff about banning gender transition surgery for children when the former president, speaking to an audience of Evangelical voters, moved on to something new: a policy that would affect transgender adults. “I will ban all taxpayer funding for sex or gender transitions at any...

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

I am so over pretending there is any space in society for these Nazi fucks.

Let’s be real - across the globe the right wing has marched happily towards fascism. Fuck them all, forever. There are no good right wingers. There will never be any good right wingers. We can’t just beat and kill them this time. We have to salt the earth of their communities.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

I mean… America is a hellhole, just not the way Trump thinks.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

State guard isn’t related to national guard at all. They’re not military they’re cosplayers. Paramilitant? Absolutely

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

Oh yeah. Way worse.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

if I recall correctly collusion is okay but control is not. Pretty illusory distinction

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

I thought whatever lawsuit a couple years ago watered that down

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

Ty for the info!

Ex-FBI official says GOP is telling agents: 'If you investigate our party, you are going to pay the price' ( )

Former FBI official Frank Figliuzzi wasn't happy after watching Republicans grill FBI director Christopher Wray in the House Wednesday. While Democrats questioned Wray for ignoring warnings about Jan. 6, Republicans sought answers to a slew of conspiracy theories and culture war grievances that go a...

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

They’re consistently rated as the most right wing alphabet agency. Mueller let Trump walk and the feds have been suppressing leftism and propping up right wingers forever. I do not understand this view of them liberals have but I imagine a lot of it is based around formerly held delusions about Mueller and television.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

Yeah, see, this is what I’m talking about. You have no data necessary to make that statement and we’ve seen nothing to indicate that there is a presence within the FBI that has a burning desire to fight Republican corruption. In fact we’re literally in the comment section for an article about the agency behaving exactly the opposite!!!

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

If we’re going to have a political move against corruption please please PLEASE don’t let it end with the judges

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

Pretty much no one except creepy weirdos gives a FUCK if you dance around in a dress. Independents, if they care about this at all, are generally against Ronald Disney Princess’ campaign of hate

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

Sorry fam but post covid that’s gonna happen pretty much no matter what. If “it’s okay to do drag” is a losing position your state is already lost. Best to move the culture forward at large and loudly proclaim that people who are different from the norm are still valid and have a place.

Valuing short term optics over acknowledging and celebrating identity is in the long run a losing position. Look at the captured black and queer votes. Those are massive bases for Democrats and aren’t going away for ages, but embracing civil rights lost Dems the South and you but 60 years ago were making this exact same argument. But look at the culture now. Sure, there’s a reaction under way but the vast, vast majority of people are against segregation, are fine with miscegenation and don’t give a fuck about who you fuck. That’s because people took unpopular positions and made them popular.

I’d rather have safe, out queers than a DINO senator.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

winning elections with anti-LGBT candidates?

how are you going to pass good legislation with them?

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

At what point are you imagining this 60 year old woman with no work experience is going to be able to support herself?

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

Idk about the house but a senator almost beat another to death with his cane on the floor of the senate during debate

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

So their legal argument is that you can spread revenge porn as long as someone already did? Seems like that would defeat the entire point

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

it's on sale on steam. get it now but wait until the expansion is out next month

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

The admins have been favoring the fash since forever.

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