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Dagwood222 ,

We live in strange times. The biggest exponent of traditional manly virtues spends hours a day on his hair and makeup, and wears high heels.

Snowclone ,

If I could add one thing to presidential debates it would be making the participants life a 40lb test weight like they do when you interview with a shipping company. People don't have to care about how well they do, I would just like to see it.

Dagwood222 ,

One of the most interesting things about Trump is that you never have to mention his name; just describe something third rate or inane and people know.

CitizenKong ,

Trump is pretty much the poster child for every single negative cliché about US-Americans, it's wild.

As a villain in a movie script, he would have been rejected as being too many evil stereotypes stuffed into a single person.

Dagwood222 ,

I've been repeating this story for a while now.

Right after the 2016 election there was a panel discussion that included the creative teams behind all the biggest political shows on TV. House of Cards; Veep; The West Wing; Scandal, and all the rest.

Every person up there said the same thing; if they'd had a character who said that 'he liked soldiers who didn't get captured' the networks and advertisers would have demanded that the character be shown as being hated by all Americans, and thrown into the gutter.

CitizenKong ,

And that's probably one of the more harmless things he said. He literally praised the Tianmen massacre for example.

Dagwood222 ,
tacosanonymous ,


5wim ,

A person who believes in and promotes the truth or benefits of an idea or theory.

Dagwood222 ,

thanks for providing an explanation

CaptObvious ,

Isn’t that a proponent?

5wim ,

Similar words, both would work. Look them up if you're interested. Exponent connotes more of a "believer" to me, whereas the proponent is an advocate.

CaptObvious ,

TIL. Thanks!

BurningRiver ,

I can’t tell if you’re talking about desantis or trump

Dagwood222 ,
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