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blazera , avatar

k9 units are medieval levels of behind the times. but toxic masculinity thinks they're cool.

QHC , avatar

They are also worse than random chance at actually doing the one thing police claim technology can't match: drug and bomb sniffing. Dogs just want to go take a nap or get a treat, and their handlers are cops who just think everything is suspicious so of course they get lots of "hits".

It's essentially the same bullshit that hoodwinked the world with Coco the "signing" guerilla for a couple of decades.

HexTrace ,

The fact that handlers can fake a "hit" wherever and whenever they want is the entire point, and also the reason they resist moving over to technical solutions. Those technologies also come with logging, which is another point against them as far as cops are concerned.

It's always been about control and cruelty.

Astroturfed ,

They’re still around to use as bullshit “probable cause” to hassle and search people’s cars for drugs. Because the war on drugs was a good idea, and dogs have not repeatedly been shown to be complete bullshit. They indicate when their handler wants them to. It’s been proven so many times. Yet, it’s probable cause.

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