ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

The Constitution lays out 3 main disqualifying provisions from holding the office of the Presidency: Must be 35 years old, Must be a natural-born citizen, and as the 14th amendment section 3 states, “No person shall…hold any office…under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath…as an officer of the United States…to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” (Removal of the bits that don’t pertain specific to what is clearly the OFFICE of the Presidency)

Multiple Constitutional scholars have said it is self-executing. Therefore, the States should not have been allowed to even put Trump on any ballots based on the above.

I guess the country is still in danger. We’ll have to see if half of the voting populace would rather have a 91-count-indicted probable-convicted felon as President who has literally called for authoritarianism, instead of the old and senile one. I fully expect Trump to win again because nearly half of the voters are fucking stupid, and the archaic electoral college will give it to him again.

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