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explodingkitchen ,

Democrats fear the Green Party could offer voters an enticing alternative

Okay, so what's keeping Democrats from offering something enticing? Medicare For All comes immediately to mind as a broadly popular policy. If a Republican win next year means fascism, shouldn't the Democratic leadership be deeply worried about that? Shouldn't they be pulling out all the stops?

Drusas ,

Okay, so what's keeping Democrats from offering something enticing?

Bribery campaign donations and lobbying.

Both parties are shit, but that doesn't mean that we should allow the shittier one to reign.

argv_minus_one ,

Okay, so what’s keeping Democrats from offering something enticing?

Not enough people voting for that in the Democratic primaries.

If you don’t vote in the primary election, you have no business complaining about lack of choice in the general election. The general election isn’t about choice; it’s about presenting unified opposition to a fascist takeover. The primary is where the choices all are.

BraveSirZaphod , (edited ) avatar

Medicare For All comes immediately to mind as a broadly popular policy.

For starters, because this isn't actually true.

The latest findings, from Gallup’s annual Health and Healthcare poll conducted Nov. 9-Dec. 2, 2022, show 57% think the government should be responsible to ensure coverage for all Americans, while 40% say it should not.

Currently, 53% of U.S. adults prefer a private system, while 43% support a government-run system.

Leftists often drastically overestimate how popular significant healthcare reforms actually are. The government merely offering a public option is more popular, and if I recall, was something Biden actually supported, though it wasn't ever going to the last Congress, let alone this one. Full-scale socialization of the medical system à la the British NHS is far less popular.

Edit: downvoting me for reporting
data does not change the truth, but if anyone has an actual point to make I'd be more than happy to hear it.

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