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The GOP’s Ludicrous Claims of “Election Interference” ( )

Now that Donald Trump has earned his fourth criminal indictment, the MAGA base of the Republican Party has rallied around Trump’s dismissals of the legal charges he’s facing. We hear across the MAGAverse that the prosecutions targeting the former president are simply “election interference”—aimed at derailing Trump’s...

argv_minus_one , (edited )

The “justice” system is indeed two-tiered, as evidenced by the fact that Trump is still publicly running his mouth. When the rest of us get caught up in the “justice” system, we’re swiftly tried, found guilty of existing while poor, and sentenced to do hard labor in 100-degree heat until it kills us.

argv_minus_one ,

Silly man. You have a right to bear arms, not bull arms.

[News] A Texas judge has declared unconstitutional a law championed by Gov. Greg Abbott that limits the power of Democrat-led cities ( )

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, signed a bill into law in June that prohibited cities from passing certain local ordinances. It was widely seen as an effort to curb the power of Democrat-led cities....

argv_minus_one ,

If Americans could go ahead and stop voting for candidates who are trying to kill us all, that’d be great.

Even Clarence Thomas’s Law Clerks Can’t Defend His Misconduct ( )

After the most recent revelations, Thomas’s defenders have gone conspicuously silent. Organs like National Review and conservative legal apparatchik Ed Whelan, who loudly dismissed evidence of wrongdoing by Thomas, have had nothing to say about Thomas’s many billionaire patrons....

argv_minus_one ,

They don’t have to defend him. He’s unassailable as long as Congress remains infested with Republicans.

argv_minus_one ,

“Intellectually inbred” is certainly an apt descriptor. The common thread between climate change denial, COVID vaccine denial, and cryptocurrency cultism is that they’re all grifts.

argv_minus_one ,

We won’t. That requires a lot of energy, and we also have an energy shortage. I don’t expect civilization to last much longer.

argv_minus_one ,

Even that won’t help. You’re drinking water either way.

argv_minus_one ,

After what happened with Quicken and QuickBooks, using proprietary accounting software seems like an exceedingly bad idea.

argv_minus_one ,

So, basically, they plan to install a dictatorship in which separation of powers, states’ rights, and meaningful judicial review do not exist.

Sounds about right.

argv_minus_one ,

For most Americans, there is no such thing as retirement.

Palin’s Civil War Threat a Sign of Very Bad Things to Come ( )

Here’s the scary thing that ensures this rhetoric will only escalate: By labeling his multiple indictments “election interference” (the very crime of which he is charged by both federal and state prosecutors), Trump has now made his “rigged election” claim for 2024 well over a year in advance. If and when he loses the...

argv_minus_one ,

MAGA cultists attempting terrorist attacks is the least of our worries. They have already demonstrated their abject incompetence in armed combat.

More worrying is what will happen if Trump wins the election. He has a pretty good chance of doing so, because the election is rigged in his favor. He only barely lost in 2020, it’s a miracle that he did, and relying on repeated miracles is a very poor survival strategy…

The Fox GOP debate melted down when the word “climate” was mentioned ( )

After the network showed a clip of a young conservative activist saying that climate change was the number one issue for young voters, Fox News moderator Martha MacCallum asked for a show of hands in response to her question, “Do you believe human behavior is causing climate change?”...

argv_minus_one ,

Yes. Good. Tear your own party apart. Without the Republican menace to worry about, a new progressive party can arise to challenge the Democrats and yank the Overton window back where it belongs.

Texas Takes Attacks on Austin to New Level With “Death Star” Law ( )

The goal of Death Star is simple. The deeply conservative Texas Legislature wants to effectively deny cities—the state’s large Democratic-leaning cities, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin in particular—the ability to pass local laws and regulations in eight major policy areas: agriculture, business and commerce, finance,...

argv_minus_one ,

Wait’ll you see what effect this ends up having on those cities, then decide how apt the comparison is.

argv_minus_one ,

What if some tyrants take over and make it a federal felony to run against them? That’s how Putin stays in power. But if being a convicted felon doesn’t stop you from taking office, then the tyrants can’t use that to keep themselves in power.

argv_minus_one ,

If you don’t want fascist law enforcement, don’t vote for fascist law enforcement. These guys are on the ballot, at least where I live.

argv_minus_one ,

Well, yeah. Local sheriffs aren’t obligated to enforce federal law. That’s the federal government’s job. This has already been well established in the matters of sanctuary cities and cannabis legalization.

