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gravitas_deficiency ,

Let’s fucking gooooooooooooo

Solidarity forever ✊

gravitas_deficiency ,

The goal is to stop China from trying to own the EV market, which is what they’re trying to do by subsidizing export production.

Subsidizing export production is VERY different from subsidizing domestic production. The former is a type of economic warfare; the latter is a domestic policy mechanism. I know it’s nuanced but there is absolutely a meaningful difference.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Just get an old 1L class dell/hp/lenovo, a riser to adapt the proprietary expansion slot to standard PCIe, and an old x520DA2 nic. You can find all of this on eBay. Then, just slap pfSense or OPNSense or whatever you want on it.

Source: running an old Lenovo m920q with that exact setup. 2.5G copper module to the modem, fiber to the SFP+ port on my switch. Works great.

Edit: and the switch is the 9-port version of the one you posted.

gravitas_deficiency ,

It’s an income issue as well as a cost of living issue.

I have some friends who had a kid a couple years ago. Both work in tech, and have salaries in the 6-figure range, and childcare was going to be so insanely expensive that they were debating whether or not one of them should straight up quit to be a full time parent for a bit, because childcare was going to be more expensive than one of their monthly take home salaries.

And simultaneously, we have politicians wondering why birth rates are plummeting.


gravitas_deficiency ,

As someone who has worked in safety-critical aerospace in the past, and who works in biotech nowadays on projects that fall under FDA purview: the flagrant and willful violation of safety regulations that is abundantly apparent here - let alone the gross engineering ethics violations - simply beggars belief.

Fucking beancounters are killing everything. I just want to build cool shit that works good, helps people, and (I thought this part went without saying) doesn’t accidentally kill people. Please let me just do that.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Lmao ok, hold on, let’s pump the brakes. Do you really want to go there, captains of industry? Because I really don’t think you want to go there.

gravitas_deficiency ,

The only thing the tanks will do is to make everything bloodier than it needs to be. Factories can’t factory if they don’t have workers.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Frankly, that’s is absolutely not happening anytime soon.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Some of the core players left and started 404media, which is actually pretty decent

gravitas_deficiency ,

My manager sure as shit is killing my morale and engagement lol

gravitas_deficiency ,

What precipitated this request? There doesn’t appear to be any additional context beyond the fact that a subpoena was issued.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Well… yes and no. This is from the house. The clown show is currently in charge of the house. So this could very well be some bullshit wild goose chase that Gym Jordan wanted to kick off as some sort of distraction.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Wow so that kinda fuckin sucks. Guess I’m down to market basket.

gravitas_deficiency ,

FYI that’s a great way to give the instance a copyright strike

gravitas_deficiency ,

As a millennial: I think it’s the dichotomy between “I play the game even though I hate it because it genuinely feels like the only viable option to have a remotely satisfying life” and “fuck the game”.

gravitas_deficiency ,

The comp cut thing is going to be interesting to see play out, because that comp is why most people put up with working at places like that. They’re selling their morals. And I can’t honestly blame them that much, considering how unforgiving and brutal the socioeconomic system in this country has become.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Meta-commentary: as a term of art in the sphere of employment law, “right to work” is intentionally confusing to laypersons. That was one of the points of the legislation that established the concept: make people who don’t bother with doing research judge the book by its cover, as it were, in the interest of suppressing union activity.

gravitas_deficiency ,

It’s harder to boil the frogs slowly if the frogs have a thermostat and a contract mandating a specific temperature.

gravitas_deficiency ,

I’m a staunch progressive, but if she somehow becomes the nexus of a new “reasonable conservative” party in the US, I would honestly love it. I disagree with her on nearly everything - especially domestic matters - but she and I both apparently actually give a shit about small-d democracy, and that’s something I can actually work with.

gravitas_deficiency ,

If people are ultimately willing to abide by the rules of democracy, they’re not a lost cause - they can be negotiated with.

The line is drawn at dogmatic, slavish devotion to the idea of power at all costs with complete disregard to democratic processes. That isn’t something you can have a debate with.

gravitas_deficiency ,

So, my imaginary friend is telling me to pull down as many voter records as possible for swing states and build an analysis pipeline to determine which voters are conservative and then automatically file challenges to their registrations.

