because republicans are the antithesis of what it means to be american

Anomandaris , avatar

What could be a more fundamental part of the American Dream than the "tired, poor, huddled masses" trying to give their children a better future through naturalization.

This is just another Republican nail in the coffin of that dream, killing everything that made others envious of America while they shout more and more shrilly that America is still the best country on the planet.

TheKingBee , avatar

I disagree I think the Republicans are the modern embodiment of the real American Spirit.

Founded on genocide and chattel slavery, grown with more genocide and wars of expansion. White hegemony enforced through laws and lynchings. Redlining, supreme Court approved internment camps, so many wars on poor countries filled with brown people that have done literally nothing to us.

Any progress you feel is a modern affect and not actually reaching the core of who we are as a people…


Then maybe we need to redefine it.

BartsBigBugBag ,

Or maybe we can stop tying our identity to our place of birth.

Umbra ,

Lol, what a ridiculous headline. Fundamental??

hoodatninja , avatar

Well, yes. Naturalization has been there from the beginning and "Birthright Citizenship" as we currently know it was solidified during reconstruction. So yeah, it's pretty fundamental to who we are as a nation. It's responsible for who we are as a nation. Quite literally, in fact.

spaceghoti OP ,


After the Civil War, Congress overrode the veto of then-President Andrew Johnson to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which declared people “of every race and color, without regard to any previous condition of slavery or involuntary servitude” who are born in the United States to be citizens.

Sounds pretty fundamental to me.

Umbra ,

More Like utterly irrelevant for over 150 years

spaceghoti OP ,

The principle, enshrined into law in 1866, has granted citizenship to countless people for over two hundred years. How do you get “irrelevant” from that?

Umbra ,

That's not what its purpose was.

spaceghoti OP ,

Several hundred years of legal precedent disagree with you. Please tell me, since you know better: what was its “true” purpose?

Umbra ,

Its purpose was to grant former slaves citizenship.

BraveSirZaphod , avatar

So weird they forgot to add in a "born in the United States before 1865" clause if that's what they meant. What a bunch of dummies!

spaceghoti OP ,

It can’t possibly have had more than one purpose? Especially given the broad language used that explicitly covered all people born here?

This is a truly extraordinary insight. Who knows how many judges have been ruling incorrectly, and here you come clarifying it for us all! Truly, you are a gift to us all.

TheKingBee , avatar

Yeah that broad language didn’t cover native Americans…

I’m not saying it’s irrelevant like they’re arguing but it’s not as fundamental as your arguing either…

America has broadly worded laws like this not because we’re progressive but because our founders were so fundamentally racist that they literally didn’t think about brown people or women as people and so these laws would never apply to them…

spaceghoti OP ,

The fact that it’s been enforced selectively doesn’t invalidate it. It just means there’s room (and reason!) to improve.

TheKingBee , avatar

Not arguing that just saying that the selective enforcement kind of proves it’s not as fundamental as you’re arguing it is…

spaceghoti OP ,

Freedom of speech is also a fundamental principle of our nation, but it’s also selectively enforced. I don’t think your argument refutes mine as well as you think.

hoodatninja , avatar

Pretty sure the courts decide that and, so far, they've decided it's pretty dang relevant.

TheBat , avatar

Just like second amendment?

EhList , avatar

Because their base is really racist ATM

spaceghoti OP ,

Always has been.


Because they’re racist.

toothpaste_sandwich ,

Ding ding ding ding ding!

xkforce ,

That and citizen tests give them an easy way to “other” anyone they want. Just like the old poll tests that they used to do that were ambiguously written so that they could selectively pass or fail anyone they wanted

Xariphon ,

Because the fewer people there are who can vote, the fewer people there are voting against them while their lunatic cult shows up every time. Exclusion and cheating are the only way they've won an election in living memory.

shawnshitshow ,

many of my conservative coworkers and family members genuinely believe there is some conspiracy led by George Soros et. al. to bring tons of brown people across our border to have “anchor babies” and further liberalize our country.

if that is what you believe, of course ending birthright citizenship sounds like a great solution

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