Pretty daft of these sheriffs to try to get the people they’re “protecting” killed by bullets and viruses, but that’s what those folks voted for. 🤷‍♂️

argv_minus_one ,

Senate Republicans: loud evil laugh, mustache pinching, etc

argv_minus_one ,

And it is entirely justified. What the US did and continues to do to black people is appalling.

argv_minus_one ,

If your idea of the greatest country is one in which you can and probably will be imprisoned through no fault if your own, forced to perform manual labor until it kills you, and if you somehow survive long enough to be released, systematically impoverished in order to force you to steal to survive and thus ensure that you end up back in prison, then I have to wonder what you think goes on in the rest of the world.

Make no mistake, this country is extremely cruel. Living here is terrifying, and I’m not even black.

How Many Star Trek Episodes Pass the Bechdel Test? (TOS to ENT) | The Mary Sue ( )

I found this after reading and responding to this post here about early Trek fans’ prejudicial negative reaction to TNG. One of my responses (see here) was to point out that any fans of the progressiveness of Trek ought to have been mindful of the room for improvement over TOS, with female representation being an obvious...

argv_minus_one ,

No surprise with Voyager. On the ship of the valkyries, there are plenty of opportunities for women to talk to each other about starship stuff.

Proud Boy Christopher Worrell, on house arrest in Jan. 6 case, disappears ahead of sentencing ( )

If he’s caught (which I think will be soon) this is a great way to guarantee the maximum sentence. If he’s not caught, he gets to spend the rest of his life hiding and afraid. Either way, the public wins… but I’d rather see him in prison.

argv_minus_one ,

I wonder if that’s intentional. Conspicuously mistreat him in jail so he’s moved to house arrest, where he can escape before he’s sentenced.

Voters in Ohio reject change to state’s constitution ( )

Delivering a win for abortion rights advocates, Ohio’s Issue 1 will fail, the Associate Press projects. The Republican-backed ballot initiative would have increased the threshold to amend the state’s constitution, making it more difficult for a measure that would enshrine abortion rights into the state’s constitution to...

argv_minus_one ,

None of this would even matter if this country wasn’t infested with rabid misogynists. This is a victory, but only a small one.

Cost friendly data backup ( )

I have a synology NAS where I backup my photos to. What would be the most cost effective way to encrypt and back up this data without having to purchase another NAS and install it at a family member's house. It would be about 5 TB and would not touch the data unless my NAS completely takes a crap.

argv_minus_one ,

My go-to backup strategy is USB hard drives. They’re cheap, they’re fast, and nobody’s going to even try to decrypt them. Buy several, put them in a safety deposit box at your bank, rotate them weekly, and nothing short of a nuclear weapon will destroy every copy of your data at the same time.

argv_minus_one ,

You can vote, but both of the major parties are pro-police.

Um, this happened in a red state. This shit almost always happens in a red state.

argv_minus_one ,

The party of death claims another victim. When are people going to stop voting for them?

argv_minus_one ,

Here’s my advice:

Disable password authentication and allow only key/certificate/token/etc wherever feasible. Don’t even ask for a password if some other authentication mechanism can be used instead. Human-memorized passwords are weak and generated passwords are a poor substitute for proper cryptographic key exchange.

su, sudo, and Polkit are privilege escalations waiting to happen. Remove them if possible; deprivilege them (remove the setuid bit) if not. Do not allow any means for an unprivileged user to get a root shell, regardless of authentication, because unprivileged accounts may be backdoored and letting them elevate will grant root privileges to the attacker as well.

On your local machine, always log in as root on a separate virtual console using a separate password. On remote machines, always log in as root using an ssh key only accessible to the root account on your local machine.

I’m iffy about hiding SSH behind a VPN. Doing this creates a serious risk of being locked out of your own server, and if your SSH server is configured correctly (as described above), then the security benefits aren’t that big. If you do find the risks acceptable, feel free to do this, but you shouldn’t feel obligated.

Docker is unnecessary complexity and overhead. Use systemd to isolate things; it can do things like filtering system calls and hiding portions of the file system. SELinux might be good too, if you can figure out how to use it (I never could).

