melmc ,

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  • Hairyblue OP , avatar

    We can't have capitalism with strong social programs to help workers and tax the rich to make this happen? Can you explain what you mean by Marxism? edit to add "and how we want/own Marxism"

    I'm more of a progressive. I think we'll have to have some kind of basic income in the furture too. AI and automation is coming for everyone's job.

    acronymesis , (edited ) avatar

    Well, would you look at that? When it comes to DeSantis, the user you replied to respectfully asks that "If you have criticisms, please back them up with facts and citations." But Democrats? Apparently, dems "oWn MaRxIsM" and aren't afforded the same respectful criticism backed up by factual data.

    Funny how that works!!

    lowdownfool , avatar

    Define Marxism and point out how that aligns with the Democrat platform.

    yunggwailo , avatar

    Democratic or democrats'

    lowdownfool , avatar

    I think we're talking about parties, right?

    yunggwailo , avatar

    Yes and referring to the democratic party in that manner is a right wing pejorative. Its democratic party not democrat party etc

    Drusas ,

    It's even clearer if you use capitalization.

    lowdownfool , avatar

    So "The Democrats" is a right-wing pejorative? That is the oddest thing I've heard in a while. Is "The Republicans" a left-wing pejorative?

    yunggwailo , avatar
    lowdownfool , avatar

    What exactly is your point, oh wise one?

    yunggwailo , avatar

    That your way of using democrat in that post is an epithet used by right wingers, mr reading comprehension

    lowdownfool , avatar

    "Democrat"? Really? You are out of your mind. Edit: Shitty troll is blocked now.

    Duckfloss ,

    Republicans own fascism.

    Deleted ,

    Republicans own meaningless statements that back any basis in reality.

    tsac ,

    (unrelated) Sick ass name

    acronymesis , avatar

    Well thank you! 🙏🏾

    soratoyuki ,

    This Marxist boogie man is always so bizarre to hear. There are literally 0 Marxists in Congress. There has never been a Marxist President or Supreme Court Justice. There has never been a Marxist Governor. Right now, there are only about a dozen Marxists combined in state and local governments in the country.

    We gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket.

    QHC , avatar

    That's because you aren't counting all of the super duper extra-secret Marxists!

    Which, by the way, I'd never heard about until Obama was elected. Weird coincidence. I am sure there is nothing correlated to a certain unique attribute of that President compared to everyone that came before him. No need to look into it further.

    lda ,

    Can we count Lincoln as a Marxist?

    Bunnysdebugbuddy ,

    “Ooga booga booga! Be afraid of the red menace!!! Fear the commie marxist threats!!!”

    Get fucking real that shit went out of fashion as soon as the USSR fell apart. Get a new boogie man this shit is as old and tired as a b-movie foam rubber suit thats showing zippers and tears.

    osarusan ,

    Tell me you understand nothing about US politics without telling me me you understand nothing about US politics.

    Drusas ,

    The ones who tried to overthrow the government aren't the patriots? What a shock.

    btaf45 ,


    Xariphon ,

    Republicans don't own patriotism.

    They do own not being able to tell the difference between patriotism and nationalism.

    Gargleblaster , avatar

    True patriots respect fellow countrymen without bias against race, gender and/or sexual orientation.

    True patriots respect women's rights to make decisions about their own bodies.

    True patriots support education.

    True patriots support reading, books, and libraries.

    True patriots recognize people's right to choose their religion even if it means not having one.

    True patriots know that it's patriotic to criticize your country.

    True patriots do not marry child brides.

    loopgru ,

    I watched this and Reich's video on distinguishing patriotism from nationalism, and honestly it still seems kind of like a contrived, arbitrary distinction. Ultimately it seems like the former is on a feeling of duty to serve a given country, while the latter is pride in it- but either way, the object of the affection is the country, the state. I could be wrong, but I can't immediately think of any given national entity that is actually worthy of that kind of unmitigated veneration- they're all a mix of good and bad, and for all of the socialized goods they provide they also monopolize power and control in oftentimes highly unjust ways.

    Bunnysdebugbuddy ,

    Without watching the video, for me Patriotism was always supporting our country striving for improvements and finding pride in our accomplishments while correcting our errors.

    Nationalism is just the our country is the best noone else is better and fuck anyone else. Also we never make mistakes and all we do is the beat.
    A sort of extremist no thought approach to our country just because we were born here.

    Patriotism requires thought nuance and a desire to build a better neighborhood so to speak.

    Just my thoughts.

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