Wanderer ,

Looks like we are going to have to start at the basics with this one.

noun: strawman an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent’s real argument

The Nazi comment you made was a strawman. Nice one.

Then I pointed it out and you switched it to me complaining about 1984. Again nice strawman.

Two, talking about relationships as nothing but sex, and also a competition, is depressingly transparent on a level I’m not sure words can convey. The fact you asked this question is damning. The answer is no, but the answer doesn’t matter, because it’s like asking about “Muslim birthrates” or “human biodiversity.” The framing itself is fucked. If you yourself are not a diet Nazi then you’re getting ideas from people who definitely are. Being human feels kinda broken, and someone offered a simple scapegoat that feels satisfying to hammer on, even though you know the implications are horrific: “I can’t even conceive of how that would happen.”

Wow yet another strawman

Describing access to vaginas as some kind of resource to be distributed is dehumanizing - and anyone suggesting you’re owed a woman is a fucking monster

Yet another strawman! I never said anything of the sort.

the left will say “it doesn’t matter about who is best what we want is more women, so all the male applicants can be ignored”

Arguments are easy when you just make shit up.

No I’ve seen it first hand and it’s been in the news. Women get way more leg ups than men and numbers get capped or reserved.

Because it’d be toxic femininity, genius. And of fucking course feminists address how stereotypes about women impact women - but the ranting Youtube manosphere dorks you seem to get your information from do not understand the concept. They think pushing girls toward pink and frills and cooking and babies is good, actually, even when it’s exaggerated to exclusionary extremes, and girls who don’t do that suffer ostracism and mockery. That’s the exact mirror of boys suffering when cliche masculine associations are twisted into unyielding demands… usually at the hands of other boys.

Think this was in reference to women attacking and looking down on men for being unmanly. Yet no mention of how women should behave better, who’s responsible for that?

No feminist is out there telling boys to get laid or they’re a failure. That’s y’all. You do that shit

Haha its like you’ve not met women. Women always make out guys are pissy because they can’t get laid or because they are short. But I’ve never seen guys do it, guys just enjoy having sex that’s why they try to get it. And very frequently they help each other.

Man what a complete mess of a comment haha.

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