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A husband. A father. A senior software engineer. A video gamer. A board gamer.

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ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Holly Hunter and now Paul Giamatti. They must have some major money for this project. I can’t wait!!

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

That’s a testament to Jones’s acting as well. I thoroughly enjoyed Action Saru in that scene.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

100% agreed. I mean, he is Pencilhead! I always wondered what became of Son of Pencilhead.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

She will be the most amazingly vertically challenged Starfleet officer yet! Well…except for Nog.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

I want to play a new fun Star Trek game! And this one fits the bill nicely especially because previous games made by these devs were hours of enjoyment. I trust in their ability to tell a great story!

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

I will probably never agree on much with Duncan, but on this I completely agree. Trump is an aberration that must be extinguished from the collective psyche of this country and the world. And I sincerely hope that happens sooner than later. Far too many who apparently can’t think for themselves, clothe in and bask in their hatred, their fear, and their ignorance like it’s a badge of honor.

It’s time to stop listening to them and stop giving such insanity a platform.

A New Bill In Louisiana Would Criminalize Librarians and Libraries Who Join the American Library Association ( bookriot.com )

The House Bill 777 was introduced on March 25 by Representative Kellee Dickerson, who helped fund the Louisiana Freedom Caucus. The bill would criminalize library workers and libraries for joining the American Library Association....

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Louisiana, like all southern states, is garbage. I visited New Orleans once. I wasn’t fond of smelling literal garbage and shit while walking through the French Quarter. I won’t be going back.

So there is no real surprise that the bills they produce in Baton Rouge smell just as bad.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Moron right-wing nutjob shouts at the sky.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

So yeah, um, the recession the idiot refers to didn’t last 7 years, it was over in 18 months. Oh and I wonder if he knows why. Hint: the left. Oh and I wonder if he knows why that recession happened in the first place. Hint: the right and their fetish for deregulation.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Trump always uses other people’s money for his own gain. He will suffer nothing, not until his ass is behind bars and hopefully becomes someone’s bitch.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Yep, right up there with 5G being set up to control us using the COVID-19 vaccine as a delivery medium. Also, COVID-19 vaccines cause infertility and it’s the Democrats who are controlling it.

I mean, whatever people believe must be true, right? Can’t let an objective fact get in the way of a good ole echo chamber of morons.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

They’re cowards is what they are.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

The Constitution lays out 3 main disqualifying provisions from holding the office of the Presidency: Must be 35 years old, Must be a natural-born citizen, and as the 14th amendment section 3 states, “No person shall…hold any office…under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath…as an officer of the United States…to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” (Removal of the bits that don’t pertain specific to what is clearly the OFFICE of the Presidency)

Multiple Constitutional scholars have said it is self-executing. Therefore, the States should not have been allowed to even put Trump on any ballots based on the above.

I guess the country is still in danger. We’ll have to see if half of the voting populace would rather have a 91-count-indicted probable-convicted felon as President who has literally called for authoritarianism, instead of the old and senile one. I fully expect Trump to win again because nearly half of the voters are fucking stupid, and the archaic electoral college will give it to him again.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

First, I’m not dying on any hill. Second, I’m less liberal than you might imagine. Third, I’m pointing out exactly what literal Constitutional scholars have pointed out. So, instead of personal attacks, perhaps you should sit down, because yes, the 14th Amendment does apply and has been shown that numerous times across numerous jurisdictions, and by much more educated minds than us idiots on Lemmy.

The Supreme Court doesn’t always get it right. And they didn’t, yet again. And, yet again, we the people will have to clean up the mess which could, and likely will, take decades.

And lastly, BLM protestors did not try to subvert an election and incite a literal insurrection on the Capitol, so enough with the logical fallacies, please. If you want to spout off that nonsense, take it to Reddit where it belongs.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

And there’s nothing in the Constitution that requires a trial or conviction either. And in fact Luttig and other scholars have said exactly that as well.

You’re inventing things and wasting my time.

I’m done replying to you.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

What a shocker, garbage people hiding out in the cesspool of America.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

I think this is great and anything I can see Patrick Stewart in, I will. I don’t share the opinion that Picard series was bad. I don’t see Picard as a one-dimensional must always be the same character. People change over time. And Picard has also changed. Like it or not.

Bring on the movie!

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

City on the Edge of Forever is the best TOS episode in my opinion, and surpasses 90% or more of all Star Trek across all the series.

It’s good to know he knows his Star Trek. But I still wouldn’t want a Tarantino Trek movie — unless, of course, Avery Brooks reprises his role and recites Ezekiel 25:17 and has a phaser with Bad Motherfucker etched on it. That’s a Trek movie I’d watch.

Unusual collaboration: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Marjorie Taylor Greene unite in push to free Julian Assange ( www.theguardian.com )

The pair are among 16 members of the US Congress who have written directly to president Joe Biden urging the United States to drop its extradition attempts against Assange and halt any prosecutorial proceedings immediately.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

Nothing. There’s nothing in that brain. She’s an unhinged moron. This is an errant happenstance and she probably doesn’t even realize what she’s doing. As the saying goes, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

He deserves far more than that. Such as getting a cactus shoved up his ass once an hour every hour.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

I watched all of the TableTop series. It’s what helped me gain an obsession of board games.

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  • ulkesh ,
    @ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

    So it’s another Thursday then. Yet more attention being given to the idiot. Will the media ever stop giving this gelatinous meat-bag so much column space and air time? Perhaps when he’s dead, but I doubt it even then.

    ulkesh ,
    @ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

    None of them, including the orange baby, wouldn’t know the truth if it bitch-slapped them across the face (which is something they all sorely need).

    ulkesh ,
    @ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

    I hate the state I live in. Georgia is chock full of pieces of shit and many of them are in the state government. Willis followed the facts and an independent jury indicted him — Willis didn’t.

    Fucking morons.

    ulkesh ,
    @ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

    you’re changing the game in America

    Wrong, you spineless fucktard. Republicans already changed the game when you decided that a lying, misogynistic, treasonous, con-artist, tiny-penised, reality show moron is the best person to lead your party.

    This is not weaponizing the law…it is the proper application of the law because the piece of shit VIOLATED THE LAW. It’s time he rots in prison for it. Graham should just shut the fuck up.

    The real sad outcome of all of this…people still listen to Graham and still vote for him — as they do with Trump. One day the world will be rid of all of these idiots.

    ulkesh ,
    @ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

    My favorite TOS episode! I wasn’t alive yet when it aired, but I’ve seen it numerous times since. This episode rivals Best of Both Worlds (TNG) and The Visitor (DS9), both of which are the best Trek has ever done.

    My fellow Americans (and honoured guests), welcome to U.S. News

    News aggregation is, for many, one of the most important functions of Beehaw. We have several niche communities that cover specific topics, as well as World News, so the intent of this community is sharing and discussion of general-purpose news of national import....

    ulkesh ,
    @ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

    I long for the days when news was just reported and not editorialized. Thank you for helping to bring that back!

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