nicetriangle , avatar

Never seen a more fitting haircut on someone

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

My great-great-grandpappy was at Pardee Field at Gettysburg and whooped a whole bunch of slavers flying that flag. So if I start using it for target practice it's not hate, it's heritage.

Nougat ,

In case you were wondering, she is a State Senator.

Hairyblue , avatar

The battle flag is a symbol of white supremacy and the fight for slavery. Educate yourself, senator. Or maybe you already know this.

flta OP , (edited )

At the time, the state senator falsely claimed that an “African American Confederate soldier” had designed the flag. “I can only imagine how proud he was that his art, his flag design was chosen to represent our State and now we want to strip him of his pride, his hard work. I’m sure he put a lot of thought into this design,” Chism wrote in a June 2020 Facebook post.

In fact, a white supremacist lawmaker, Sen. Edward N. Scudder of Issaquena County, designed the 1894 flag. In a 1924 speech to the United Daughters of the Confederacy, his daughter Fayssoux Scudder Corneil explained his motives for designing the flag: “My father loved the memory of the valor and courage of those brave men who wore the gray … and has always taken keen interest in the reunions where he could meet and mingle with those of the Lost Cause. He told me that it was a simple matter for him to design the flag because he wanted to perpetuate in a legal and lasting way that dear battle flag under which so many of our people had so gloriously fought.”

Mississippi entered the Civil War in an effort to protect the institution of slavery, as the the state’s Declaration of Secession explains. Chism’s county, Union County, was formed in 1870—the same year Mississippi was readmitted to the Union.


admiralteal ,

Is this a common white nationalist conspiracy theory, that a black man designed the flag? First I ever heard of it, and I'll feel very differently about her if this was simple bullshit or if it's her buying into some kind of Nazi propaganda. I have different contempt organs for liars and cultists.

It's... hard to really interpret what the intent is of it. Are they trying to "trick" progressives into thinking the flag isn't a celebration of a bygone rebellion-with-intent-to-keep-black-people-as-property? Even if a black person had made it, it would not change the need to abolish it and cast out all who love it from civil society It has deep, unquestionable symbolic meaning as an celebration of unjust rebellion and racism.

And ALSO, she's wiping out a piece of "white history" in the process. Very weird thing for a white supremacist to be doing.

I have to just assume that Kathy Chism's really, really gullible and parrots random factoids she hears credulously and without critical thinking. Which is definitely closest to the truth, but man. It's just so much dumber than I expect even from a Nazi.

e_t_ Admin ,

It's... hard to really interpret what the intent is of it.

It's "I can't be racist, I have a black friend" (you haven't met her, she goes to a different school... in Canada).

Tigbitties , avatar

‘Our People Died lost Under That Flag’


e_t_ Admin ,

Let the dead bury the dead, Senator.

PugJesus , avatar

Do it again, General Sherman.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

Uncle Billy should have turned westward when he reached the sea and not stopped until he got to Mexico

gravitas_deficiency ,

Your people died under that flag while engaging in armed action against the Union, fighting for the side that wanted to preserve and enshrine slavery. You know, just in case anyone was misled by your bullshit, Chism.

Peaty ,

They fought against the USA not the Union. Fighting the Union makes it sound like they were not traitors

gravitas_deficiency ,

That’s a bit pedantic. The Union was synonymous with the USA (even at the time); the Confederates or “rebels” were and are synonymous with the CSA.

Peaty ,

Nah it is not because it reminds those that celebrate the traitors that they were traitors.

euj2EUVtuwrch4edp , avatar

Yeah, those fuckers killed men in the US Army. To preserve slavery. And then the officer corps and political leaders weren't executed at the end of the war like they should have been. John Brown got it worse for being a hero.

norbert , avatar

IMO (most of) the land should've been taken and given to the freed people, reconstruction failed.

euj2EUVtuwrch4edp , avatar

Absolutely. 40 acres and a mule. Along with the vote. During reconstruction many people in government were freedmen. Can you imagine what our country would be like now if that continued?

These racist fascists really have fucked things over

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