If these chucklefucks really want to fuck around, I and many others are perfectly happy helping them find out.

gravitas_deficiency ,

They’re “cheaper” as in “you walk out the door generally having spent less money”, but they are absolutely FAR more expensive in terms of how much you pay per quantity/volume of products purchased.

It’s a chain that’s specifically designed to predate on poor people. The business model is “separating poor people from their money by making them a shitty offer that they can’t really refuse”.

gravitas_deficiency ,

You’re not getting what I’m saying.

I’m not talking about how there are a small handful of reasonable use cases as a customer that make sense at Dollar General.

What I’m pointing out is that they’re intentionally nickel-and-diming poor people on cost-of-goods. If you compare pretty much anything Dollar General sells to the same thing at Costco (or, even better, the Kirkland brand stuff, which is generally at least as good AND less expensive), you’re going to be paying a LOT more per weight/volume/unit at DG.

Their business plan is to go into economically-depressed areas, undercut EVERY OTHER STORE IN THE AREA and force them to close, and then they can do literally whatever they want because they’ve cornered the market by driving the competition into the ground. And they use that monopoly to exploit poor people.

It’s super fucked up, and their business model has a demonstrably negative socioeconomic impact on areas that are already struggling socioeconomically.

Dollar General very, very genuinely needs to die.

gravitas_deficiency ,

The stuff from these stores do not have a shelf life

And therein lies another aspect of why DG is horrible: not only do they push stores that sell non-consumables out of business, but also grocers.

In terms of foodstuffs, DG pretty much only sells low-quality and -nutrition groceries with extremely long shelf lives, like chips, bottled drinks, snacks, sometimes some crappy frozen stuff squirreled away somewhere - you know: junk food. No fresh meat, poultry, fish, fruits, or vegetables, ever. So not only does DG exacerbate socioeconomic issues in poor area, but they also exacerbate and create health problems in low-income populations that they serve, because they push all the stores that sell any food or groceries of reasonable quality out of business.

gravitas_deficiency ,

That would be a genuinely outstanding tradeoff.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Don’t threaten the rest of the country with a good time, Texas.

gravitas_deficiency ,

That’s vastly understating the matter.

Him doing that would very likely kick off another civil war. Some governors would absolutely refuse to release their state national guards for this duty, which would be a massive constitutional crisis, but frankly probably way better than just letting it happen.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Anyone have a spare lettuce we can use for this one?

gravitas_deficiency ,

What if I don’t return to the office and also don’t quit?

gravitas_deficiency ,

That’s not what my employment contract says, last I checked. And those can’t be changed unilaterally.

gravitas_deficiency ,

You should familiarize yourself with constructive dismissal

gravitas_deficiency ,

Your people died under that flag while engaging in armed action against the Union, fighting for the side that wanted to preserve and enshrine slavery. You know, just in case anyone was misled by your bullshit, Chism.

gravitas_deficiency ,

That’s a bit pedantic. The Union was synonymous with the USA (even at the time); the Confederates or “rebels” were and are synonymous with the CSA.

gravitas_deficiency ,

I think he’s trying to say “if it worked for me and my dad, it’ll work for you and your kid”, failing to not that it did not, in fact, work for him, as evidinced by present circumstances.

gravitas_deficiency ,

That’s how we get tHe BEsT meDiCaL sYStEm iN tHe WoRLd

gravitas_deficiency ,

As someone who works in an industry that deals with HIPAA-oriented concerns constantly, I’m consistently amused by how many people think that HIPAA means “I don’t have to tell you shit about fuck with regards to literally any medical stuff I may or may not have”.

Honestly, in your shoes, I’d actually try pretty hard to get her fired, because she’s going to kill someone with her negligence.

"I call for help from the highest courts": Trump cries out in fear of “Trump-hating" prosecutor ( )

Donald Trump has been on a prolific Truth Social tear, calling for the execution of a top US military general, vowing revenge on NBC Networks and demanding that Republican leaders take action against automatic voter registration to protect him from once again losing the popular vote. All of that was over the weekend. On Monday,...

gravitas_deficiency ,

This is hilarious. But also, he is probably gonna keep this shit up until someone gets killed. And then he’ll keep going, unless some judge somewhere has the stones to actually put a real leash on him.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Or, you know, the fact that typing is generally faster and more legible.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Yeah but like… then you have to be in Texas. These days, that’s getting to be a non-starter with more and more people.

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