Fail2ban is unnecessary if nothing accepts passwords for authentication. There are no fails to ban.

argv_minus_one ,

Are you going to elaborate, or…?

argv_minus_one ,

I mean, yeah, that’s exactly what they intend to do: kill us all. Genocide of everyone not in their cult. And then of everyone who is in their cult.

argv_minus_one ,

So basically, the school-to-prison pipeline without extra steps.

argv_minus_one ,

The crime was driving while black. The cruelty is the point.

argv_minus_one ,

Republican assets. They’ll deliver the country to DeSantis and see it burn, all while pretending to be leftist.

argv_minus_one ,

Okay, so what’s keeping Democrats from offering something enticing?

Not enough people voting for that in the Democratic primaries.

If you don’t vote in the primary election, you have no business complaining about lack of choice in the general election. The general election isn’t about choice; it’s about presenting unified opposition to a fascist takeover. The primary is where the choices all are.

argv_minus_one ,

I’d be shocked if that isn’t the whole idea. There’s no way any politician today doesn’t understand the spoiler effect, after seeing it in action in 2000 and 2016, so I can only assume that these people have been talking to Republicans behind closed doors.

argv_minus_one ,

Burgers aren’t the worst thing, either. Junk food is, and it’s cheaper than even burgers.

argv_minus_one , (edited )

American cheese definitely adds flavor; that’s the whole point of it. Ketchup is meh. Fries are tasty, but admittedly quite bad for you. Diet sodas are a thing.

argv_minus_one ,

I was wondering when they’d get around to doing that. RIP Reddit.

argv_minus_one ,

Don’t get too cocky. The same thing is happening in California, if I recall correctly.

argv_minus_one ,

Yes that sucks, yes people should understand that by not showing up, they then FORFEIT various EXISTING rights like the right to an abortion… but that’s not how people think. People show up for a REWARD… not to defend what they already have but don’t know what they might lose.

Then I find it difficult to feel sorry for their losses. The history books are filled with people losing rights that they refused to defend, and we’re all taught the contents of those history books in school. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and no one born in America has any excuse for not realizing this.

argv_minus_one ,

Unless I’m mistaken, the vast majority of the people who own houses, and therefore stand to lose them, are middle-class white people with no criminal record, not black people or felons.

argv_minus_one ,

My argument is that the people who now stand to lose their homes are not the same people who have been disenfranchised.

Black felons did not vote for DeSantis, but the wealthy white law-abiding homeowners who are now losing their homes did vote for DeSantis, unless I’m mistaken.

argv_minus_one ,

Liar tells lies—film at 11. The American Dream died in 2008, on the Republicans’ watch, due to inadequate government regulation of the financial sector.

argv_minus_one ,

The manual for a licensed video game I once played claimed that the nacelles are mounted on pylons to separate them from the rest of the ship because they emit hazardous radiation when in use.

According to Memory Alpha, however, each of the Galaxy class’ unusually large nacelles contains a control room for monitoring the warp drive’s operation up close. This implies that it is safe to be not only near but inside the nacelle while the warp drive is running, which nixes the hazardous radiation theory.

argv_minus_one , (edited )

I’m partial to the Galaxy class. It’s big, sleek, and luxurious, which is great for when you need to be diplomatic. “Join the Federation! We have abundant resources and advanced technology, like this cool starship.”

For when you don’t need to be diplomatic, it’s also got plenty of firepower (enough to melt 20% of an unadapted Borg cube in one phaser blast) and speed (it can soundly outrun a D’deridex).

What’s with social media companies trying to destroy themselves recently? ( )

It’s honestly really sad what’s been happening recently. Reddit with the API pricing on 3rd party apps, Discord with the new username change, Twitter with the rate limits, and Twitch with their new advertising rules (although that has been reverted because of backlash). Why does it seem like every company is collectively on...

argv_minus_one ,

Facebook survives catering to mostly an audience of unsavvy boomers.

That’s pretty ironic, considering Facebook originally catered exclusively to the opposite demographic: college students.

Unlike previous attempts at trying reddit alternatives (like Voat), kbin and much of the lemmyverse doesn’t seem to be plagued with extreme far right buffoonery. ( )

It’s one thing to have differing views, but I’ve seen enough attempted reddit migrations to be relieved that the popular communities in the fediverse so far haven’t been about crazy racist stuff or other extreme right bullshit....

argv_minus_one ,

Don’t forget to report bigots as well as blocking them.

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