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CaptObvious ,

They’d have to pay me seven figures to put up with that.

CaptObvious ,

Yeah, it is. We used to say they were taking a break, but I guess that didn’t sound urgent enough.

CaptObvious ,

Isn’t that a proponent?

CaptObvious ,

I only have time to scan the article, but did they control for cost? That would seem to be a primary deterrent for anyone seeking any kind of medical help in the US. We simply can’t afford treatment even with insurance and can’t risk becoming trapped in our profit-making medical-industrial complex with unstoppable lifetime prescription drugs.

CaptObvious ,

TIL. Thanks!

CaptObvious ,

Great points and I agree. The tiny non-representative sample, which I missed so thanks, should make it difficult even to use this for framing the hypothesis of a proper study.

I still suspect that cost is a major barrier in seeking care. Until we address that, it won’t matter what we do about the other factors.

CaptObvious ,

It’s an interesting article. If nothing else, it highlights the dangers of gender politics.

CaptObvious ,

Indeed. Wish I could give you a dozen upvotes.

CaptObvious ,

Yeah it’s a troll. Six-day-old account apparently created just for trolling.

CaptObvious ,

Six-day-old troll account. Ignored.

CaptObvious ,

So by inference, some lives don’t matter. Care to say which you consider disposable?

CaptObvious ,

Why are we all talking about a story from 10 years ago? It’s hardly news. And things have changed, at least a little, in the last decade

CaptObvious ,

Threads isn’t exactly the fediverse.

CaptObvious ,

They’ll never have the full Mastodon functionality because they’re Facebook. It’s always going to be a one way proposition where Masto can see them but they can’t see us. It’s honestly kind of like being a creepy Peeping Tom.

Assuming, of course, that your instance doesn’t block Threads. Many (most?) do. Some even block second-degree connections.

CaptObvious ,

Sounds like the author thinks we need to change our culture’s definition of “masculine.” I agree.

CaptObvious ,

I don’t think anybody should ever “perform” a gender!

“Perform” in a sociological sense doesn’t mean inauthentic. It simply means to fulfill a societal role. We perform constantly. I do. You do. The author does. We perform as spouses, parents, children, siblings, professionals, leaders, followers, etc.

CaptObvious ,

He may be. I think he’s wrong, but he’s entitled to his opinion.

CaptObvious ,

I have no problem with wearing pink at any time. Even though I don’t hunt, I do hike and often share the trail with hunters. I’d still prefer orange simply because I’m mildly red-green colorblind, and I can see orange more easily than pink.

CaptObvious ,

Sounds like we’re near the same age. :)

I was hesitant to wear pink or purple in high school for the same reasons. In college, though, I stopped caring. And as you say, they were good colors for my social life. :)

Re-sealing shower surround

I am stripping and re-sealing a corner shower stall, and am having a hell of time removing all the old caulk. I also discovered the previous homeowners decided to just caulk over the previous caulk that was on there, so I am removing 2 or 3 layers depending on the location. It was leaking in the spots that had 3 layers so I...

CaptObvious ,

Are you sure that the older layers are caulk and not grout? If it’s actually grout, you can use a chisel to gently break it up.

CaptObvious ,

Fair, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t. Some people do weird things. :)

CaptObvious ,

Indeed. Good luck in any case. :D

CaptObvious ,

Honestly? Less stress than it used to. Spending time with those who matter and no longer feeling guilty about it. Looking forward to longer days and more light.

CaptObvious ,

The only real reason I can think to move is if your current instance is regularly down for extended periods or if a lot of other instances defederate it.

CaptObvious ,

Teenage Gen X? Do you think they have a time machine?

CaptObvious ,

Most excellent! 😁

CaptObvious ,

Language changes with time, not with birth year. While someone born in 1972 certainly has much more life experience and context than someone born in 2002, the question today will mean approximately the same thing to both.

CaptObvious ,

People aren’t working off some master database of language that pushes updates out universally.

Actually, they pretty much are. Think about it: Language would pretty much fall apart otherwise.

Source: I’m a linguist.

CaptObvious ,

Typical armchair bullshit from Psychology Today. This is why non-peer-reviewed op-eds are garbage advice columns.

CaptObvious ,

You may be able to find a slim-profile window AC that sits within the window casing. They’re not very powerful, so plan on one in each room.

CaptObvious ,

This idea of masks is intriguing. It comes up from time to time in other domains: theater, art, nudism, paganism, etc. I wonder if, at least in part, the idea of shedding societal personas in favor of authenticity or of trying on different masks accounts for occasional surges of interest in those communities.

CaptObvious ,

STTMP theatrical release was gods-awful even in the 70s. The more recent directors cut actually salvages it. I rather like it these days.

CaptObvious ,

Nobody said that, and you know it. Stick to the topic. Your lack of logic and bad faith are showing.

CaptObvious ,

I don’t think “stochastic” means what you think it means.

Your deliberate attempt to misconstrue a clear call to nonviolent action into something that you can screech about or even claim as a threat is laughable. Honestly, if this is the best straw man the Right’s geniuses can come up with, it’s no wonder they’ve lost the new culture war.

CaptObvious ,

I’ll have to disagree on going after friends, family, and acquaintances. Go after him, his political funders and handlers, his businesses, and business affiliates if necessary. But leave the innocent bystanders out of it.

CaptObvious ,

Friend, if you were simply disagreeing, we might have a conversation. You’re not. You’re deliberately twisting a call for non-violent protest into a conspiracy to murder the Speaker of the House of Representatives. That is not simple disagreement. That is disengenuously creating a strawman in a way meant to frighten the person opposing you into silence. It’s a typical tactic used by those who know they’ve lost the argument but whose egos won’t let them acknowledge it.

You have a good life, too.

CaptObvious ,

Only because those enthroned by McConnell and his stooge in the White House haven’t been there long enough to show a track record. Give it time.

CaptObvious ,

Didn’t his own right wing force him to allow any single representative to essentially call a no-confidence vote?

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