Sam_Bass ,

And not edible

lettruthout ,

Sure... you go first.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

Black bears are almost exclusively giant fraidy cats. The only times they'll attack humans are if they're literally starving, are cornered/injured, or are used to humans feeding them.

They won't even attack to protect young. They'll just tree them and run off.

I'm an avid outdoors man, and every single interaction I've had with them was them hauling ass in the other direction when they noticed me.

ShadowCatEXE OP , avatar

Usually when I see bears, they’re almost always taking off. I do notice though that when they are feeding, they do hold their ground, like this guy. I sat near him (in my truck of course) just observing him for nearly 15 minutes. He didn’t care about me at all.

Gormadt , avatar

I'm so envious that you got some nice pictures of them

I still haven't managed to get any pictures of black bears even though I've encountered them over a dozen times in the last couple years

They always book it before I can get my camera out. But of course I usually come across them and we see each other way too close.

FireTower , avatar

I'd add being startled and protecting young to that list of reasons for attacking.

They're generally cowards but somethings aren't worth risking.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

If they're startled they'll run away, unless cornered. Also, I covered the cubs part.

Although you shouldn't fuck with cubs because it's a dick move.

FireTower , avatar

Also, I covered the cubs part.
I know I was disagreeing on that point.

Though fear of repercussions shouldn't be what stops people from harassing wildlife.

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